that's assuming you or anyone else has the ability to determine whether or not a UTXO has 100% cleanliness. i'd say it depends on who is doing the analysis. you yourself admitted, after i pointed it out, that you might indeed have stolen coins from allinvain in your wallet. should we lock down your coins?
- grandfather all UTXO at a point in time.
- validate UTXOs from then forward by the simple metric: 'do we know who is responsible for them?'
This is as simple as the filter for general cryptography which we are likely to see:
- packet has a govt back-door?
These things are really very simple. If you want to sooth yourself by imagine them as complex, suit yourself, but don't whine and bitch when you lose your ass.
if it's so trivial, tell us how splitting out UTXO's works technically. wallet software follows a particular logic of UTXO selection when assembling for a specific tx which i've not been able to get a good sense of and i'm sure you haven't either. there's no such thing as "UTXO control" like there is "coin control" for addresses, afaik. tell us how you would construct a tx to select or exclude certain UTXO's that you'd deem tainted. from what i do know, the wallets select the most suitably "sized" UTXO's which when combined together fits the tx amount so as to minimize splitting and efficiently packages the tx at the least cost in terms of fees and data requirements. furthermore, for a UTXO that has 0.15% "taint", tell us how you'd split that out practically. stop pretending that Coinbase has a way to do this when you don't know that.
Formulating a spend from select UTXO's is a _very_ simple problem. It's not often needed these days (though it's been done to try to deal with the dust problem) but it's uncommon because it is not very useful rather than because it is difficult.
As for identifying a UTXO as validated or not (to decide whether to spend it) that is not possible because there is no validation service at present. Here again, it does not mean that it is a difficult problem.
I do suggest that you brush up on how to formulate transactions from abstract UTXO's in a desired way before the USGavincoin alt is pushed out. You can thank me later.
what you're proposing is "possible" is mostly likely not possible and certainly is not "practical". i've never seen any wallet with the ability to allow users to spend certain UTXO's. what would be the point except to satisfy your socialistic mandates?