I could use some strong words for this, but let me just say that this is outright false.
You're talking about a particular behavior which is not really peculiar to a specific sex or gender. There are extravagant persons, both female and male. There are financially wise persons, both female and male. There are irresponsible men and women.
Although shopping and impulsive buying are normally attached to women, men are also into other things that are equally absurd and costly. It's men who usually spend a treasure on alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, hobbies, and so on.
OP might have certain issues in the past with particular women. But this is just hasty generalization.
i have no issues with women..
seems your jumping the gender defence bandwaggon rather than see how social media are promoting a new
economic narrativeim not the one that invented/promotes/viral-trends "girl math" nor previous trends of "girl power"*
and like i said in other posts. over time different social trends come and go.
previously for instance the social trend was guys: "YOLO a Lambo" and womens trends were "couponing"
previously for instance the social trend was guys: "support the family home" and womens trends were "girl power in the workplace"
previously for instance the social trend was guys: "men are bread winners" and womens trends were "be the house wife"
previously for instance the social trend was guys: "men go to war" and womens trends were "get to work to support your country"
it swings back and forth, depending on the era. some decade pro female independence some decade con
the point is not about my personal experiences. because i have no negativity against females, i adore smart women
the point however is, society is the ones speaking such narratives in this decade/era. and it shows how (by how viral these trends get) that it changes societies thoughts on economics
its more about the
economic differences of changing times.. not about attacking a gender
*the funniest part about these social economic trends being bashed into a gender battle. is that its actually the females themselves that are derogatory about themselves by using "girl" instead of "women", and its the females sharing social media clips, reels, skits between themselves