I encourage everyone to always give the benefit of the doubt, but if that's actually true, then the laziness of the developers will make the fork worse than the original because fork will inherit the flaws/bugs/exploits of the original and the "lazy developers" of the fork might not fix it without depending on the developers of the original.
Exactly why this was the first question that came up in my mind,
I wonder, is Ginger Wallet going to continue only tweaking future versions of Wasabi or are they going an entirely separate path and looking to build a separate Product?
I thought I would be called out for being paranoid first so I removed part of my Reply. But I asked that question because if they are NOT following an entirely separate path then they are some what if not entirely dependent on the work of Wasabi. If today Wasabi releases a new update and it takes another few days for Ginger to work on it and tweak it to their own rebranding, then to me it sounds like the Security of Ginger Wallet is at least a little bit less since Ginger is going to pretty much be in a constant delay of Update releases, putting Users at risk too particularly if a new Wasabi update involves a crucial fix for Privacy or Security issues found.
For this reason, I called Ginger Wallet as a copy-paste rather than a fork.
There was no copy-pasting, it was purely a fork plus minor changes (rebranding, coordinator URI).
It sounds very much like copy pasting to me. Are 'Forks' not copy pastes? If I Forked Bitcoin Talk only to rebrand it with my own logo, I am pretty sure it would be a copy of Bitcoin Talk but rebranded to my liking?
The developer’s response was that they are focusing on marketing and development will come later.
This is disappointing. Why is advertising a copy of what already exists more important than finishing their Product first to show us what they can do? Putting Marketing first on a Product that speaks 'laziness' out loud seems like the worst way to introduce themselves.