
Topic: “God bless Planned Parenthood” – PP Uses Abortions to Sell Baby Parts - page 11. (Read 13244 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
All you can do is pray for them all. Forgive it and move on. What's done is done.

Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Unless you are a US tax payer and your $$ is buying the tools needed to cut little feet off for profit... Which is illegal.

What would you have them do? Class action lawsuit? That may happen, but I wouldn't sit around feeding the anger at them. The nation seems to be getting ready to erupt, people need to calm down.

The nation's eruption may be the will of its shepherd. Laws do not erupt. They need to be obeyed. Or changed. If it is legal to sale baby parts for profit, then make it legal. If a nation erupts it is because most people go to jail for petty crimes while gigantic butchery goes unpunished or forgiven by the very people who are supposed to uphold the law.

To bring more light on a problem is a divine thing. Darkness is not.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
All you can do is pray for them all. Forgive it and move on. What's done is done.

Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Unless you are a US tax payer and your $$ is buying the tools needed to cut little feet off for profit... Which is illegal.

What would you have them do? Class action lawsuit? That may happen, but I wouldn't sit around feeding the anger at them. The nation seems to be getting ready to erupt, people need to calm down.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
All you can do is pray for them all. Forgive it and move on. What's done is done.

Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Unless you are a US tax payer and your $$ is buying the tools needed to cut little feet off for profit... Which is illegal.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
All you can do is pray for them all. Forgive it and move on. What's done is done.

Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

The Wine-Sipping Butchers of Planned Parenthood

Hannibal Lecter ain't got nothing on the profit-maximizing abortion ghoul caught on tape hawking aborted baby parts as she swilled wine and nibbled on a gourmet salad.

In newly released undercover footage from the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, seasoned abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who serves as national senior director of "medical services" at Planned Parenthood, chitter-chattered eagerly about fulfilling the bloodthirsty demand for "intact hearts," "lower extremities" and lungs.

Price tag? "You know, I would throw a number out," she babbled breezily as she twirled her fork. "I would say it's probably anywhere from $30 to $100" per specimen.

Hollywood couldn't conjure monsters this chillingly, banally evil.

Nucatola exulted at how fetal livers have become tres chic: "A LOT of people" want them.

She then spoke of the new hot trends in body-parts trafficking as if she were raving about the latest craze for crop tops or artisanal cheese.

"I was like wow," she gushed to her potential clients about the market for unborn baby hearts, "I didn't even know!"

Like wow.

This master of murderous euphemism repeatedly referred to an unborn baby's head as a "calvarium" and casually described the tricks and techniques she and her fellow abortionists use to "increase your chance of success." Rotating the babies so they are delivered breech before being mutilated and slaughtered by the practitioners of Planned Butcherhood works fabulously, in case you were wondering.

Pausing only to swig more luxury libations from her jumbo wine glass, the loquacious death doc explained to investigators posing as fetal tissue company executives how her "providers" use "ultrasound guidance" to target the coveted body parts -- "so they'll know where they're putting their forceps."

In a singsong recitation, this lettuce-chomping Mengele in a silk tank top detailed how the "providers" use ultrasound to become "cognizant of where you put your graspers."

This method is not employed to reduce the pain and suffering of unborn baby and mother, mind you. It's to get "good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that -- so I'm not gonna crush that part. I'm going to basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."

Think about that. Planned Parenthood has officially declared it "torture" for women to see their unborn children through ultrasound before submitting to abortion. The billion-dollar abortion industry has lobbied vociferously against increasing ultrasound access to pregnant women on the fence about abortion.

But when the same imaging technology is used to help Planned Butcherhood's "providers" place their forceps strategically to protect their precious organ commodities, it's invaluable "guidance."

Now you know if you didn't already or if you were in abject denial. Planned Parenthood's fetish for late-term abortion stems not from compassion for mothers, but from the cold-blooded drive to drum up cold, hard cash. The practice has continued for at least 15 years, when Planned Parenthood's human harvesters in Kansas were first uncovered.

Can it get any more stomach-turning? Brace yourselves. This video is just the first in a series by the Center for Medical Progress, which has been investigating Planned Butcherhood's illegal, immoral trafficking of aborted fetal parts for almost three years.

The expose comes after years of undercover journalistic work by Lila Grace Rose and Live Action, who have caught government-supported Planned Parenthood officials covering up for sexual predators, promoting gendercide, flouting health regulations and disclosure laws, soliciting money from racist eugenics zealots who want more black babies aborted, and perpetuating a homicidal racket in the name of "reproductive health."

Nucatola is no rogue underling. She's Planned Parenthood's "senior director" of "medical services" with years of scalpel-wielding, hands-on abortion training. She bragged not only about her own expertise in procurement of baby body parts, but about the everyday trafficking that goes on "behind closed doors" at countless "affiliates."

When you've recovered from your nausea, ask yourselves this: What kind of country do we live in where law-abiding businesses are fined, threatened and demonized for refusing to bake gay wedding cakes, but barbaric baby butchers are hailed by feminists, Hollywood and a president who asked God to "bless" them?

God help us.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Several Dems defend Planned Parenthood

Several House Democrats are coming to the defense of Planned Parenthood in the wake of a now-viral video that shows its chief medical director graphically detailing the uses for organs of aborted fetuses.

“Planned Parenthood is actually allowed, is my understanding, for scientific research, to use fetal tissue and that is not illegal,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus and sponsor of numerous abortion-rights bills.

“Having talked to the leadership at Planned Parenthood, this was a sting operation,” she added.

She said she had not watched the nearly nine-minute video, which was released Tuesday by a controversial anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress. It was filmed in secret by members posing as buyers from a biomedical research company and has been dismissed by Planned Parenthood as “grossly mischaracterizing” its legal use of fetal tissue. […]

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), another prominent supporter of abortion rights, also dismissed the latest attacks against Planned Parenthood.

“They’ve been attacking Planned Parenthood for years,” she said. “They’ve been calling for investigations for years, and they surface videos and they come on the attack … and I think it’s outrageous.”

Lee also said she has not seen the video.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who is also a member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, said she had not heard of the video and could not comment.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood Partner Offered Bulk Discounts On Aborted Baby Parts…

StemExpress, the California-based company that serves as a middleman between Planned Parenthood and the organizations that seek body parts harvested from aborted babies, once advertised bulk discounts for baby organs and body parts. A screencap taken from a StemExpress page listing fetal liver products shows that the company openly boasted of bulk buying discounts available to new customers.

“Become a StemExpress customer today to receive 25% off your first order up to $1,000!” blasted an archived web page from 2012

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood Not Getting Women’s Full Consent For Organ Harvesting Program

Planned Parenthood responded to the release of an undercover video showing one of its executives discussing the harvesting of aborted baby organs with people posing as purchasers of said baby organs. In one press release, they claimed that mothers of aborted children sometimes want to donate their aborted babies’ “tissue” to help with research. Further, they claimed, they help women who want to donate their deceased children’s tissue …

And yet Planned Parenthood executive Deborah Nucatola’s own words contradict the forms used by Planned Parenthood providers to procure consent from women seeking abortions. The full, brief, consent form can be seen here. It asks women to confirm seven statements, including:

I understand there will be no changes to how or when my abortion is done in order to get my blood or the tissue.

Doctors are required to sign that:

No substantive alteration in the timing of terminating the pregnancy or of the method used was made for the purpose of obtaining the tissue.

Do Hardly Any Women Regret Being Baby Body Part Machine Makers, a New Study Finds?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Congress Will Investigate Planned Parenthood for Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

Dr. Deborah Nucatola: “Maybe they want muscle… A lot of people want liver.”

Speaker John Boehner announced today that committees in the House of Representatives will take a look at the Planned Parenthood abortion business after a shocking new expose’ video that caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion business sells the body parts of aborted babies.

New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

In the video, Nucatola is at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company. As head of PPFA’s Medical Services department, Nucatola has overseen medical practice at all Planned Parenthood locations since 2009. She also trains new Planned Parenthood abortion doctors and performs abortions herself at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles up to 24 weeks.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

New Planned Parenthood spin: Organ harvesting, sales “a humanitarian undertaking”

Has there been any more dire need of PR flacks than Planned Parenthood’s after yesterday’s undercover video? The media sat in stunned silence for hours afterward, awaiting signals on how to proceed with coverage. Their first internal attempt at spin turned out to be a hot mess, so they began to bring in the consultants. Mark Hemingway at The Weekly Standard brings us the delightful Take Two:

Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian undertakings that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering. Some providers choose to offer this service to patients; in some cases patients are seeking tissue donation, and in other cases patients are informed of the option and choose tissue donation.

“Undertakings”? Oh, my. Perhaps someone needs a new thesaurus, but “undertakings” is exactly the business of Planned Parenthood in the hundreds of thousands a year. That language underscores the hypocrisy of claiming to conduct “humanitarian” activities based on the destruction of human beings. It’s a ghastly and ghoulish argument even if no money changed hands, but especially so when the organization’s top medical officer cooly discusses cash exchanges for intact organs while sipping wine with her lunch. And let’s not forget the dichotomy of claiming that aborted babies are nothing but “clumps of cells” on one hand, and marketing intact organs on the other.

This new defense comes  from Camino Public Relations, whose two-pager attempts to rebut the undertakings of the undercover video. They offer a number of interesting straw men and rationalizations to rebut, some of which bear passing resemblance to the actual issues raised in the video. For instance, here’s Camino’s suggestion on how to rebut notions of selling “fetal parts” (actually referred to by critics as “organs from babies”), emphasis mine:

Rather than speculating about the cost of selling “fetal parts” as written in the Washington Times the transcript indicates that Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure.

Really? The patients get those payments? Dr. Deborah Nucatola puts it quite differently in the video, as the transcript from Center for Medical Progress shows:

PP: You know, I would throw a number out, I would say it’s probably anywhere from $30 to $100 [per specimen], depending on the facility and what’s involved. It just has to do with space issues, are you sending someone there who’s going to be doing everything, is there shipping involved, is somebody gonna have to take it out. You know, I think everybody just wants, it’s really just about if anyone were ever to ask them, “What do you do for this $60? How can you justify that? Or are you basically just doing something completely egregious, that you should be doing for free.” So it just needs to be justifiable. And, look, we have 67 affiliates. They all have different practice environments, different staff, and so that number—

Buyer: Did you say 67?

PP: 67.

Buyer: Okay. And so of that number, how much would personality of the personnel in there, would play into it as far as how we’re speaking to them—

PP: I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a non-profit, they just don’t want to—they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that.

It’s not the patients that receive those payments — it’s the affiliates. And if the affiliates can “do a little better than break even,” they’re “happy to do that” as long as they can rationalize the charges. In other words, they’re happy to make a profit off the sales of intact organs, when they can, and when they don’t get caught doing so.

Again. If this is not a scandal for the media and if there is no investigation on the federal level it means it is legal to sale baby body parts in the USA.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

It is illegal to sell organs for profit. The gray area is reimbursement for cost of obtaining or transporting. If there is profiteering here, it is illegal. Given the video, I think there is sufficient reason to investigate so the question can be answered definitively.

Why should some organs cost more than others? Based on the video it sounds like pretty much the same amount of work, but certain organs are worth more? 30 to 100 dollars? One organ can cost 3 times what another one costs? Does it seem like it is 3 times as difficult?

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on? We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.

PP says all donations are made with full consent of the mother. This is an obviously easy thing to verify, since there will be paper records indicating consent was given. So at this time, there is no reason to believe "the patient has NO IDEA what's going on."

We shall see about that. I'm not going to say that it's true. We should wait for proof on that.

Another question is, abortions are supposed to be done the safest way possible. In the video it is also discussed that the doctor will turn the baby to get the best parts, if it is not in a position initially that is beneficial to harvest the organs. Even if someone agreed to donate, there should be confirmation, that they agreed to going through a longer process (of turning the baby around) also.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
It's not clear yet they're breaking laws, but that's the point of the investigation.

However some of the things being posted since are flat out wrong.

They sell human organs to the highest bidder.

Do you have anything to substantiate that? Some people are trying to spin this as selling organs for profit "to the highest bidder," which would clearly be illegal. If this is happening, prosecution needs to follow. However, I doubt this is the case. I doubt the people who shot this undercover video even think this is the case.

If PP is providing organs to biotech companies or other research organizations at cost of obtaining them from otherwise legal abortions, an investigation needs to happen to make sure all applicable laws being followed, but that's quite not the picture some are trying to spin this into with inaccurate and unsubstantiated rhetoric like the kind posted above.

Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on?

We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.



Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

It is illegal to sell organs for profit. The gray area is reimbursement for cost of obtaining or transporting. If there is profiteering here, it is illegal. Given the video, I think there is sufficient reason to investigate so the question can be answered definitively.

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on? We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.

PP says all donations are made with full consent of the mother. This is an obviously easy thing to verify, since there will be paper records indicating consent was given. So at this time, there is no reason to believe "the patient has NO IDEA what's going on."

Was PP explicit about the selling of baby parts or was the explanation buried under legalese? In any case if this whole scandal goes nowhere and the DOJ does not take the case then it will be a legal precedent to sell baby parts on the market, no matter what pp calls it.

Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
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It's not clear yet they're breaking laws, but that's the point of the investigation.

However some of the things being posted since are flat out wrong.

They sell human organs to the highest bidder.

Do you have anything to substantiate that? Some people are trying to spin this as selling organs for profit "to the highest bidder," which would clearly be illegal. If this is happening, prosecution needs to follow. However, I doubt this is the case. I doubt the people who shot this undercover video even think this is the case.

If PP is providing organs to biotech companies or other research organizations at cost of obtaining them from otherwise legal abortions, an investigation needs to happen to make sure all applicable laws being followed, but that's quite not the picture some are trying to spin this into with inaccurate and unsubstantiated rhetoric like the kind posted above.

Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on?

We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.



Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

It is illegal to sell organs for profit. The gray area is reimbursement for cost of obtaining or transporting. If there is profiteering here, it is illegal. Given the video, I think there is sufficient reason to investigate so the question can be answered definitively.

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on? We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.

PP says all donations are made with full consent of the mother. This is an obviously easy thing to verify, since there will be paper records indicating consent was given. So at this time, there is no reason to believe "the patient has NO IDEA what's going on."

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
It's not clear yet they're breaking laws, but that's the point of the investigation.

However some of the things being posted since are flat out wrong.

They sell human organs to the highest bidder.

Do you have anything to substantiate that? Some people are trying to spin this as selling organs for profit "to the highest bidder," which would clearly be illegal. If this is happening, prosecution needs to follow. However, I doubt this is the case. I doubt the people who shot this undercover video even think this is the case.

If PP is providing organs to biotech companies or other research organizations at cost of obtaining them from otherwise legal abortions, an investigation needs to happen to make sure all applicable laws being followed, but that's quite not the picture some are trying to spin this into with inaccurate and unsubstantiated rhetoric like the kind posted above.

Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on?

We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.

Her DNA... Unless they made her sign a "contract" she never read during the abortion.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
It's not clear yet they're breaking laws, but that's the point of the investigation.

However some of the things being posted since are flat out wrong.

They sell human organs to the highest bidder.

Do you have anything to substantiate that? Some people are trying to spin this as selling organs for profit "to the highest bidder," which would clearly be illegal. If this is happening, prosecution needs to follow. However, I doubt this is the case. I doubt the people who shot this undercover video even think this is the case.

If PP is providing organs to biotech companies or other research organizations at cost of obtaining them from otherwise legal abortions, an investigation needs to happen to make sure all applicable laws being followed, but that's quite not the picture some are trying to spin this into with inaccurate and unsubstantiated rhetoric like the kind posted above.

Isn't it illegal to sell organs (even at cost of obtaining them) from babies?

They say fetuses are not really humans yet, but they're selling them as human parts? Don't you think it should be illegal if the patient has NO IDEA what's going on?

We have to check mark that we are donors on our licenses or else they cannot use them, isn't it even more important that a women should have to agree to have their babies organs used before she's dead? You know those organs are part hers, they were IN her.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
It's not clear yet they're breaking laws, but that's the point of the investigation.

However some of the things being posted since are flat out wrong.

They sell human organs to the highest bidder.

Do you have anything to substantiate that? Some people are trying to spin this as selling organs for profit "to the highest bidder," which would clearly be illegal. If this is happening, prosecution needs to follow. However, I doubt this is the case. I doubt the people who shot this undercover video even think this is the case.

If PP is providing organs to biotech companies or other research organizations at cost of obtaining them from otherwise legal abortions, an investigation needs to happen to make sure all applicable laws being followed, but that's quite not the picture some are trying to spin this into with inaccurate and unsubstantiated rhetoric like the kind posted above.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Update: Well, if the media wanted to ignore this, that may not be possible for much longer. A release by e-mail from Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana will escalate the story to the presidential race:

Today, Governor Jindal announced he is directing the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to launch an investigation into Planned Parenthood after reports surfaced alleging some Planned Parenthood affiliates are using partial birth abortions to sell fetal body parts.

A video surfaced showing a Planned Parenthood Federation of America senior director describing how some Planned Parenthood employees are actively engaging in illegal partial birth abortion procedures and attempting to conduct these abortions so that they leave body parts intact so that they can later be sold on the open market.

Governor Jindal said, “Today’s video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the systematic harvesting and trafficking of human body parts is shocking and gruesome.  This same organization is seeking to open an abortion clinic in New Orleans.  I have instructed Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct an immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity and to not issue any licenses until this investigation is complete.  I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
For once, I'll be very interested to see an investigation into this and all found violations of the law prosecuted.

I doubt it will happen. PP gets millions and millions from the tax payers. The video is clear pp is breaking the law. The D.O.J. will not prosecute.

I hope I am wrong.

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