
Topic: “God bless Planned Parenthood” – PP Uses Abortions to Sell Baby Parts - page 5. (Read 13244 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Fifth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Released

Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center

Published on Aug 4, 2015


Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video

Contact: David Daleiden, [email protected], 949.734.0859

HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.

In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.

“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”

Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”

The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”

Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).

Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.

The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”


See the video at:

Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts

For more information on the Human Capital project, visit
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Guess How Many Licensed Mammogram Facilities Planned Parenthood Runs

Planned Parenthood is under fire for organ trafficking admissions made by its senior executives in a series of undercover videos released over the last month. The videos, four of which have been released so far, show numerous top Planned Parenthood officials acknowledging the purchase and sale of aborted baby parts and haggling over their prices.

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s top abortion provider, swears up and down that notwithstanding the numerous admissions made on tape by its top officials, the organization doesn’t buy or sell organs and body parts harvested from aborted babies. Then, in order to defend its reputation, Planned Parenthood points to other medical procedures performed by the group that don’t result in body counts. One of its top rhetorical gimmicks is to reference all the mammograms that women can receive by visiting Planned Parenthood:

Planned Parenthood helps women nationwide get access to mammograms, as part of the range of health care Planned Parenthood health centers provide to nearly three million people a year.

There’s only one problem: Planned Parenthood does not manage a single licensed mammography facility in the U.S. Not one. Of the 8,735 licensed mammography facilities in America, Planned Parenthood operates exactly zero.

How do we know this? Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration keeps a list of every licensed facility in the country. It updates this list weekly. And the most recent list of the more than 8,700 licensed mammogram facilities in the U.S. shows that not one is operated by Planned Parenthood. The following graphic from Alliance Defending Freedom shows just how little breast cancer screening is done by Planned Parenthood, especially compared to other non-abortion providers throughout the country:

Planned Parenthood has even intimated that if its spigot of federal funding is turned off, women will have nowhere to turn for vital health care and cancer screenings. But that’s also a lie, as Mollie Hemingway explains. It turns out that Planned Parenthood only qualifies as the nation’s largest health care provider for women if you think abortion — the deliberate taking of an innocent human life — counts as health care.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Hillary begs forgiveness from abortion warriors in new video: I am with you, Planned Parenthood!

Five days later, she’s still doing penance with the left for calling the CMP videos “disturbing,” eh? She must be in some awfully hot water behind the scenes: Josh Jordan’s right that she’s taking a risk here by stepping up for PP knowing that more videos are to come, with who knows what sort of horrors described between sips of wine and bites of salad. Her strategy to date has been to lie low and avoid comment on hot buttons as much as possible, lest it leave her caught between attacks from the right by the GOP and from the left by Bernie Sanders. With Planned Parenthood, though, she doesn’t have a choice. This is pure litmus-test material for liberals, something Sanders (or Joe Biden?) could club her with if she stayed silent, especially after she already antagonized them with what she said about the clips. Plus, single women are arguably the most important constituency to her campaign next year, one where she needs to run up the score to offset the GOP’s advantage with men. What good is having a First! Woman! President!, Democratic women might wonder, if she’s not ready to go to bat for abortion on the day the Senate is set to vote to defund PP?

I’ll give her credit for this much: At least she uses the word “abortion” here. Usually Democratic paeans to selling mutilated babies’ body parts are euphemistic all the way through. While we wait for the big vote, go read Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway on some of Planned Parenthood’s more popular lies about what they do for “women’s health.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin Will Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood

Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat for West Virginia who had previously supported funding for Planned Parenthood, announced today that he'll vote to defund the organization.

Manchin said in a statement:

“Like many West Virginians, I am very troubled by the callous behavior of Planned Parenthood staff in recently released videos, which casually discuss the sale, possibly for profit, of fetal tissue after an abortion. Until these allegations have been answered and resolved, I do not believe that taxpayer money should be used to fund this organization; instead those funds should be sent to other health care providers, including community health centers, which provide important women’s healthcare services.   While my vote is one that will prevent taxpayers dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, I will remain committed to ensuring that all women in West Virginia and America receive the health care services they need.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Sen. Rand Paul: Planned Parenthood 'a front for doing abortions'

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
^Not at all, thanks for the clear post. In reply:

1) This may be true, but if your quote is credible then would they show the screen to the patient? I don't see how the ultrasound is part of the main issue: Surely if you are pro-life, and you think that ultrasound = less abortions, then this is a good thing, right?

2) Ah, now this makes sense, thanks for making me aware of the connotation. I can see how this could upset people, however I think that it's more an issue of semantics and tone. This type of blunt tone occurs in loads of professions, the workers here could be guilty of "thought crime", but luckily it's not yet illegal. There might be an internal backlash, but if I got sacked for the trivial misdemeanor of "using the wrong technical term" then I'd be angry.

And no, I don't think a worker in an abortion clinic should be charged for murder, for calling a fetus a "baby boy", which is what you're implying. That's ridiculous, can you see the implications of what you're saying, and how smear tactics like that can destroy peoples lives?

3) I don't see why it matters whether the fetus/baby/group of cells is intact or not. Sorry to be blunt, but it's dead.

4) OK, now this is by far the most serious of your points, because it implies that PP were knowingly selling on the black market. This seems to be the part which may be technically illegal. However, I don't see how this is morally worse than, say, someone selling weed on the street. The way I see it, what they are selling is dead. It has no rights. Incidentally, I can't think of many other dead things that are illegal to sell. The only things I can think of are protected plants/animals like certain trees, rhino horns etc. Also poisons/weapons/explosives/drugs/live humans. All of these have arguably logical reasons for the ban, which tend to be about saving human lives.

The only reason I can think of for banning profits from fetal tissue, is to stop smaller institutions having to pay over the odds for samples and to stop monopolisation of the commodity (sorry for the bluntness, but fetuses are a commodity). Why are people not talking about this? (I would have but I only just thought of it)

So I admit that they may be guilty of black market selling, but we should wait for a trial before judging them IMO. I don't like how this issue is being jumped on by anti-abortionists, when abortion law is a totally separate issue. If a woman decides to have an abortion, then the baby will die. That baby is never coming back, so don't emotionally judge it in terms of potential/human life and frame it as something it isn't. Think of it as donating organs on death, which everyone should do IMO.

My logic is, if you don't want a baby, then don't have one. We should be trying to save real humans that are in need, rather than concentrating on saving unwanted babies, that may well end up with a poor quality of life. It's not fair on the baby, or on society.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Look, I can see this is an emotive subject for you, but you still haven't explained why I should be as horrified as you that this happens. Regarding the videos, I suppose I've got no problem with them being released (apart from the fact that the press will put as much of a negative spin on them as possible).

Regarding the legality; you are the one pre-judging here, not me. You assume they are guilty of a crime without evidence. Be that as it may, I don't think legality is really the issue here, from your tone I suspect it wouldn't matter to you whether this practice is illegal or not. It's certainly more of a moral issue for me, even though I seem to be on the other side of the fence.

The turd is teeming with bacteria, it has far more life than a dead fetus even if the fetuses life was arguably more advanced when it was in the womb. But it was aborted by its mother, and it's now dead. And the reason it's dead has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about (unless it turns out that patients were being solicited for procedures, which is a whole other issue).

Funnily enough, you can sell a poo to someone for $40:

I assume they are selling the fetuses for stem cell research? I'm sure there would be a freaky black market for this type of thing, I don't know how I would feel if they were selling the body parts to an underground fetus cannibal club, for example.

It seems immoral to me to waste perfectly good fetal cells, which could be used in a lab, and which may save someone's life. Is the problem here the money changing hands? Would you agree with donation of fetuses if no money was involved?

Hope you don't mind me responding, I know it wasn't for me. But, I'm just going to point out a few things that may be illegal or upsetting.

1) Planned Parenthood are not supposed to use an ultrasound in front of the pregnant woman who is seeking to abort.


BACKGROUND: Since the mid-1990s, several states have moved to make ultrasound part of abortion service provision. Some laws and policies require that a woman seeking an abortion receive information on accessing ultrasound services, while others require that a woman undergo an ultrasound before an abortion. Since routine ultrasound is not considered medically necessary as a component of first -trimester abortion, the requirements appear to be a veiled attempt to personify the fetus and dissuade a woman from obtaining an abortion. Moreover, an ultrasound can add significantly to the cost of the procedure.

It was stated above that seeing the baby on the ultrasound could persuade a woman to not want to go through with it. It's considered poor-form, and more costly. Yet, Planned Parenthood admitted they used ultrasound to move the body around and not "crush" the most important organs.

2) Planned Parenthood's position is that it is all tissue, and not a human. But they sell the parts as human body parts, instead of "tissue". They mention getting a good liver, or heart, etc. They are not supposed to call them babies, they must call them fetuses. Yet, they have workers calling them "baby" and "boy", instead of tissue. I repeat, they are supposed to think of them as tissue and not babies. The whole point of why it isn't murder, comes down to the fact that a fetus is not a baby. If you believe it to be a baby, a boy or girl, human parts, then you're murdering someone.

This is a quick new video: Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen

3) The new video shows they get intact specimens (fetuses), but if a patient delivers an intact one without them, the doctor says "That's not legal though"... so it's not legal (to sell) if they get an intact one, but if they do the delivering, those they'll sell, from what I can make out.

4) They are not supposed to make money. It is supposedly legal as long as the money they get is to cover the costs. Yet, one worker jokes about how much she'll get and she wants a Lamborghini. There is no way she should be saving any money towards a car, if the money purely covers the cost.

Also, Dr. Ginde talks about "getting caught". If everything is legal, why are they worried about "getting caught"?
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
Can someone explain to me exactly what the problem is with this? If the law is the problem, according to this link it's legal to sell fetal body parts:

I see everyone shouting about how awful it is, but no real justification about why. Would you just throw the fetuses in the bin instead?

I guess in an ideal world, the clinics would give the fetuses for free to research companies.

You do not need the help of anyone to find out why it would be evil and illegal to profit from the sale of human body parts. That is why pp is stating and fighting back hard, saying those videos are not showing negotiations of a business transaction but the cost of reimbursement...

I kinda do, that's why I asked for it to be explained. I just posted a link (from a pro-life religious group) explaining why what they're doing is probably legal. And I don't see why profiting from the sale of human body parts is necessarily evil. In this case, would it not be morally worse to simply burn the fetuses and waste them? I assume I'm correct in thinking no girls were solicited into having an abortion for monetary gain by any party?


Why would a "good doctor" joke about getting a Lamborghini if all they were doing was talking about cost reimbursement? Wouldn't be more appropriate to have pp's Certified Public Accountant be doing the talking and not the doctors, haggling over price of baby body parts, in a meeting in a restaurant?

I agree, it would be more appropriate. Probably more expensive too. I don't know why the "good doctor" joked about a Lambo, don't see how it's relevant.


If this was legal, why denying it? PP should be open and free to push forward your argument: "Although a fetus is just a goop of cells, we need to sell it because it has value on a open market. Why trash it when we can make $$$"

I do not see what the big deal is. Be open. Let the people see it. Don't try to use the black robes to stop more videos to surface. Show everything. Free speech. Fully...

I hope you agree with me.


If it's illegal, tell me about the law they broke. They might well act shady and deny certain things, even if what they are doing is fully legal, because PR ≠ The Law.

You put a bit of a spin on my argument there, but essentially, that's what I think. I mean, this isn't even a debate about the actual abortion, the thing is already dead FFS. It's like having someone shit in your toilet, and you having the option to flush it or sell it for money. It's a crude analogy, but if I'm wrong, explain why.
As I said, in an ideal world it would be given for free, but unfortunately there's no such thing.

The big deal is, even if something is legal, it doesn't make it universally acceptable. They would be stupid to be fully open because they would get crucified by the public, because most people don't think rationally. There are other sectors which have this problem, such as the meat industry and the government (lol). PR is extremely important.

I'm all for free speech, but free speech doesn't mean everyone has to tell everyone else everything. Cheesy

You agree we should see all the videos and see if they found something that was illegal or not. That would be the best logical outcome, don't you think? Why prejudge what took them almost 3 years undercover, 300 hours of videos. Let's see everything.

Your turd was never alive. Even if you keep it inside for 9 months it won't generate another bigger better turd, smart enough to play with bitcoin one day. Unless you've been eating gold all your life it won't have any value for another human to play with. The golddingers in india spend a lot of times in sewers for that exact reason. Maybe for them it will have value if your trade was in jewelry for years and years.

A goop of cells has no value, according to the abortion industry... Until it does. Beside the humans who are paid to cut up little baby fingers still alive (the baby needs to be alive to keep the meat fresh for consumption), who do you know on this planet who would be OK with the practice in the videos? The cowboys and the meat industry you say? They do not keep the cattle alive while cutting it up in little pieces. Also anyone can see what they are doing. It is fully open. But you pretend it is the same.. Who am I to tell you it is not. We all have to believe in something.

I'm all for free speech, but free speech doesn't mean everyone has to tell everyone else everything. Cheesy

Yes. It does. See... I read everything you tell me. Thank GOD for free speech! And the freedom of the press!


Look, I can see this is an emotive subject for you, but you still haven't explained why I should be as horrified as you that this happens. Regarding the videos, I suppose I've got no problem with them being released (apart from the fact that the press will put as much of a negative spin on them as possible).

Regarding the legality; you are the one pre-judging here, not me. You assume they are guilty of a crime without evidence. Be that as it may, I don't think legality is really the issue here, from your tone I suspect it wouldn't matter to you whether this practice is illegal or not. It's certainly more of a moral issue for me, even though I seem to be on the other side of the fence.

The turd is teeming with bacteria, it has far more life than a dead fetus even if the fetuses life was arguably more advanced when it was in the womb. But it was aborted by its mother, and it's now dead. And the reason it's dead has NOTHING to do with what we're talking about (unless it turns out that patients were being solicited for procedures, which is a whole other issue).

Funnily enough, you can sell a poo to someone for $40:

I assume they are selling the fetuses for stem cell research? I'm sure there would be a freaky black market for this type of thing, I don't know how I would feel if they were selling the body parts to an underground fetus cannibal club, for example.

It seems immoral to me to waste perfectly good fetal cells, which could be used in a lab, and which may save someone's life. Is the problem here the money changing hands? Would you agree with donation of fetuses if no money was involved?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

It will end one day, but not at the hands of the Obama administration, or the republicans. People have blinders on, because the powers that be want them to, and everyone is watching the mainstream media and nothing else, getting brainwashed.

It is obvious 0bama will veto any bill defunding pp. It is also obvious History will look back and see who protested and wrote about it.

What's sick is that Hillary is even being considered! What makes me want to throw up is that for some reason she may win. I'm a woman and she is a disgrace to my gender.

I was never a fan of clinton. But I really wanted to throw up when I saw her, lying with all those coffins at her feet. Steven, the ambassador, was a personal friend of the clintons. "We will get the video dude and he will pay for his youtube movie..."

I was like...  Shocked


We're living in a messed up world. That's for sure.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

It will end one day, but not at the hands of the Obama administration, or the republicans. People have blinders on, because the powers that be want them to, and everyone is watching the mainstream media and nothing else, getting brainwashed.

It is obvious 0bama will veto any bill defunding pp. It is also obvious History will look back and see who protested and wrote about it.

What's sick is that Hillary is even being considered! What makes me want to throw up is that for some reason she may win. I'm a woman and she is a disgrace to my gender.

I was never a fan of clinton. But I really wanted to throw up when I saw her, lying with all those coffins at her feet. Steven, the ambassador, was a personal friend of the clintons. "We will get the video dude and he will pay for his youtube movie..."

I was like...  Shocked


hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

It will end one day, but not at the hands of the Obama administration, or the republicans. People have blinders on, because the powers that be want them to, and everyone is watching the mainstream media and nothing else, getting brainwashed.

It is obvious 0bama will veto any bill defunding pp. It is also obvious History will look back and see who protested and wrote about it.

What's sick is that Hillary is even being considered! What makes me want to throw up is that for some reason she may win. I'm a woman and she is a disgrace to my gender.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

It will end one day, but not at the hands of the Obama administration, or the republicans. People have blinders on, because the powers that be want them to, and everyone is watching the mainstream media and nothing else, getting brainwashed.

It is obvious 0bama will veto any bill defunding pp. It is also obvious History will look back and see who protested and wrote about it.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

It will end one day, but not at the hands of the Obama administration, or the republicans. People have blinders on, because the powers that be want them to, and everyone is watching the mainstream media and nothing else, getting brainwashed.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Killing Them

We have passed the point where Nazi comparisons are inappropriate. In the latest video about Planned Parenthood, if you want to watch it, you will see an admission that some of the children are born alive before being killed and carved up — their bodies being sold essentially for scrap.

These are children. They entered into the world alive and were killed, chopped up, and sold bit by bit.

“It’s a boy,” one person commented in the latest film. They talk about the commoditization of children’s eyeballs (the ones in the video were not developed enough), hearts that turn to mush they are so small, and reference the legs, feet, and hands of the children.

They are children being killed, butchered, and sold in pieces. The video is unedited. Planned Parenthood is kiling them, gleefully, for cash. They want their Lamborghinis.

If Republicans are not willing to make this their hill to die on and even see the government shutdown to stop this, the Republican Party needs to be shut down.

The Party of Lincoln that rose from the ashes of a whig Party that would not stand up to slavery must stand up to this evil. The American public is staring evil in the face and it looks a lot like them. It must end.

If Abraham Lincoln’s party will not fight to stop a practice that defends itself with the same arguments used by proponents of slavery, it is time for a new party.

The sick irony of President Barack Obama’s administration is that he often compares himself to Abraham Lincoln. But he is perfectly happy to let Planned Parenthood sell off black children in bits and pieces as someone else’s property.

You will be made to care about this. You will not be allowed to sit by and make excuses. You will be not be allowed to say it is tissue, goo, or innocent. These are human beings. These are the future of this country harvested for their organs. They are being killed. The arguments in support of it are the arguments in support of slavery. This is evil and you must care.

This must end.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Can someone explain to me exactly what the problem is with this? If the law is the problem, according to this link it's legal to sell fetal body parts:

I see everyone shouting about how awful it is, but no real justification about why. Would you just throw the fetuses in the bin instead?

I guess in an ideal world, the clinics would give the fetuses for free to research companies.

You do not need the help of anyone to find out why it would be evil and illegal to profit from the sale of human body parts. That is why pp is stating and fighting back hard, saying those videos are not showing negotiations of a business transaction but the cost of reimbursement...

I kinda do, that's why I asked for it to be explained. I just posted a link (from a pro-life religious group) explaining why what they're doing is probably legal. And I don't see why profiting from the sale of human body parts is necessarily evil. In this case, would it not be morally worse to simply burn the fetuses and waste them? I assume I'm correct in thinking no girls were solicited into having an abortion for monetary gain by any party?


Why would a "good doctor" joke about getting a Lamborghini if all they were doing was talking about cost reimbursement? Wouldn't be more appropriate to have pp's Certified Public Accountant be doing the talking and not the doctors, haggling over price of baby body parts, in a meeting in a restaurant?

I agree, it would be more appropriate. Probably more expensive too. I don't know why the "good doctor" joked about a Lambo, don't see how it's relevant.


If this was legal, why denying it? PP should be open and free to push forward your argument: "Although a fetus is just a goop of cells, we need to sell it because it has value on a open market. Why trash it when we can make $$$"

I do not see what the big deal is. Be open. Let the people see it. Don't try to use the black robes to stop more videos to surface. Show everything. Free speech. Fully...

I hope you agree with me.


If it's illegal, tell me about the law they broke. They might well act shady and deny certain things, even if what they are doing is fully legal, because PR ≠ The Law.

You put a bit of a spin on my argument there, but essentially, that's what I think. I mean, this isn't even a debate about the actual abortion, the thing is already dead FFS. It's like having someone shit in your toilet, and you having the option to flush it or sell it for money. It's a crude analogy, but if I'm wrong, explain why.
As I said, in an ideal world it would be given for free, but unfortunately there's no such thing.

The big deal is, even if something is legal, it doesn't make it universally acceptable. They would be stupid to be fully open because they would get crucified by the public, because most people don't think rationally. There are other sectors which have this problem, such as the meat industry and the government (lol). PR is extremely important.

I'm all for free speech, but free speech doesn't mean everyone has to tell everyone else everything. Cheesy

You agree we should see all the videos and see if they found something that was illegal or not. That would be the best logical outcome, don't you think? Why prejudge what took them almost 3 years undercover, 300 hours of videos. Let's see everything.

Your turd was never alive. Even if you keep it inside for 9 months it won't generate another bigger better turd, smart enough to play with bitcoin one day. Unless you've been eating gold all your life it won't have any value for another human to play with. The golddingers in india spend a lot of times in sewers for that exact reason. Maybe for them it will have value if your trade was in jewelry for years and years.

A goop of cells has no value, according to the abortion industry... Until it does. Beside the humans who are paid to cut up little baby fingers still alive (the baby needs to be alive to keep the meat fresh for consumption), who do you know on this planet who would be OK with the practice in the videos? The cowboys and the meat industry you say? They do not keep the cattle alive while cutting it up in little pieces. Also anyone can see what they are doing. It is fully open. But you pretend it is the same.. Who am I to tell you it is not. We all have to believe in something.

I'm all for free speech, but free speech doesn't mean everyone has to tell everyone else everything. Cheesy

Yes. It does. See... I read everything you tell me. Thank GOD for free speech! And the freedom of the press!


Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
Can someone explain to me exactly what the problem is with this? If the law is the problem, according to this link it's legal to sell fetal body parts:

I see everyone shouting about how awful it is, but no real justification about why. Would you just throw the fetuses in the bin instead?

I guess in an ideal world, the clinics would give the fetuses for free to research companies.

You do not need the help of anyone to find out why it would be evil and illegal to profit from the sale of human body parts. That is why pp is stating and fighting back hard, saying those videos are not showing negotiations of a business transaction but the cost of reimbursement...

I kinda do, that's why I asked for it to be explained. I just posted a link (from a pro-life religious group) explaining why what they're doing is probably legal. And I don't see why profiting from the sale of human body parts is necessarily evil. In this case, would it not be morally worse to simply burn the fetuses and waste them? I assume I'm correct in thinking no girls were solicited into having an abortion for monetary gain by any party?


Why would a "good doctor" joke about getting a Lamborghini if all they were doing was talking about cost reimbursement? Wouldn't be more appropriate to have pp's Certified Public Accountant be doing the talking and not the doctors, haggling over price of baby body parts, in a meeting in a restaurant?

I agree, it would be more appropriate. Probably more expensive too. I don't know why the "good doctor" joked about a Lambo, don't see how it's relevant.


If this was legal, why denying it? PP should be open and free to push forward your argument: "Although a fetus is just a goop of cells, we need to sell it because it has value on a open market. Why trash it when we can make $$$"

I do not see what the big deal is. Be open. Let the people see it. Don't try to use the black robes to stop more videos to surface. Show everything. Free speech. Fully...

I hope you agree with me.


If it's illegal, tell me about the law they broke. They might well act shady and deny certain things, even if what they are doing is fully legal, because PR ≠ The Law.

You put a bit of a spin on my argument there, but essentially, that's what I think. I mean, this isn't even a debate about the actual abortion, the thing is already dead FFS. It's like having someone shit in your toilet, and you having the option to flush it or sell it for money. It's a crude analogy, but if I'm wrong, explain why.
As I said, in an ideal world it would be given for free, but unfortunately there's no such thing.

The big deal is, even if something is legal, it doesn't make it universally acceptable. They would be stupid to be fully open because they would get crucified by the public, because most people don't think rationally. There are other sectors which have this problem, such as the meat industry and the government (lol). PR is extremely important.

I'm all for free speech, but free speech doesn't mean everyone has to tell everyone else everything. Cheesy
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Can someone explain to me exactly what the problem is with this? If the law is the problem, according to this link it's legal to sell fetal body parts:

I see everyone shouting about how awful it is, but no real justification about why. Would you just throw the fetuses in the bin instead?

I guess in an ideal world, the clinics would give the fetuses for free to research companies.

You do not need the help of anyone to find out why it would be evil and illegal to profit from the sale of human body parts. That is why pp is stating and fighting back hard, saying those videos are not showing negotiations of a business transaction but the cost of reimbursement...

Why would a "good doctor" joke about getting a Lamborghini if all they were doing was talking about cost reimbursement? Wouldn't be more appropriate to have pp's Certified Public Accountant be doing the talking and not the doctors, haggling over price of baby body parts, in a meeting in a restaurant?

If this was legal, why denying it? PP should be open and free to push forward your argument: "Although a fetus is just a goop of cells, we need to sell it because it has value on a open market. Why trash it when we can make $$$"

I do not see what the big deal is. Be open. Let the people see it. Don't try to use the black robes to stop more videos to surface. Show everything. Free speech. Fully...

I hope you agree with me.


Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
Can someone explain to me exactly what the problem is with this? If the law is the problem, according to this link it's legal to sell fetal body parts:

I see everyone shouting about how awful it is, but no real justification about why. Would you just throw the fetuses in the bin instead?

I guess in an ideal world, the clinics would give the fetuses for free to research companies.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants. And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”

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