Hey, good people. I have gotten Gekko running on my local machine as well as on a free OpenShift server. But now I want to get Gekko running without the need for a terminal instance open, and so am trying to get it running with nohup. Here's the problem:
You configured Gekko to mail you advice, Gekko needs your email
password to send emails (to you). Gekko is an opensource project
[ http://github.com/askmike/gekko ], you can take my word but always
check the code yourself.
WARNING: If you have not downloaded Gekko from the github page above we
CANNOT guarantuee that your email address & password are safe!
prompt: password:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EBADF, read
My log shows:
prompt: [90mpassword[39m[90m: [39m
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EBADF, read
My password is stored in config.js. Why is it still prompting for a password? Is it in fact prompting for a password, or is it just saying that it is? Because with the password stored when I run Gekko normally I have to press enter at the prompt: password: line. Or is the problem something else entirely?
Thanks, guys!