
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 39. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
A Quote That May Come Back to Haunt Rand Paul

When Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) induced an abortion-related gaffe from Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, pro-life activists hailed him as one of their most effective messengers in presidential politics — but he doesn’t intend to build his 2016 campaign around such fights.
Rand owned her and by consequence the entire abortion debate from a long time ago but still they go on with their shit... in their portrayal.

“I didn’t run for office because of the social issues,” Paul said Monday during a question-and-answer session with conservative-radio host Dom Giordano at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia. “It wasn’t what got me to leave my practice. I ran for office mainly because I became concerned that we were going to destroy the country with debt. That we would borrow so much money that we would just destroy the currency . . . There’s also a chance that we get so far overdrawn that we have a calamity. In 2008, we were very close to a calamity.”

The exchange began when Giordano asked if, in light of the House passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, abortion should be “handled” at the state level or at the federal level under the Fourteenth Amendment.

“I think best by the states,” Paul replied. “I think the question that still divides us, and it’s a difficult question, is when does life begin . . . I’m an ophthalmologist and I see one and two-pound babies in the neonatal nursery. I look into their eyes and I try to prevent a form of blindness that is now preventable. And everybody agrees that that one-pound baby has rights. If someone were to try to hurt that one-pound baby in the neonatal nursery, it’s a problem, that baby has rights. But we — I think somewhat inconsistently — say that a seven-pound baby, at birth or just before birth, has no rights.”


Read more at:

Says this neocon rag that's trying to exploit this where nothing is really there. Fiscals trump socials esp when the social comment/stance isn't a complete negative. Turning a total positive of fiscal conservatism against those that are in it only for social conism is typical of the neocons that only care about foreign policy hawkism just to obfuscate the big picture. The post is there but I left the link to you if you want to reward these kinds w/ your grace by taking the extra step.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: 'Whatever it takes to stop' Patriot Act re-authorization

Washington (CNN)Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, said he will do "everything humanly possible" to keep the Senate from reauthorizing the Patriot Act.

The GOP presidential candidate said in an interview with CNN's Alisyn Camerota that aired Tuesday on "New Day" that he will try to filibuster a reauthorization of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which spawned the National Security Agency's collection of millions of Americans' phone records.

A handful of powerful Senate Republicans are pushing to reauthorize the Patriot Act without any reforms. Others in the Senate are pushing the USA Freedom Act, which would reform the Patriot Act's Section 215 and effectively end bulk data collection. The House quickly passed that bill last week.

But Paul and other privacy hawks want more reforms than those included in that bill, and Paul is calling for the end of that section of the Patriot Act, which is set to sunset at the end of the month.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul filed Audit the Fed as amendment to Trade Promotion Authority bill

Plenty to Navigate to Get ‘Fast Track’ Through Senate

The pathway to Senate passage of legislation to restore “fast-track” authority for trade authority is full of obstacles, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to avoid any more.


And later Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., filed an amendment to the trade bill that could further complicate the plans of Hatch and McConnell if he seeks a vote.

Paul has filed his Federal Reserve transparency measure, which is always one of the more contentious items on Capitol Hill. The amendment would direct the Government Accountability Office to conduct a full audit of the Fed within a year of enactment. The amendment also would direct the comptroller general to audit home loan files from 2009 and 2010 involved in enforcement actions.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
You can find more than 200 photos from the entire GOP Lincoln dinner (IA) here:
These are of all the GOP candidates present.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
You can find more than 30 photos from the Oskaloosa meet & greet here:
These are pretty interesting as the venue has this old school movie theme to it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
PHOTOS: Rand Paul in Burlington (Iowa)

Photographer commentary:  One of the more interesting events was the Fairfield event, as it is where the transcendental meditation school is, and went heavily for Ron Paul in the last 2 election cycles. I think Rand did very well with the audience there at that event, as well as the other audiences he spoke to throughout Iowa. It was a lot of fun being able to photograph him on the campaign trail again.

You can find more than 30 photos from the Burlington meet & greet here:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Good for Rand bringing attention to obvious waste. If more people knew the real details, it would be much easier to elect genuine fiscal conservatives.
And this is just another segment of larger amounts of waste that Rand has been portraying on a regular basis and I post it here when I see it just to spread the word. Sadly, it's really hard for real fiscal conservatives/libertarians et al to win primaries when the big money goes to the insider spender incumbents especially in US Senate races unless someone is retiring, same for House races. The more of us that are awakened and take action by donating, spreading the word, becoming delegates and pushing social media on the low, the better off we'll be. And, then there's bitcoin which will help the future as the economy goes down and more rational visionaries w/ free market principles get wealthier - most of us being younger and all.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Outside Independence Hall, Rand Paul Calls On Obama To End NSA Program

PHILADELPHIA — Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul traveled to the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on Monday to call on President Obama to end the NSA’s program that collects bulk phone record data of American citizens.

“Here in front of Independence Hall, I call for the president to obey the law,” the Kentucky senator said in an afternoon press conference, surrounded by supporters with campaign signs. “The court said last week that it is illegal to collect all of your phone records, all of the time, without a warrant with your name on it. I call on the president today to immediately end the bulk collection of our phone records.”

On the Independence Mall at the corner of 5th and Market Streets, Paul railed against the NSA’s program: “I don’t know anyone named Mr. Verizon. That is not a valid warrant. That is a general warrant. And that’s what we fought the revolution over. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled to know that we are writing one single warrant and collecting everyone’s phone records all the time.”

Asked whether he will filibuster the upcoming vote on the extension of the Patriot Act, which the NSA uses to carry out the bulk collection program, Paul replied: “I will do everything possible. The rules are tricky in the Senate, so I don’t know what I can promise. But we will do everything possible, including filibustering the Patriot Act, to stop that.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Iraq War Architects Shouldn’t Get To Keep Going On Sunday Shows
“History has already begun to harshly judge those who made this country’s decisions after 9/11,” Paul writes in his forthcoming book.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul writes in his forthcoming book that it is troublesome that those who planned the Iraq War are still invited on Sunday morning political talk shows to give their opinions.

“Let’s take for example the war in Iraq,” writes Paul. “Unlike Mrs. Clinton, had I been senator at the time of the Iraq War, I would have never voted for it, and it troubles me that we were sold the war on false pretense.”

“It’s also bothersome that the mainstream media continues to invite the architects of the Iraq invasion on to share their opinions on Sunday morning shows,” he adds. “History has already begun to harshly judge those who made this country’s decisions after 9/11.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul Releases Third Edition of ‘The Waste Report’
Uncovers Thousands of Dollars of Waste in the U.S. Department of Education

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released the third edition to ‘The Waste Report,’ which is an ongoing project highlighting egregious examples of waste within the U.S. government.

The third edition of the ‘The Waste Report’ exposes thousands of dollars of waste in the U.S. Department of Education. In the coming weeks, the U.S. Department of Education will offer a multi-day writing course designed to teach twenty of their employees how to write an e-mail in the workplace.
‘The Waste Report’ can be found HERE or below.

U.S. Department of Education - $240/Hour E-mail Class

It is on your computer, it is on your phone. From sharing recipes to writing serious communication; email has become a part of everyday life. In fact Jacob Morgan of Forbes declared in a 2013 article, “Everyone has an email account.”[1]

Perhaps this is why earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Education (Dep. of Ed), of all federal agencies, awarded a contract (at about $240 per hour) for an “Email Writing Course” to be given to twenty of their employees (in two cohorts).[2][3] According to the solicitation, participants should come away knowing things like, “when to write an email,” and the “[p]roper tone and etiquette,” of an email.[4] Keep in mind; these are not students, but federal workers at the Dep. of Ed’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

As pervasive as email is, one would expect this course to be a simple one or two hour “tune-up” on writing skills. Instead the Dep. of Ed, is asking for a two to three DAY course. Even some prospective venders were skeptical of the time requirement. In an addendum to the original solicitation, the Dep. of Ed. responded to vender questions, including one that rightly asked how many hours of training was expected for each session. The response was shocking, “The Department anticipates that these days will be full days of training.” Another asked if the two to three day requirement is meant to provide for both cohorts (which would be somewhat more reasonable). The response, “The requirement is for 2 separate offerings of a 2-day or 3-day course.”[5]
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Bill Clinton put ‘generation’ of black men in prison

PHILADELPHIA — Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says he will bash Hillary Clinton over her husband’s record of putting “a generation of black men in prison” if he is the nominee.

Paul, a freshman senator from Kentucky, says he will compete with Clinton in Philadelphia, where Democrats have a 7-to-1 registration advantage, and other impoverished cities by highlighting his support for criminal justice reform.

“If I were the nominee, we will compete in Philadelphia,” he told CBS radio talk show host Dom Giordano at the National Constitution Center.
“I’ll ask Hillary Clinton, what have you done for criminal justice? Your husband passed all the laws that put a generation of black men in prison. Her husband was responsible for that,” he said.

“She’s changing her tune now. She’s changing her tune because people like me have been speaking out against these injustices,” he said.

As president, Clinton signed the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which gave states fiscal incentives to enact tougher sentencing laws.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul just got vindicated BIG TIME!!!

ICYMI, Remember this exchange of Rand grilling Hillary about potential weapons shipments going on out of Libya during that epic Benghazi cmte hearing when Hillary said "what difference does it make" in answering another Senator?

Well guess what Judicial Watch uncovered this morning:

Thanks to Judicial Watch obtaining new memos, Fox News is now reporting that the Obama administration knew that Benghazi was being used as a hub for the transfer of lethal weapons to Syria back in 2012. Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell suggested to Bret Baier that the CIA wasn’t doing the transferring, but was watching someone else do it.

Read more:

Here's Fox News reporting on this ordeal earlier today:
If you watch the full video, you notice they mention Hilary's testimony about the weapons in Libya, but FOX never mentions who she had with it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Dings NSA For Tracking "Innocent Americans"

Washington (CNN) Sen. Rand Paul says the National Security Agency's bulk collection of data on "innocent Americans" has led federal law enforcement officials to lose sight of real threats -- including the Boston Marathon bombers.

"I think if you're not spending so much time and money collecting the information of innocent Americans, maybe we could've spent more time knowing that one of the Tsarnaev boys, one of the Boston bombers, had gone back to Chechnya," the Kentucky Republican senator said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"We didn't know that, even though we'd been tipped off by the Russians. We had communicated, we had interviewed him, and still didn't know that."

Paul, who's seeking the GOP presidential nomination, said if he's president he would keep the NSA but target the intelligence agency's operations toward more likely terror suspects.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Asks: What Happens When We Topple Secular Dictators?

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Sunday the renewed debate over the Iraq War should raise a more forward-looking question: "Is it a good idea to topple secular dictators? And what happens when we do?"

The origins of the Iraq War have been in the news again as Jeb Bush — another top contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016 — stumbled last week in trying to answer whether or not his brother made a mistake invading Iraq in 2003. Bush first said he would have done the same thing, then said it was a hypothetical question he could not answer, then said mistakes were made and he would not have done it.

In an interview aired on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, Paul said he does not believe the world would be a better place if Saddam Hussein were still in charge in Iraq. But he noted, "when Hussein was toppled, we got chaos. We still have chaos in Iraq. I think it emboldened Iran. I think — we now have the rise of radical Islam in Iraq as well."

"So you have this radical brand of jihad, this radical brand of Islam, that is now strong and growing stronger because of sort of the failed state that Iraq is," Paul added. "You have the same thing going on in Libya. So this is a valid debate and we're gonna have to have this debate, not only in the Republican primary but in the general, as to whether or not it's a good idea. Is intervention always a good idea? Or sometimes does it lead to unintended consequences?"
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s NSA Filibuster Vow Complicates Senate’s Memorial Day Getaway

The Senate is supposed to be finishing up a six-week work period, but would lawmakers really leave for the Memorial Day recess without resolving the debate over National Security Agency surveillance?

For Sen. Rand Paul the answer is “yes,” because a lack of affirmative legislative action by the Senate by June 1 would mean the expiration of the authorities under Section 215 of the Patriot Act.

“We could do something extraordinary,” the Kentucky Republican said Thursday. In the event of an outright lapse in the authorization, Paul said, “I see no reason why we couldn’t use the Constitution for awhile.”

Paul, whose filibuster of CIA Director John O. Brennan’s nomination over drone policy elevated his profile nationally, plans to do it again.


McConnell, who has favored a full extension of the program until near the end of the next presidential administration, floated a two-month stopgap late Thursday, but Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., tweeted shortly thereafter, “Two months is two months too long.”

The White House also upped the pressure, with spokesman Eric Schultz telling reporters Friday the Senate should not go home without clearing the House bill.

If senators fail to pass the House bill, “they will be weakening our nation’s security and stand in the way of reforms … that would enhance the American people’s trust and confidence in the agencies tasked with protecting them.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Appears on NBC's Meet the Press- May 17, 2015
The education subject is so important to winning.
When students hear the message of being able to attend an online college level class, with a Harvard or MIT instructor that is dirt cheap compared to what they would pay if they where in that professors class room, they will vote for him just for the opportunity and the savings. This is a very powerful way to attract not only youth, but stay at home parents, specifically women who want to finish their degrees. This needs to be pushed, because it is the youth, female and minority vote that will win Rand the election.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
You Can Become A Delegate like me

Each state has its own rules for national convention delegate selection. States may and often do change their state laws and party rules between national conventions.
Under their national rules and U. S. Supreme Court decisions, state Democratic parties may adopt rules for national convention delegate selection which are inconsistent with state laws. The national Rules of the Republican Party now also provide that state Republican Party rules for national delegate selection prevail over state law on this subject.
Most delegates are elected in states with primaries, but primary and convention rules vary greatly from state to state. Learning your state's applicable laws and party rules is a key, first step toward becoming a delegate.
If your state is one of the many which have no presidential primary, you may have to mount a major operation to attract people to a caucus or win support from local delegates to a district or state convention. If you already know how to draw a crowd, work a convention, use parliamentary procedure, form alliances, and count votes, you have a head start on the road to the Big Convention.
If your state elects delegates in a presidential primary, your problems will be somewhat different. A primary can involve precinct organization, TV, radio, and press advertising, a great deal of money and many, many more people than a convention. But, while it helps to be an expert at convention politics and primary election politics, your personal reputation and your candidate preference are likely to prove much more important.
Some states have "winner take all" presidential primaries. Other states use proportional representation. Under this system, presidential candidates who get a majority of the primary votes get to select only a majority of the state's delegates, and candidates who received a sizable minority of the primary votes get to pick some delegates from the state.

- See more at:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul rips Jeb, Hillary over foreign policy

Fairfield, Ia. – Rand Paul sought to shape the foreign policy debate among 2016 contenders on Saturday, criticizing fellow White House hopefuls Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton for their views on the Middle East.

The Republican senator also railed on a Patriot Act that allows the government to collect Americans' phone data, vowing to fight against its renewal in Congress in coming days.

The speech came after a week of questions around Bush's views on the Iraq War and ahead of a week of debate on the Patriot Act in Washington.

"We had a question this week that was asked to a certain candidate who used to be the governor of Florida who's running in the Republican primary," Paul said, referring to Bush and his appearance Monday on Fox News. "And the question was: Knowing what you know now do you think it was a good idea to topple Hussein, to begin the war in Iraq?

"He fumbled around, and I think he had four or five different questions on four or five different days. But one of his responses was a very defensive response: 'Well, that's hypothetical. What would that have to do with this election?' I think the question has everything to do with this election."


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