1. Why can't I input my own pool?
2. Why can't I see one mined block?
3. Why are they hated on all forums but their own?
4. Why was zenminers bought for $8,000,000 or so but Josh can't be bothered with changing the domain into his own name?
5. Where can you find proof of the BTC.com and Zencloud purchase besides some cryptocurrency blogs.. shouldn't such purchases be in their local newspaper?
6. Why are they so secretive in what they're doing with my money, what exactly are they doing with my money?
7. With their millions of dollars.. why can't they hire more customer service representatives? You can hire reps for $0.50/hr in India
8. What is a hashlet? Why is it so mysterious, why does it imitate mining when their terms clearly state that it isn't?
9. Why does Gawminers mainly consist of Josh's friends and family, what are they trying to hide from the outside world?
10. Why is zencloud so faulty, don't they have the money to hire real programmers?
11. Why is the former owner of Zencloud still working as the main programmer for Zencloud? Obviously he isn't that great at programming a site that imitates mining and pays people a certain amount.
12. Why do they need their own forum, didn't they originate on bitcointalk? What is wrong with bitcointalk? They can't control bitcointalk...
What are you talking about? Who is hated? Because GAW is not hated at all, the only person having problem and hating GAW is you. You just can't stand a successful crypto company which is doing really fine. That is your problem?