I'm afraid it is the exact opposite and they are looking to GTFO while the getting is good. Who's to say they aren't distributing instead of accumulating? Ah yes, the hopes of deluded bulls.
Keep in mind that everything else is going down against the USD, and that will most likely continue taking Bitcoin down with it as people need to free up cash.
Pay attention, chodpaba...
The USD is not the primary concern among the savviest of HNW entities: it is the accelerating decay of our entire monetary system. They seek vehicles that will bridge the gap from the existing system to the next iteration. This is why many luxury assets have been rising.
As usage of the present system grinds down, wealth held within it will deteriorate at a blistering pace while the new system receives that outflow. Whatever forms the foundation of the new system will be fought over like a natural resource until transition volatility has subsided.
There is no universally-accepted asset capable of acting as the basis of a new monetary system other than gold. No paper contract, asset exchange, or altruistic dogma suffices. Nations have the same concerns an individual has: possession is 9/10ths. If an asset is within your dominion, it is yours.
China can physically relocate precious metals. It cannot do so with productive farmland located outside of its borders, or machinery used worldwide. Nations need a stable, immutable asset with no dependence upon foreign support.
While Bitcoin fits the bill, it is not pervasive enough yet. Gold is the transitional asset for at least the next few years, with other monetary metal playing lesser roles. By 2020 this may shift in favor of crypto.
Bitcoin is a new form of preservation, unproven to many but rapidly gaining acceptance and viewed as a place to park a small percentage of wealth.
Edit: fixed quote, added final statement.