You may not like the players but they are just transitory, if you want Paycoin to survive GAW as to be gone, he is just an hustler who will ride it till
no money can be made from his daily dump no ethics or morals....Paycoin foundation have a plan, the new wallet is the start of that if you cannot see that
you need to get an intelligence upgrade...there are no more developers at GAW and nothing is going on there but Homero BS
I like the new developers but they have little experience with the Blockchain, the new wallet only partially fixes the issues as they would still need to fix the minimum difficulty readjustments among Stake grinding and Block drift.
Sorry to say but in all the commits that they have put out that there are really only 2 commits that actually do anything and that is just a 10 second wait for getpushblocks, and the change of the Stake rate for Prime Nodes.
There is nobody that has any competence on anything, no moral character of any kind and there exists no possible plan to really turn around this shitshow. Just kicking the can along the road down further into the gutter is what their plan does.
The changing of stake rate is another example of having no competence in anything.
--It is a huge fail from business point of view as it encourages people to take coin out from stakers and since for 100% staker owners the normal stakers with their 5% rate is laughable the prime stake owners are encouraged to sell their massive amounts of coin daily depressing the coin value. Huge fail from business point of view.
--It is a huge fail from technical point of view. Demanding people to take out coin daily with no way to enforce it if somebody does not want to play ball is just laughable from technical point of view how cryptocurrencies are supposed to work.
--100% inflation is ifself a huge fail. It is not much better than 350% as both of them offer absolutely insane amount of coins in a 10 or 20 year timespan. It is clear that nobody who talks about 100% or 350% inflation annually is not thinking ahead any further than a couple of months max.
The only sensible solution to this inflation issue is to ALLOW COMPOUNDING to encourage coins to stay put in the stakers and fix the inflation rate small enough so that after compounding it has some sensible value like 10% annually. But I am not holding my breath that the thieves in charge see this as an viable solution. Any halfsensible coin developer would do it like this.