
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 43. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP consultant on hot seat over Rand Paul attack Grin

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and senior Republican officials are calling out a GOP firm that worked on a seven-figure ad campaign lashing Rand Paul over his foreign policy views.

The problem? The firm’s co-founder is also working for a McConnell-backed super PAC that’s defending the GOP Senate majority in 2016, when Paul is also on the Senate ballot in Kentucky.

Last month, the Republican firm Black Rock Group was hired to do communications work for the Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America, which bombarded Paul with a $1 million ad campaign calling him “dangerous” because of his positions on Iran. But Black Rock’s co-founder, Carl Forti, also works as the political director for American Crossroads, which has formed the Senate Leadership Fund, a McConnell-backed super PAC.

The awkward situation of Forti’s firm being paid to promote a political attack on Paul — while also trying to keep GOP senators like Paul in office — has prompted strong reactions in GOP circles.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The Economist/YouGov Poll: Rand 2nd Nationally

Top Four:

Bush: 11%
Paul: 9%
Scott Walker: 8%
Marco Rubio: 8%
Undecided: 30%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
WMUR/UNH Poll: Rand Leads Clinton by 4% in NH

Kentucky senator Rand Paul currently is among the leading Republicans vying for the nomination and he also does well against Clinton. If Paul were the Republican nominee, 47% of likely voters say they would vote for him, 43% would vote for Clinton, 2% support someone else, and 7% are undecided. In February, Clinton held a 10 percentage point lead over Paul.

Independents split between Paul and Clinton – 43% favor Paul and 36% favor Clinton. Clinton leads among women by 13 percentage points but Paul leads among men by 24 percentage points.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)93%
 is celebrating the news a federal appeals court rejected President Barack Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA) data collection program on Thursday. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Paul says he can’t wait for the Supreme Court to eventually rule it unconstitutional.

“We initiated a lawsuit on this over a year ago, and we are excited that the appeals court agrees with us,” Paul said.

Now, they’re saying it’s illegal in that Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act doesn’t authorize that—that the government has gone too far—I think that’s a good first step. We want the Supreme Court to eventually rule on whether this is Constitutional or not. Our main complaint, or one of our main arguments is, the Fourth Amendment says you have to name the person who you want to get a warrant—but not naming anyone and putting “Mr. Verizon” down and saying you can get the records of millions of people, you’re not writing a specific warrant.

You’re writing a generalized warrant. This is one of the things that we fought against that the British were doing to us. James Otis famously argued in court that the writs of assistance that the British were using were non-specific and didn’t use the person’s name—and so we wrote the Fourth Amendment to try to stop this kind of stuff. I guess it’s gratifying that the courts are beginning to recognize the problem. We are anticipating and eager for this to get to the Supreme Court.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
According to reports, Rand Paul will be opening his long awaited office in California this weekend, as part of a visit to San Francisco. Dr. Paul will be attending an event entitled "Disrupting Democracy: Growing a New Generation of Voter Engagement" on Saturday, May 9. Opening an office in the San Francisco Bay Area has been touted as way to gain access to a tech-savvy demographic of libertarian-minded supporters and voters. Rand's trip follows on the heels of a visit by Hillary Clinton, who has also joined in the competition to establish a NorCal supporter and donor base.

Get tickets...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Slams Jeb Bush For Agreeing With Obama’s NSA Data Collection

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, slammed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush—a likely 2016 candidate who hasn’t announced yet that he’s running—for agreeing with President Barack Obama on the National Security Agency (NSA) data collection program. The program was ruled illegal by a federal appeals court on Thursday, prompting a likely Supreme Court battle soon—something Paul expects to win.

“Well I think I’m the only Republican or Democrat candidate for the presidency who has said that I would end the bulk collection of records on day one,” Paul said in his interview with Breitbart News on Thursday.

It was started by executive order and I would do it by executive order. The thing that’s been disingenuous by the president is his privacy committee says he should end it, and he says “okay, I’ll end it when Congress does it.”

Well, it was started by executive order—it can be ended by executive order. I’m the only presidential candidate who has said that I would do this. There are in fact some that are completely the opposite. Jeb Bush has said that he’s basically so much in love with the program that he’s complimenting the president and saying this is the best thing President Obama ever did. So if Jeb Bush and President Obama are in complete agreement on this, I think it’s important that maybe we talk about a Republican candidate who would be opposed to President Obama on this.
Back in February in a foreign policy speech in Chicago, Jeb Bush sided with Obama in favor of the NSA data collection program.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Apparently Paid $100,000 for

Days before Paul launched his bid for president, his campaign shelled out more than $100,000 to a domain-buying firm to purchase a "domain name." Soon after,, which had previously been a pro-Paul site run by his fans, emerged as the official portal for the campaign.

Federal campaign records show Paul used his Senate reelection committee to pay $100,980 to, a domain service, on March 27 for what is described as a "domain name." Previously, Paul's political homepage was, an address that now automatically redirects to his page.

The payment is an enormous sum even in the murky world of political cybersquatting. "Holy crap," a top Republican digital strategist said when informed of the price. "That's a ton."

Patrick Ruffini, a veteran GOP digital strategist, said that he had never heard of a campaign paying so much for a URL, though he was not shocked. "It's very much a seller's market," Ruffini said, adding that owning a candidate's "" was the gold standard in the digital world. "I would argue that almost nothing else matters."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Celebrates Ruling Against NSA's Bulk Data Collection

He was accused of responding too sluggishly and carefully to the Baltimore unrest and last month's drone revelations. No one can accuse Kentucky Senator Rand Paul of avoiding the New York appeals court decision that found the NSA's bulk data collection program to be a violation of the Patriot Act. Within minutes, Paul's social media accounts were turned over to the NSA story.

"This is a monumental decision for all lovers of liberty," Paul said in a later statement. "I commend the federal courts for upholding our Constitution and protecting our Fourth Amendment rights. While this is a step in the right direction, it is now up to the Supreme Court to strike down the NSA's illegal spying program. It is the duty of elected officials to protect the rights of all Americans, and Congress should immediately repeal the Patriot Act provisions and pass my Fourth Amendment Preservation and Protection Act. I will continue to fight to prevent the Washington Machine from illegally seizing any American's personal communication."



Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Digital Chief Says Plea for Ideas Is Crowdsourcing

Political campaigns are notoriously opaque. They're also typically pretty top-down affairs despite staffers' insistence that "It's all about the grassroots."

So it was a bit surprising to see Vincent Harris, the young entrepreneur heading digital for GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, asking supporters on Twitter for ideas.

Specifically, he asked followers of his @VincentHarris account on Wednesday what the candidate might do better in digital media. In a related post he wrote, "I am around always to listen. Have had folks as young as 14 send in great tips to vincent (at) Please keep 'em coming."

This request might seem odd to some. Isn't Mr. Harris, the expert the Paul camp wrested from the claws of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, supposed to know what to do already? Mr. Harris's Austin-based consultancy, Harris Media, is depicted in a recent Politico article as a group of seriously no-nonsense dudes (and gals). In one scenario, Mr. Harris blows off a couple Facebook reps in favor of a guy from Meerkat. A photo of the Harris Media staff accompanying the article looks like a promo shot for the next CW drama, but with all the tough guys front and center.


If any of you geniuses have any great ideas, be sure to hit him up.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Everyone: Wanna help Rand on one of the largest talk shows in the USA?
Glenn Beck Presidential Letter Grade Survey Poll Round #5. Go Vote!

Let's see if we can push Rand to the top this time or at least get him an A grade. He's been B+. I believe Cruz is the only candidate to average an A in these polls.

They will be discussing the poll on this Friday's show. Voting continues up until the time they discuss it on Fri.

hxxps:// - change the xx to tt and fill it out from far and wide. The audience is made up of millions of conservatives and the social ones that are likely acceptables of the likes of Cruz, Huckabee and Rubio. Let's get down and make this something that Beck (who's cordial w/ Rand unlike his dad in the past) reports on across the board.

The survey is wanting you to grade all these people from A+ to F and everything the rest down the line with the known necons deep in the F territory. Help out if you're obliged to. It's pretty fun tho.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sens. Paul, Schatz & Rep. Ellison Introduce RESET Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), and U.S. Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) yesterday reintroduced the Reclassification to Ensure Smarter and Equal Treatment Act of 2015, known as the RESET Act. This bipartisan and bicameral legislation would reclassify specific low-level, non-violent drug possession felonies as misdemeanors, eliminate the distinction between crack and powder cocaine for sentencing, and ensure that food products containing drugs are weighed fairly. Rep. Ellison sponsors the companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“The RESET Act will end the worst sentencing injustices for non-violent offenses in our criminal justice system. It will more closely align punishment with the severity of the offense and make it possible for someone to get a second chance after a non-violent youthful mistake, instead of a lifetime punishment,” Sen. Paul said.

“Today, our flawed criminal justice system imposes harsh punishments for non-violent, low-level drug crimes, creating a destructive cycle of recidivism that impacts those in our most vulnerable communities. The RESET Act helps fix some of the problems facing our justice system by ensuring punishments for low-level crimes are fair. By making these commonsense changes, we can make sure resources are directed toward violent criminals and give petty offenders a better chance at becoming productive members of society,” said Sen. Schatz.

“The failed war on drugs is designed to keep entire communities in a cycle of debt and poverty,” Rep. Ellison said. “1.5 million African American men are missing from society due in large part to our broken criminal justice system. We need to bring the punishment for non-violent and low-level drug offenses back into proportion with similar crimes.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Tom Woods: Iran Update, Plus: Rand Paul's Best Strategy
Tom Woods (Mises guy) and Scott Horton (anti-war guy) start talking about Rands strategy at 16:00 for the rest of the show
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Unveils ‘The Waste Report’

In February, the Inspector General (IG) for the Department of Homeland Security issued a report documenting a lack of oversight in the Coast Guard’s Travel to Obtain Health Care Program. At an average annual cost of $1.2 million (not counting lost work), thisprogram pays for persons stationed in Alaska to travel to receive medical care they cannot get locally. [1]

As the IG notes in their report, most care can be fully provided in Anchorage or (if needed) in Seattle, WA. Instead, the IG uncoveredtrips from Alaska to Vail, Colorado; Orlando, FL; Scottsdale, AZ; and Savannah, GA.[2] Though a doctor’s referral is supposed to be required before travel is approved, only twelve percent of records had such notes.

In total, 94 percent of all records were missing key elements including travel requests, approval forms, cost estimates, and/or doctor’s notes.[3] This lack of basic documentation prevented the IG from substantiating whistleblower claims that trips -even to Anchorage- were more for shopping than medical care, while also preventing the IG from affirming the need for accompanyingspouses (who also traveled at taxpayer expense) to assist patients.

The IG made several recommendations to improve training on what kind of documentation is required for the health care travel program. The Coast Guard agreed to all the recommendations and has implemented the training, but one should not need special training to know that taxpayer funded medical travel should not be approved without a doctor’s note, especially if that travel is for couples’ trips to vacation hot spots.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Quinnipiac Iowa Poll Rand tied for second with 13%

Walker is at 21 percent of likely GOP caucus participants, compared to 25 percent in a February 25 poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

In the scramble for second place are U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida with 13 percent each, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas with 12 percent and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee with 11 percent. Physician Ben Carson has 7 percent, with 5 percent for Bush. No other candidate is above 3 percent and 6 percent are undecided.

Bush tops the list at 25 percent, followed by New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie with 20 percent, when likely Republican Caucus participants are asked if there is any candidate they would definitely not support." Paul is next on this negative list with 10 percent.

"The first few months of the Iowa Republican caucus race show Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker as the early leader. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, on the strength of an impressive candidacy roll out, has moved from the bottom of the pack into a tie for second," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll. "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has yet to formalize his candidacy while he amasses what most expect to be a massive fund-raising lead, runs seventh with just 5 percent of the vote.

Walker 21
Rubio 13
Paul 13
Cruz 12
Huckabee 11
Carson 7
Bush 5
Perry 3
Christie 3

Cruz and Rubio got a bump, walker went down, and Rand stayed the same.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Fox's "On the Record" w/ Greta Van Susteren last night
Rand talks about Saudi Arabia's financing of radical Islam, the recent event in TX and they talk about the latest Wall Street Journal poll that shows Rand as the best republican to go up against Hillary as well as Rand mentioning that a poll that came out in the last few weeks shows that he's the only republican that can beat Hillary in battleground states like CO, PA and IA and said that the general republican voter needs to know that. Kinda hinting that it's not being made very well known.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox:Sen. Rand Paul: Events in Garland, Texas ‘Absolutely Terrorism’

Watch the GOP presidential candidate go ON THE RECORD and give us his take on the thwarted terror attack in Garland, Texas, the latest 2016 polls and tell us how he would have handled the unrest in Baltimore.

Nice video footage of Rand making his points...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul tweaks John McCain: ‘Some old guy’ who called us wacko birds

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, continued his war of words with Sen. John McCain of Arizona on Monday, not naming the senator but referring to “some old guy” who once labeled Mr. Paul a “wacko bird.”

Speaking in Michigan, Mr. Paul called Rep. Justin Amash, a Michigan Republican who endorsed Mr. Paul’s presidential campaign on Monday, a “fellow wacko bird.”

“Remember there was some old guy, I can’t remember his name, who called us wacko birds,” Mr. Paul said, The Washington Post reported. “How wacky is it to be somebody who actually believes in the Constitution and all of the Bill of Rights?”

“I won’t tell you who it is, but it’s a senator from Arizona,” Mr. Paul said.

In a 2013 interview with the Huffington Post, Mr. McCain referred to Mr. Paul, Mr. Amash and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas as “wacko birds” before later apologizing. Mr. Cruz, like Mr. Paul, is running for president in 2016.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Donations Show His Small-Town Appeal

Online fund-raising data from the first several weeks of Rand Paul’s presidential campaign suggests that much of his initial small-dollar support has come from smaller cities and towns.

After starting his campaign on April 7 with a “Stand With Rand” online appeal, his campaign brought in its first $1 million in less than 30 hours, from more than 15,500 donations, according to data published on and collected by The Upshot.

He has far to go to match the success of his father, Ron Paul, in collecting money over the Internet. The initial flurry for Rand Paul faded quickly. It took an additional 16 days for the figure to double.

Supporters of Ron Paul contributed $4 million in a single day in 2007, and in 2011 the elder Mr. Paul did a one-day “money bomb” online fund-raising effort that netted $1 million for his presidential campaign.


The average donation recorded by the site hovered around $60 during the first few weeks, although the site did not list the amount of each contribution, just the total number of donors and the total amount. That means that Rand Paul will be able to go back to many of these supporters during the primary season. Indeed, some of them have already given multiple times.

Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Rand polls best versus Hillary in new national WSJ poll

Jeb Bush .................................................. .................................... 43
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 49

Scott Walker .................................................. ............................... 40
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 50

Marco Rubio .................................................. ............................... 43
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 49

Rand Paul .................................................. ................................... 44
Hillary Clinton .................................................. ............................. 47

Consistently, Rand keeps Hillary a point or two lower than any other republican candidate. Yet you'll rarely see it mentioned on mainstream news, including Fox. And even if they do mention it in passing they surely will never focus on it to let it sink in with the viewers.

The two in red and bolded above are who TPTB want on the ticket. I will be a hard fight to get Rand on it. They have not begin to unleash their 24/7 propaganda machine yet. When they do it will be merciless and they will carry on as those two are the only logical, qualified choices to run the country.
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Activity: 248
Merit: 100
Does Rand Paul support legalization of cannabis?

Things i liked about his dad, but not sure about his son.

1. Isolationist, i really think we need this. Its like the saying "if you cannot help yourself you cannot help others"
2. Audit the fed
3. Proscute the bankers shorting peoples mortgages.
4. Legalization of all drugs

Basically stay out of other peoples business unless they are hurting someone else and then make them pay.

As Ron sr. has said himself or my recent posting in this thread about Ronnie jr., Ron and Rand are 99% the same on the issues and the end game but just different in tactics. Meaning, you'll get much more non-iconoclastic lingo out of Rand who's trying to build a broader coalition (and that includes establishment types) w/o offering too much for the media to demagogue on and labeling him an extremist like the old man. Some strong libertarian/ancap idealists can't stomach the needle that Rand has to thread and thus call him a sell out even tho they should be intelligent enough to see the big picture.

And that's why I think rand is so much better then his dad because he can get more support and collaborate with others.
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