Wow i't been a while since i was on this forum but anyway,....following this project from beginning (the gamerscoin beginning) and let me just say that you guys are doing wonderful job here
,...i tested the game a little (took me 2h instantly) :S,...i don't quite understand how you earn cash in game when it's just start flowing i just know higher the rank more cash
but i think we are gathering it little too fast, one isn't gonna buy car for 1k gamecredits if he can easily get 1M cash
and the 2nd note is on ghost cars,...after 6-10 games ghost cars start to dispiriting you should check that out,...i still see the position changing but there are no other cars around
But the game does look superb, can't wait for updates
keep up the good work
EDIT: totally forgot,...creating web wallet instant,...sending 10GMC straight from poloniex ~3-4min and then you're ready to play
so as far as the platform goes it is really good, but converting it form $ is probably a little more work