Meh who cares...they will pay for the
I'll make sure gaw_ceo doesnt get a red cent from this forum...
LTC gear all the way...
Hey there, I saw your post, and to be quite honest from a third party prespective, I can appreciate how you feel. A lot of people would feel bad if a promised update wasn't delivered, but once more, GAW is a company that prides itself on being a leader in this industry, with a focus on service. Now, in my personal experience with them, I've always been fortunate enough to have my tickets responded to, my calls answered, my issues resolved immediately.. etc.. so they've always been there. There have been several times where they'd give me a credit for the inconvenience (back when I used to buy physical hardware.) This all came from the same very CEO you are being critical of.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being paid by these people to say these things, but I also don't want people to get the wrong idea about the company because of your post either. People have varying degrees of patience, from the low end to the high end.. most complaints are from those with very little patience (thus, imo, shouldn't get involved in the first place). The CEO is in a position where he's trying to make everyone happy, which costs time, and resources... and ultimately... delays.
We cannot reasonably expect that he is some super-human capable of delivering every single point right to the nanosecond. They've always taken care of their customers, I think it's time to cut them a little slack. This isn't even about missing funds. Your complaint is about an announcement.
Do you see how low you've taken this?
Anyway, your reputation at bitcointalk is a bit questionable, perhaps you should focus on fixing that first.