
Topic: “God bless Planned Parenthood” – PP Uses Abortions to Sell Baby Parts - page 6. (Read 13244 times)

Activity: 1176
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Planned Parenthood Received Millions of Dollars After Lobbying Clinton’s State Department

Planned Parenthood and international affiliates received more than $100 million from USAID

Planned Parenthood lobbied the Department of State many times during Hillary Clinton’s tenure there and received tens of millions of dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years, according to a new report.

As secretary of state, Clinton attacked the Mexico City Policy, which bans federal funding of abortion overseas. Her husband revoked the policy during his administration and President Obama lifted the ban upon taking office in 2009. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which is tied to the State Department, steered more than $100 million in funding to Planned Parenthood, its international affiliates, and the pro-abortion Population Council between 2010 and 2012, according to the Government Accountability Office—about 20 percent of the nearly $500 million pro-abortion organizations received from taxpayers during that time frame.

The taxpayer dollars that Planned Parenthood received dwarfed the $3.4 million that Planned Parenthood spent on lobbying during President Obama’s first term, according to a report from Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the Susan B. Anthony List, and American Rising. Government records document more than 30 instances of Planned Parenthood lobbying federal agencies, including the State Department while Clinton was serving there.

Congress is now considering bills to deny taxpayer funds to the nation’s largest abortion provider after undercover video surfaced from the non-profit Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials casually discussing the harvesting of fetal organs and the price of body parts. The group released a fourth video Thursday showing executives at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains carving up aborted babies while saying “it’s a baby” and “another boy.” The executive identified as Savita Ginde also tells the undercover videographers, who posed as prospective organ buyers, how Planned Parenthood justifies the sale of those organs.

“In public I think it makes a lot more sense for it to be in the research vein than, I’d say, a business venture,” she said. Planned Parenthood has responded to the scandal of the videos by claiming the fetal body parts are used for research on numerous occasions.

Clinton is the top recipient of campaign donations from workers at the nation’s largest abortion provider, including a $2,700 donation from the CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Vicki Cowart. The nearly $10,000 she received from Planned Parenthood employees and executives is about 20 times more than the rest of the presidential field combined.

Neither the Clinton campaign nor the Clinton Foundation responded to requests for comment.

Pro-life activists, including Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of SBA List, have criticized Clinton’s support for abortion and Planned Parenthood throughout her political career.

“For more than two decades, her cozy relationship with Planned Parenthood was a source of cash and powerful political support. In light of yet another video brutally detailing the reality of abortion and harvesting of baby organs, it is a massive liability,” she said.

The Clinton campaign has drawn heavily from pro-abortion professionals. One of its top officials in Iowa, the nation’s first primary state, is Lily Adams, daughter of Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards. Jane Emerson, the women’s outreach director of Clinton’s failed 2008 campaign, previously served as CEO of the abortion provider’s South Carolina operations.

Planned Parenthood has also partnered with Clinton’s controversial family foundation, helping with six projects under the Clinton Global Initiative umbrella. The Clinton Foundation did not respond to a request for comment.

Clinton, a recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award, initially defended the billion dollar organization when the Center for Medical Progress released several hours of undercover video showing Planned Parenthood officials casually discussing the harvesting of fetal organs and the price of body parts. Those videos captured numerous officials and medical personnel discussing the various techniques that the abortionist employees to recover intact body parts, which would violate federal law. Three congressional committees are now investigating Planned Parenthood over these violations.

Clinton has since backed away from outright support of the organization. After a third video was released Tuesday showing a former organ retrieval technician discuss how clinics financially benefit from the practice, Clinton told the New Hampshire Union Leader that she found the imagery “disturbing.”

“I have seen pictures from them and obviously find them disturbing,” she said. “This raises not questions about Planned Parenthood so much as it raises questions about the whole process, that is, not just involving Planned Parenthood, but many institutions in our country … If there’s going to be any kind of congressional inquiry, it should look at everything and not just one [organization].”

Dannenfelser said that Clinton’s tepid support for the investigation was smart politics as voters react to the video scandal.

“Hillary Clinton, like many Democrats have painted themselves into a corner by supporting abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, paid for by taxpayer dollars. The more Americans learn the truth about this extreme position, the more they will reject it,” she said.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Thanks for the update.

I highly believe they gave the video to others before publishing even the first one. They probably set it up in a way, even if they died, they would be released at some point. Guest a guess though.

This is a clear David Vs Goliath situation here. I hope they brought more than a shepherd's sling to the fight, and have more as backups...

You say that as if Goliath won...

No I did not.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Thanks for the update.

I highly believe they gave the video to others before publishing even the first one. They probably set it up in a way, even if they died, they would be released at some point. Guest a guess though.

This is a clear David Vs Goliath situation here. I hope they brought more than a shepherd's sling to the fight, and have more as backups...

You say that as if Goliath won...
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Thanks for the update.

I highly believe they gave the video to others before publishing even the first one. They probably set it up in a way, even if they died, they would be released at some point. Guest a guess though.

This is a clear David Vs Goliath situation here. I hope they brought more than a shepherd's sling to the fight, and have more as backups...

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Thanks for the update.

I highly believe they gave the video to others before publishing even the first one. They probably set it up in a way, even if they died, they would be released at some point. Guest a guess though.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Damage control, indeed: Democrats don’t have a response to Planned Parenthood videos

It’s their own fault, really. After abandoning the “safe, legal, and rare” position adopted by Bill Clinton in the 1990s for absolutism on anytime-and-anywhere abortions, Democrats left themselves exposed for backlash from an electorate mostly inclined to limit abortions if the true nature of the act ever got played out on a national stage. Now that disaster has arrived, Democrats have no idea how to handle it, thanks to their abandonment of moderation:

The videos, produced by the anti-abortion nonprofit and self-described “citizen journalist” project Center for Medical Progress (CMP), have put Planned Parenthood on the defensive—and the Democratic candidates for president, too. For Democrats, the push against Planned Parenthood is eerily reminiscent of a debate their party started to lose nearly 20 years ago, when abortion opponents used the politics of revulsion to sway public opinion on so-called partial-birth abortion.

In other words, the CMP videos have given pro-lifers plenty of gross-out pull quotes, leaving Democrats in the presidential race struggling to respond. …

But ask a Democratic candidate about the videos, and answers are less than forthcoming. In fact, it’s not even clear if Hillary Clinton and her primary competitors have watched them.

Asked by the New Hampshire Union Leader on Wednesday if she had seen the videos, Clinton responded, “I have seen pictures from them and I obviously find them disturbing.” She stopped short of calling for an investigation, however, saying only that if there were to be a congressional inquiry then “it should look at everything and not just one part of it.”

That response has Democrats and abortion supporters panicking, Dave Weigel reports for the Washington Post:

That line had the intended effect. It rattled abortion rights supporters, reminding them that the Democratic frontrunner for president had hedged on their issue. The fight to defund Planned Parenthood is only the latest in a series of conservative attempts to shift the conversation on abortion, from one that bedevils Republicans to one that flummoxes Democrats. Instead of speaking generically — and popularly — about “women’s health care,” the Planned Parenthood sting forced Democrats to confront the little-covered and gruesome issue of fetal tissue sales.

Clinton’s “disturbing” comment, made in an interview with New Hampshire’s Union Leader, landed poorly. It did not matter that Planned Parenthood’s CEO Cecile Richards had apologized for the conversations in the video sting. The Democratic frontrunner, seemingly, had been forced into a defensive crouch. “She needs to clarify what her [point of view] is, and articulate it strongly and without apology,” former Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt told MSNBC’s Irin Carmon. “I just think that when candidates get to the firing line of a campaign they get thrown off balance and waffle.” …

Conservative news sites, spotting an opportunity, have repeatedly asked the Democratic presidential candidates to talk about the videos. None have been willing to defend the videos’ contents.

That might be because they’re indefensible. Instead of attempting to rationalize the horrors within these videos, including today’s eye-popping comments “it’s a baby” and “another boy!” from Planned Parenthood personnel, Planned Parenthood and its apologists have tried to change the subject. Any subject other than the clear message that abortions kill human life will do, whether it’s the ethics of using covertly recorded conversations (which didn’t bother these same people when it happened to Mitt Romney) or claiming victimhood at the hands of political opponents.

They also want to shut down the discussion by blocking the release of any more videos, and momentarily succeeded with a judge in Los Angeles. That ruling, though, turns out to be very narrow — and probably unenforceable anyway, as Ken White explains at Popehat:

Under this doctrine, if you try to get a court to prohibit a publication in advance — or order it taken down — on the grounds that it’s defamatory, you’ll almost certainly fail. The remedy is to seek damages afterwards. But StemExpress’ complaint isn’t about defamation. It’s about illegal recording and about violation of a nondisclosure agreement — an agreement that CMP operatives signed, attached to StemExpress’ complaint as an exhibit.

Recordings made secretly in violation of California Penal Code section 632(a) are inadmissible — you can’t illegally record someone and then use that recording as evidence against them in a case.1 But I see no authority suggesting that the general rule against prior restraint is relaxed when the communication in question is an illegal recording under California law. Courts have generally declined to create broad exceptions to the prior restraint doctrine for illegally recorded materials, particularly in a “investigative reporting” context. The recordings — and maybe even the publications of them — can be punished, but there’s not strong authority for them being prevented in advance.So: to the extent this TRO purports to rely upon the fact that the recording was illegal, it is of very dubious constitutionality.

Remarkably, StemExpress’ TRO application contains no prior restraint analysis whatsoever. Its sole concession to the First Amendment is an argument that (1) this isn’t a First Amendment violation because it’s an illegal recording, and (2) it’s not a First Amendment violation because the defendants are free to speak or write about what happened at the meeting, they just can’t release the recording. We don’t have a transcript of the hearing, and we don’t know what other arguments the court may have considered, but this is troubling.

And it could already be moot:

Right now CMP is bound by the order: its options are an emergency appeal or a knowing violation with all the consequences that follow. However, if CMP already provided the video to someone else independent of them, that person has the right to publish the video, and almost certainly can’t be subject to prior restraint. The Supreme Court has made it very difficult to prevent the media from publishing illegally-obtained materials of public interest when the media in question wasn’t complicit in getting those materials.

How much do you want to bet that this has already taken place?

At any rate, the notion of prior restraint is ironic in this debate. Had Democrats continued their “prior restraint” on abortion, the backfire from these videos would be much less problematic for their candidates up and down the 2016 ticket. Instead, they backed the extremist position, and now they find themselves in a corner over it. They have no response, because the truth in these videos cannot be denied — abortion kills human beings, abortionists know it and profit off of the destroyed human life, and Democrats want to protect the destruction of life all the way to birth.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

N.O.W. President: Our “Beloved” Planned Parenthood “Has Nothing To Apologize For”…

Continuing the effort on the now-cancelled MSNBC’s Now to defend Planned Parenthood from its video scandal, National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill joined host Alex Wagner on Thursday to gush over how the “beloved” provider of abortions and alleged seller of body parts from aborted babies “has nothing to apologize for” and mocked female GOP senators who want to defund the taxpayer-funded group.

Gleefully surmising that Republican women in Congress who are leading the funding effort “are not going to hold their seats much longer, quite frankly,” O’Neill charged that “[t]he Republican leadership has an unfortunate history of chewing up women and spitting them out” in that “[t]hey use them and as long as they’re useful, they use them sort of as cover for their losing the women’s vote.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

White House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood

The White House expressed its firm belief Thursday that recently-released videos attacking Planned Parenthood are “fraudulent.” Their source: Planned Parenthood.

Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, was speaking with reporters when they raised the matter of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress which appear to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal organs for profit, a violation of federal law. He claimed the videos were released in a “fraudulent way” with “not a lot of evidence” behind them.

“There is ample reason to think that this is merely the tried and true tactic that we’ve seen from extremists on the right to edit this video and selectively release this edited version of the video that grossly distorts the position of the person that’s actually speaking,” Earnest said.

But Earnest indicated that the reason he thought the videos were fraudulent was because, well, Planned Parenthood had told him as much.

“Planned Parenthood has indicated that’s exactly what occurred here,” he said. “And any review of the policy that PP says they implement indicates the views expressed in the videos, or at least the way they’re pictured on the videos, is entirely inaccurate.”

In other words, Earnest said, because the images on the videos don’t correspond to Planned Parenthood’s official policies, they must be untrue. Earnest even encouraged reporters looking for more information to simply contact Planned Parenthood.

Earnest admitted he did not know if President Obama had actually watched any of the videos.

“I do know he has been following this story in the news,” he said.

Even if Obama had not watched the videos, though, Earnest said he was sure the president would oppose any effort by Republicans to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

“The President certainly will not support another effort by Republican to try to defund an organization that offers important and needed healthcare services to women across the country.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Dana Talks With The Man Behind The Planned Parenthood Videos

"I'm Sad To Say The Video's Do Get Worse"

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood Changes Story On Website Being “Hacked” To Just “Undergoing Maintenance”…


Later Thursday, the original message was taken down and replaced with a note that made no mention of the hack at all. "Our normal site is currently undergoing maintenance," it said. "Below you will find information to help you find a Planned Parenthood health center, book an appointment, and get involved with Planned Parenthood." Instead of redirecting users to another page on the site, the button now provides a phone number for donations.

As of Thursday afternoon, Planned Parenthood had not removed its Facebook post on the hack which says that "today, anti-abortion extremist hackers brought down"

The alleged hack comes in the wake of several undercover videos that reveal high-level Planned Parenthood executives trafficking fetal organs and just days after Planned Parenthood hired crisis PR firm SKDKnickerbocker.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Pro-Life Group Tells Dana Loesch “The Videos Get Worse” – TX Group Makes $120,000 a Month Selling Body Parts

Daleiden explains more about the Houston clinic, which, as discovered today in a Texas senate committee hearing, makes $120k a month from the harvesting of aborted infant body parts.

“A six story tall abortion clinic … they have been selling aborted fetal tissue for over ten years at this point.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

In latest video, Planned Parenthood staff exclaim "It's a baby" as they dissect a young boy for parts for sale.

Just two days after the release of video showing Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood employees picking apart a recently aborted child for parts, the Center for Medical Progress released another video featuring a conversation with Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains VP & Medical Director Savita Ginde. Here are 8 disturbing moments from the video.

While Planned Parenthood’s public relations campaign resorts to euphemisms about “fetal tissue,” Planned Parenthood officials such as Ginde speak more clearly about the organs they harvest from aborted children. Here Ginde talks about organs, including “the whole brain” coming out as abortive waste.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood “Hacking” Sure Looks Like An Orchestrated PR Stunt

Planned Parenthood claims on several of its websites that the organization’s web operations have been attacked by “extremists,” but this so-called hacking has all the hallmarks of an orchestrated public relations stunt.

Numerous people on Twitter pointed to evidence suggesting that this so-called hack wasn’t a hack at all:

A review of the source code of the main page that appears at shows that as of 9:30 a.m. today, the page is listed as a “Campaign” and uses a specific template named “Site Down Tempalte” (the typo is theirs). The same page then directs visitors to the Facebook page of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the political fundraising arm of the nation’s largest abortion provider. The web page for PPAF–which can be accessed via both and–repeats the same hacking claims and contains the exact same source code and template used on the page.

Planned Parenthood says it’s been hacked by “extremists,” but a review of the publicly available evidence suggests that the only things being hacked at Planned Parenthood right now are perfectly healthy and viable unborn babies.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Published on Jul 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains VP & Medical Director Savita Ginde Discusses Contract Details, Aborted Body Parts Pricing, and How to Not “Get Caught”

Contact: Peter Robbio, [email protected], 703.683.5004

DENVER, July 30--New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President and Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde, negotiating a fetal body parts deal, agreeing multiple times to illicit pricing per body part harvested, and suggesting ways to avoid legal consequences.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) is a wealthy, multi-state Planned Parenthood affiliate that does over 10,000 abortions per year. PPRM has a contract to supply aborted fetal tissue to Colorado State University in Fort Collins.

In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Ginde at the abortion-clinic headquarters of PPRM in Denver to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs. When the actors request intact fetal specimens, Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.”

Since PPRM does not use digoxin or other feticide in its 2nd trimester procedures, any intact deliveries before an abortion are potentially born-alive infants under federal law (1 USC 8 ).

“We’d have to do a little bit of training with the providers or something to make sure that they don’t crush” fetal organs during 2nd trimester abortions, says Ginde, brainstorming ways to ensure the abortion doctors at PPRM provide usable fetal organs.

When the buyers ask Ginde if “compensation could be specific to the specimen?” Ginde agrees, “Okay.” Later on in the abortion clinic’s pathological laboratory, standing over an aborted fetus, Ginde responds to the buyer’s suggestion of paying per body part harvested, rather than a standard flat fee for the entire case: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).

Ginde also suggests ways for Planned Parenthood to cover-up its criminal and public relations liability for the sale of aborted body parts. “Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde remarks. “If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.”

Ginde implies that PPRM’s lawyer, Kevin Paul, is helping the affiliate skirt the fetal tissue law: “He’s got it figured out that he knows that even if, because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘We don’t want to get called on,’ you know, ‘selling fetal parts across states.’” The buyers ask, “And you feel confident that they’re building those layers?” to which Ginde replies, “I’m confident that our Legal will make sure we’re not put in that situation.”

As the buyers and Planned Parenthood workers identify body parts from last fetus in the path lab, a Planned Parenthood medical assistant announces: “Another boy!”

The video is the latest by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “Elected officials need to listen to the public outcry for an immediate moratorium on Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding while the 10 state investigations and 3 Congressional committees determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts.” Daleiden continues, “Planned Parenthood’s recent call for the NIH to convene an expert panel to ‘study’ fetal experimentation is absurd after suggestions from Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Ginde that ‘research’ can be used as a catch-all to cover-up baby parts sales. The biggest problem is bad actors like Planned Parenthood who hold themselves above the law in order to harvest and make money off of aborted fetal brains, hearts, and livers.”


See the video at:

Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts

For more information on the Human Capital project, visit
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood Fakes Website Being “Hacked” In Pathetic Bid To Fundraise

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Planned Parenthood Not Using Digoxin So Babies Can Be Torn Apart While Still Alive…

…Maybe digoxin seems humane to some—at least when compared to the primitive method of tearing a live baby apart in the womb. But unfortunately, that’s not the case when the abortions lead to Planned Parenthood’s “fetal tissue donation.”

In the second video, we find out explicitly from Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter that abortions performed with feticides aren’t viable for fetal-tissue donation. If digoxin is used, it renders the fetal stem cells unusable. (See the footage and the transcript.) Knowing this, Nucatola’s graphic explanation of how to “crush” unborn babies to maximize organ retrieval requires a clarifier. These babies are being strategically maneuvered, crushed, and dismembered under ultrasound guidance—while still alive.

This poses an ethical question. Do the women consenting to fetal-tissue donation understand what’s happening during the procedure? Do they know that their babies are alive at the start of the butchering? A 2001 study showed that 91 percent of women in the study “preferred their fetuses were dead before the abortions.” How “informed” is their informed consent?

It also poses a legal question. Is Planned Parenthood breaking the law—whether in its procedures for “donating” fetal tissue or by altering abortion methods—in order to get better specimens? If so, stripping it of federal funding would be a half-measure.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Los Angeles Superior Court Bars Pro-Life Group From Releasing New Videos About Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Selling….

A temporary restraining order has been issued preventing an anti-abortion group from releasing any video of leaders of a California company that provides fetal tissue to researchers. The group is the same one that previously shot viral covert video of a Planned Parenthood leader discussing the sale of aborted fetuses for research.

The Los Angeles Superior Court order issued Tuesday prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video of three high-ranking StemExpress officials taken at a restaurant in May. It appears to be the first legal action prohibiting the release of a video from the organization.

The Center for Medical Progress has released three surreptitiously recorded videos to date that have riled anti-abortion activists. The Senate is expected to vote before its August recess on a Republican effort to bar federal aid to Planned Parenthood in the aftermath of the videos’ release.

In a statement Wednesday, center leader David Daleiden said StemExpress was using “meritless litigation” to cover up an “illegal baby parts trade.”

“The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work,” he said.

StemExpress is a Placerville-based company started in 2010 that provides human tissue, blood and other specimens to researchers. Planned Parenthood is one of the company’s providers of fetal tissue.

As I predicted.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Network News Spend More Time On Cecil The Lion In One Day Than Planned Parenthood Videos In Two Weeks

America’s anchors have spoken: the shooting of one lion vastly outweighs the trafficking of baby parts by a taxpayer-funded abortion giant.

In other words, the broadcast news shows spent more time in one day on Cecil the Lion than they did on the Planned Parenthood videos in two weeks.

The three broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS censored the third video released Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting aborted baby parts — censored it at Planned Parenthood’s urging. But the news shows did find more than 14 minutes for a more important story: the “outrage” over the shooting of Cecil, a famed African lion, by an American dentist.

Tuesday, the networks spent 5 minutes, 44 seconds during their evening news shows on Cecil — and that’s not even counting the teasers. Wednesday morning, ABC, NBC and CBS lamented over the lion for 8 minutes, 17 seconds. But they couldn’t do the same for a story of babies “picked” apart by tweezers.

On July 29, Good Morning America co-anchor Lara Spencer highlighted the “very disturbing story” with “international outrage” before turning to ABC correspondent David Wright for the full story on the lion-shooting by an American, now, according to Wright, “pretty much the most hated man on the internet.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Nine More Undercover Videos Ready To Drop On Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON — David Daleiden, founder of the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), told conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity Tuesday there are nine more sting-operation videos that reveal Planned Parenthood’s operations.

“We have close to 300 hours total of undercover video that was gathered during a 30 month long in depth investigative journalism study of how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of the babies they abort,” Daleiden said, noting that each highlight video released will have the full footage posted on their website without any edits.

CMP has already released three videos showing Planned Parenthood officials, personnel, and doctors discussing the harvesting of aborted baby parts. Congress proposed legislation Wednesday to defund Planned Parenthood’s abortion activity and moving the money to community health centers and hospitals instead.

Planned Parenthood has hired a Washington D.C. based crisis management firm to deal with the fallout.

When asked by Hannity about criticism on whether local recording laws could harm CMP, Daleiden responded, “Every taping we did during this project was done in full compliance with the local recording laws. The video specifically from the pathology lab at the Planned Parenthood clinic that was included today, that was done in Denver, Colorado, which is a one party consent state, which is completely applicable.”

Daleiden added, “The California law is about confidential communications not those that can be overheard by anyone walking by, such as a situation in a crowded restaurant like the situations in the two previous tapes.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Unborn babies can feel pain

Scientific evidence reveals that unborn babies do, indeed, feel pain

"With the advent of sonograms and live-action ultrasound images, neonatologists and nurses are able to see unborn babies at 20 weeks gestation react physically to outside stimuli such as sound, light and touch. The sense of touch is so acute that even a single human hair drawn across an unborn baby's palm causes the baby to make a fist.  

Surgeons entering the womb to perform corrective procedures on tiny unborn babies have seen those babies flinch, jerk and recoil from sharp objects and incisions."

Babies remember music which was played to them in the womb months after their birth

It is common for mums to play music for their babies during pregnancy but the benefits have never been known until now

Babies can remember music which was played to them in the womb long after their birth, it has emerged.

During pregnancy, it is common for mums to play music for their babies in the hope that it could help with their future development.

Until today,  it has always been unclear exactly what impact sound has on a foetus.

But a new study which has been published tonight has shown that babies can remember music played to them, which could bring a host of benefits.

Dr Eino Partanen, from the University of Helsinki in Finland, said: "Even though we've previously shown that foetuses could learn minor details of speech, we did not know how long they could retain the information.

"These results show that babies are capable of learning at a very young age, and that the effects of the learning remain apparent in the brain for a long time."

The study involved women in a "learning group" playing a CD of the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star five times a week during the last three months of their pregnancy.

Soon after they had given birth, researchers measured the brain activity of their babies while playing the melody again. A similar test was carried out four months later.

Both after birth and at four months, infants from the learning group showed much greater brain activity in response to the music than a control group of babies who had not heard it before.

The difference between the two groups was only apparent when the original music was played, rather than a version with changed notes.

The research is published in the online journal Public Library of Science ONE.

In their paper the scientists speculate that unpleasant or noisy sounds heard in the womb might have adverse effects.

They wrote: "It seems plausible that the adverse pre-natal sound environment may also have long-lasting detrimental effects. Such environments may be, for example, noisy workplaces and, in the case of pre-term infants, neonatal intensive care units."

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