
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 51. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul-Wasserman Schultz Debate ‘Might Be a Hinge Point in Abortion Politics’

The Thursday panel of FNC’s Special Report with Bret Baier took on the late-term abortion debate between Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul and Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and included The Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes declaring that it could represent a possible “hinge point in abortion politics.”

After The Hill’s A.B. Stoddard praised the way Paul has addressed the issue and admitted that the topic of late-term abortion is “probably a winning issue” for the GOP, host Bret Baier asked Hayes if Wasserman Schultz’s recent comments are “politically selling.”

Hayes responded by explaining how the liberal Congresswoman’s comments were “unwise” and that “this might be a hinge point in abortion politics” with Paul’s framing of the debate being “absolutely brilliant”:

He reframed the issue and suggested that journalists go to Democrats and ask the question. Now, I think it’s unfortunate that Rand Paul has to do that. You would think that journalists might ask this question on their own, but they don't and I don't think it's occurred to any mainstream journalists to ask this question in the last two decades[.]
With the way that Paul has “reframed” the issue of abortion, Hayes added that it could lead to an overwhelming victory in favor of Republicans as well as put Hillary Clinton on the defensive:

I think, not only did Rand Paul flip the question and maybe change the way that we’re going to talk about late term abortions, but it could be a model for other issues and if you look at what Hillary Clinton has done, she refused to answer a question from my colleague John McCormack at The Weekly Standard who went to her spokespeople and said, this is a very simple question. This is what Debbie Wasserman Schultz said. What do you say? She won't answer.

More and video which I saw live earlier tonight...

I was almost blown away that this neocon show went ahead and gave Rand the kudos on this flipping of the abortion issue on the liberals, Charles Krautghammer was the other neocon panelist that didn't say anything during the segment and this was refreshing. Yall, check it out just a few extra minutes.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox News: JC Watts on his support of Rand Paul

This is one of the first black republican congressmen and he's well known throughout the party especially in the social conservative and tea party grassroots elements, so this guy speaking on behalf of Rand is definitely a positive for us. His support will Rand to these people as the media attempts to set up false narratives to drive these people from Rand.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul stands out in packed GOP field, analysts say

Standing out among the giant field of potential GOP candidates is tough, but Sen. Rand Paul will likely have an easier time of it than the others when they descend on New Hampshire this week.

Mr. Paul’s more restrained foreign policy is likely to take hits from a number of his potential fellow candidates at the sold out “Republican Leadership Summit,” which will attract 19 GOP hopefuls to Nashua on Friday and Saturday — including a host of pointed critics of the Kentucky senator’s stance.

“Although he comes from a very different ideological perspective, in may respects he shares Obama’s perspective on foreign policy, where he thinks Americans presence in the world is provocative,” said John Bolton, the former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. (and neocon of the highest order), who is slated to speak. “You never know where he is going to come out on a national security issues because I think his principles are at odds with his ambition.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Kelley Paul: ‘I’m going to work hard to elect Rand Paul’

BEDFORD, New Hampshire – The first-in-the-nation primary state received a visit from a potential first lady Wednesday.

Kelley Paul, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul, received a warm welcome from a crowd of mostly women in a private home where she stopped to promote her new book,“True and Constant Friends.” “I want to support Rand however I can,” Kelley told msnbc, adding, “I think that we need some new leadership, so I’m going to work hard to elect Rand Paul.”

Kelley said her role in the campaign is to support her husband and the rest of their family as they “juggle travel and a lot of demands” on their time. “I see myself giving some more speeches probably, helping with some of his messaging.”

The Kentucky senator’s wife is a former political consultant and will play a larger role in this campaign than her mother-in-law, Carol – the wife of three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul – ever did. “I think the Ron Paul campaign lost out by not using Carol more, early and often. Because once she started kind of putting herself out there, people absolutely loved ‘Luvie,’ as we call her. I would have liked to see more of her in Ron’s campaign.”


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rush Limbaugh: Rand Paul has done something no other Republican has done before - flipping the abortion issue around on liberals when questioned after his NH speech.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Kelley Paul Appears on CNN's New Day and talks about her book and responds to questions about Rand having issues w/ women, again. Roll Eyes
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
This poll is interesting, it shows Cruz gaining ground and Bush losing it. Rand pretty steady yet no or very little announcement bump. What the media has done for Walker who isn't even running yet is precisely what they did for Cain, Perry, Bachmann, Gingrich and the other frauds back in the 2012 primary.

Raleigh, N.C. – Public Policy Polling's newest survey of the Republican primary for
President in New Hampshire finds Scott Walker in a tier by himself- 24% of voters say
he's their top choice to 14% for Ted Cruz, 12% for Rand Paul, 10% for Jeb Bush, 8%
each for Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, 7% each for Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson,
and 4% for Rick Perry.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
There is very little chance of Rand Paul winning the race. Even if he is ahead, the other "mainstream" Republicans such as Bush and Huckabee would gang-up together to defeat him.

Rand Paul is not even close to Ron Paul. I think Mrs Paul may have been having an affair with the pool cleaner. Rand would make a good pool cleaner.

You don't make a good shill so please fuck off.
The troll is desperate for attention that they're not getting in the speculation sub any longer and their wonderful contribution here is calling Rand a pool cleaner. Undecided Anyways
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
There is very little chance of Rand Paul winning the race. Even if he is ahead, the other "mainstream" Republicans such as Bush and Huckabee would gang-up together to defeat him.

Rand Paul is not even close to Ron Paul. I think Mrs Paul may have been having an affair with the pool cleaner. Rand would make a good pool cleaner.

You don't make a good shill so please fuck off.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Marco Rubio Is the Anti-Rand Paul on Foreign Policy

Do you remember the time that the interventionist GOP establishment first sounded the alarm bell against Rand Paul? It was March 2010; Paul the inexperienced upstart was running a Tea Party-insurgent campaign against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's hand-picked home-state candidate to replace the retiring Jim Bunning, and the likes of Dick Cheney were not tolerating any loose talk about cutting military spending and being less eager to take America to war. Former Cheney aide Cesar Conda circulated a galvanizing letter of warning to people affiliated with the Foreign Policy Initiative, including directors William Kristol, Robert Kagan, and Dan Senor. Excerpt:

On foreign policy, GWOT, Gitmo, Afghanistan, Rand Paul is NOT one of us…It is our hope that you can help us get the word out about Rand Paul’s troubling and dangerous views on foreign policy.
Cesar Conda went on to become chief of staff of another insurgent GOP freshman from the Tea Party Class of 2010: Marco Rubio (R-Florida), today's 2016-candidate poster boy.

Rubio and Rand Paul have been frenemies in the Senate; on the friend side, the Cuban-American rather spectacularly quoted Jay-Z and Wiz Khalifa while helping Paul out during the Kentucky senator's epic 2013 filibuster on U.S. drone policy. But where the two have clashed even before November 2010 is on an area where they now share a committee assignment: foreign policy. The battle between the two men has and will continue to be a proxy war for the internal GOP divide over how the U.S. should conduct relations with the rest of the world. Here is a sample of their past clashes:


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
"The Movement Begins"
Great promo video (1.44 mins) of Rand's campaign. His digital media team is top shelf and this is just the start of many rowdy things to come.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Republicans' Best Hope to Beat Hillary

Hillary Clinton, to no one's surprise, announced Sunday that she's running for president. Barring catastrophe, she'll become the Democratic nominee next summer. There is no such clarity on the Republican side, with a new candidate official entering the race every week. But this much is clear: If the GOP want to defeat Clinton next fall, they should turn to the only Republican whose buzz rivals hers: Rand Paul.

The Republican Party is at a crossroads. Its base, bolstered by big-tent conservatism throughout the 1980s and late 2000s, is aware of its own image problem: The “Party of No” is on the losing side in the battle for marriage equality, has failed to convince Americans that it has a clearer plan for healthcare reform, and remains tacitly pro-war when the population is interested in a U.S. withdrawal from foreign intervention. Worse yet, its base is aging and isn't being replaced by younger voters. Libertarianism, however, is on the rise nationally, with 22 percent of eligible voters identifying with the movement in recent polling. Enter Rand Paul, heir apparent to the movement, who pointedly said during in an interview with the Associated Press, “Young people aren't so wedded to party. The kids are probably adrift somewhat. I don't think someone who is an authoritarian, or comes from a much more authoritarian point of view like Hillary Clinton, will attract them.” A fresh brand of libertarian-infused conservatism could be the way forward for Republicans looking to woo the youth vote, and Paul sees himself as the person who can provide it.

Rand might be right. While Clinton has overwhelming support from Millennials who grew up under her husband’s administration, the growth of libertarian ideology among young voters may peel away some of Hillary’s reliable supporters, swayed by Paul’s “leave-me-alone-coalition” of voters, reluctance toward the use of military force abroad, support of medical marijuana legislation, his platform position on criminal justice reform, and his sometimes-unpolished appearance in interviews and stump speeches that connote a sense of “realness” that is uncommon in GOP candidates.Paul gains headlines for what he’s not: a non-threatening Republican with a cadre of platform stances that are nearer to obsolescence than relatability. His brand of digestible libertarianism is made for the post-Obama generation. Hillary, on the other hand, is likely seen as a successor of Obama’s administration; she is the torch-bearer that Vice President Joe Biden would be, were he cut out for the presidency. Young voters who came of age during Obama’s two exciting campaigns may find Hillary to be a less magnetic choice compared Paul—if he finds traction with any Republican voters willing to compromise the beliefs of the base for the betterment of the party.

But therein lies the rub. Rand may be the candidate that Republicans need, but not the one they want. He is a dove in a party of hawks; a pro-marijuana legalization advocate in a party that only tacitly embraces reform. He’s a young, vibrant speaker whom Millennials actually listen to (even if he needs to be trained not to lash out at reporters). He doesn't espouse the conservative boilerplate of his competitors, so he may not stand a chance in Iowa, where his father’s campaign took devastating blows in 2012, or in the GOP primary generally. And yet, polls suggest he would stand a chance against Hillary in the general election. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Paul leads Clinton in both Iowa and Colorado while a national surveys place him only seven points behind Hillary. Paul leads Clinton in current Iowa polling by two to three percentage points. He leads Clinton on head-to-head polls in Colorado as well, a crucial state during both Obama campaigns.


And mind you, this is one of the more liberal online sites and used to put out a monthly magazine back when those were in vogue.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Kelley Paul (Rand's wife and potential secret weapon) on The Situation Room - Interview with Dana Bash (CNN)
You'll be seeing a lot more of Kelley as time goes by.

Dana Bash is a demoncrat stooge. In the first few words of that article she disses him. Fucking bitch.
Lol yeah, Rand and Dana have had plenty of a back story from the past and she's well aware of the flack she takes from the legions that support Rand and hone in on the media propagandists like yours truly. Dana kinda has a horse face and she's married to some other lefty media drone.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Kelley Paul (Rand's wife and potential secret weapon) on The Situation Room - Interview with Dana Bash (CNN)
You'll be seeing a lot more of Kelley as time goes by.

Dana Bash is a demoncrat stooge. In the first few words of that article she disses him. Fucking bitch.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Paul needs to attack Billary on all fronts. Do not back down. She should be in prison. If the media will not rake her over the coals and ask the tough questions then he has to be even more fierce.

The shills have already started attacking him in social media and as his popularity grows more negative attacks and shilling will come out of the woodwork.

He is not one of the bought and paid for candidates. In fact I think he is the only who is legit who is also popular.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Kelley Paul (Rand's wife and potential secret weapon) on The Situation Room - Interview with Dana Bash (CNN)
You'll be seeing a lot more of Kelley as time goes by.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Tech Wars: Rand Paul Digital Strategist Trolls Team Rubio After Website Crashes

As Sen. Marco Rubio announced his run for president last night — asking voters to visit — his digital team was frantically trying to keep the website up.

In the tech world, it’s a critical mistake, calling into question the viability of a candidate’s digital strategy, especially for a candidate who claims to be running a campaign for the future.

The digital train wreck was too much for Rand Paul’s digital strategist to resist, tweeting out a screenshot of the website failure.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's an online poll that anyone can vote for their candidate of choice. Back in the pre-season of the '08 primary elections, we used to game these online polls to show that Ron Paul had a lot of grassroots support to generate a buzz and media attention for him and this was kinda fun at the same time cause it irritated the supporters of other candidates that were told that Ron was such a terrible candidate for prez. Anyways, I'll periodically post these polls just so people around here can participate if they want. I won't post obscure website polls, just the more mainstream ones that will get some attention. Also, I won't link it cause I don't want the poll's operators accusing anyone of gaming it as in leaving an online trail if ya know what I mean.

h ttp://
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Pros and Cons by Chuck Baldwin


*He is his father’s son

In my opinion, Ron Paul is the greatest U.S. congressman in our country’s history. While we have had several outstanding U.S. House members, no one can match Ron’s incredible record. Without a doubt, Ron Paul is the U.S. House of Representatives’ most preeminent champion of liberty. And you know the old saying: the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I believe that is certainly true with Ron’s son, Rand.

And you can believe that establishment Republicans in Washington, D.C., believe that, too. As soon as Rand announced his candidacy, neocons such as Senator Lindsey Graham began their attacks against him. Graham went so far as to say that Rand Paul’s foreign policy is worse than Hillary Clinton’s. (That’s because Graham and Clinton are both warmongers, and Rand isn’t.) Rest assured, the GOP establishment will spend the entire primary season trying to make sure that Rand Paul does not receive the Republican nomination.

*Rand’s foreign policy

This is where Rand Paul shines. Like his dad, Rand believes in a constitutional foreign policy. He is opposed to America’s foreign wars of aggression. He is opposed to America’s preemptive war doctrine instituted by G.W. Bush. He is opposed to the Warfare State and all of the entangling alliances that go along with it. In fact, Rand Paul is the ONLY candidate for President from either the Republican or Democrat party that would probably make any significant change in America’s foreign policy.

And quite frankly, the office of President is mostly defined by foreign policy, and in this regard, Rand is probably the only candidate that would be willing to defy the war-mad neocons and bring America’s founding principles back to our State Department and DOD. Ted Cruz won’t do it; Ben Carson won’t do it; Scott Walker won’t do it; Marco Rubio won’t do it; Mike Huckabee won’t do it; Mike Pence won’t do it; Rick Santorum won’t do it; Chris Christie won’t do it; Jeb Bush won’t do it; Hillary Clinton won’t do it; and neither will Martin O’Malley. In reality, when it comes to foreign policy, there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Except for Rand Paul, that is. Rand is the ONLY presidential candidate who would potentially restore a constitutional foreign policy to the United States.

*Rand Paul is solid on the Bill of Rights and the right to life

Rand Paul is solid on the right to life and the Second Amendment. But unlike the rest of the presidential candidates, Rand is also solid on the rest of the Bill of Rights. In the name of the “war on terror,” politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C., have mostly eviscerated the Bill of Rights. For all intents and purposes, the Fourth through Tenth Amendments are mere words on paper. Both Republican and Democrat congresses have gutted them to the point that they are unrecognizable from their original intent. Rand Paul is the only presidential candidate who gives more than lip service to the Bill of Rights.

Accordingly, Rand Paul is the only presidential candidate that would probably use the power of the office to alleviate, or perhaps even dismantle, the burgeoning Police State in this country. This is another reason why Lindsey Graham and other neocons in Washington, D.C., hate Rand Paul.

*Rand is the Republican who has the best chance of winning the general election in 2016

Rand’s popularity will come from just about every quarter, except the Washington establishment. He will pull support from not only conservative, Tea Party, and patriot groups, but also from libertarians, independents, college-age and young Americans, and anti-war Democrats.

An MSN report notes, “Paul's speeches and media coverage have helped him break out of the Republican field. In very early trial heats of the presidential race, Paul regularly gets closer to Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, than his so-called establishment rivals. In a March poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, Paul tied Clinton in Pennsylvania, a state no Democratic candidate for president has lost since 1988.”

I'll leave the cons at...

It's a pretty objective contrast and this writer is a preacher that has known the Paul family for quite a while so I think this is a fair analysis.
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