the biggest round since our establish
Current round:2015-03-03 12:00 (GMT)
time remaining:2h54mins
jackpot 0.01btc
0.001btc V.S. 2.569btc
fee 3%
to make this topic clean ,I only remind you players at most one time per round.
any one can beat "name" down?he puts in 3 btcs and make the game silent. he is confident enough to get the jackpot.
he bet 0.888btc 0.88btc and 0.8btc seems just to make fun here , Any one beat him down?
in other words, i think that game will be win by him, so he is basically just aiming for the bonus sint he? risking almost 3 btc to gain 0.01 is pretty risky, but with that huge bet i guess it is not so risky considering the chance that he will get that
yes he is a very smart player, with courage.
his first bet is 0.5btc with 1% fee which is 0.005btc fee, and finally he won the almost the jackpot, and his profit is 0.01(jackpot)-0.005(fee)=0.005
and no one can beat him down because he is showing that he has the other 2.5btc in hand. only when you deposit more then 3 btc to finnally win him or he must be the winner.
and also with his bet show 0.888btc, 0.88btc,0.8btc which are fee free.
Current round:2015-03-03 18:00 (GMT)0.003btc V.S. 0.002btc