
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 55. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
While most of the media attention has gone to the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, Rand Paul seized upon what may be the bigger problem for the Clintons — their family foundation and its foreign backers. Paul attacked Hillary for accepting big cash influxes from regimes that oppress women far more than her protestations over pay equity in the US (a subject on which her hypocrisy is nearly infinite). Those connections between the Clinton Foundation and countries such as Brunei and Saudi Arabia are “unconscionable,” Paul declared, and recommended that the foundation give the cash back, the Hill’s Jesse Byrnes reports from an interview in the Courier-Journal:

video of Rand...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Clinton Foundation took “unconscionable” donations during Hillary’s time as SecState

While most of the media attention has gone to the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, Rand Paul seized upon what may be the bigger problem for the Clintons — their family foundation and its foreign backers. Paul attacked Hillary for accepting big cash influxes from regimes that oppress women far more than her protestations over pay equity in the US (a subject on which her hypocrisy is nearly infinite). Those connections between the Clinton Foundation and countries such as Brunei and Saudi Arabia are “unconscionable,” Paul declared, and recommended that the foundation give the cash back, the Hill’s Jesse Byrnes reports from an interview in the Courier-Journal:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: 'We Should Be Boycotting Saudi Arabia'

HAMPSTEAD, N.H.—In short remarks at the BeanTowne cafe on Saturday, surrounded by Republican voters and legislators, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul hyper-charged his attack on the Clinton Foundation's tens of millions of dollars in donations from foreign countries.

"Anybody here think it's a good idea for Hillary Clinton to be accepting money from Saudi Arabia?" Paul asked. "Anybody here think that she ought to send it back to Saudi Arabia?"

Cheers and cries of "hear, hear" rose out of the crowd as Paul argued that donations from "a regime that punishes women who are raped" effectively terminated Clinton's credibility as an advocate for women.

"This is something we should be organizing a boycott of," said Paul. "Do you remember how when South Africa was misbehaving, we organized a boycott of South Africa? We should be boycotting Saudi Arabia, not taking money from Saudi Arabia's government."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Foreign donations to Clinton Foundation ‘thinly veiled bribes’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told POLITICO on Friday that foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation are “thinly veiled bribes,” and said Hillary Clinton should return any donations from Saudi Arabia or other countries that abuse the rights of women.

“The normal Clinton response is to cover up, deny, refuse to acknowledge,” Paul said in a telephone interview as he was being driven through New Hampshire. “But the question is whether the country will rise up and respond to the unseemly nature of accepting foreign donations. “
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Paul said that in addition to Saudi Arabia, the foundation should return donations from the United Arab Emirates and Brunei.
“In countries that stone people to death for adultery and imprison people for adultery, this is the kind of thing you would think someone for women’s rights would be standing up against, instead of accepting thinly veiled bribes,” the senator added.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Among other things, take a look.

New Hampshire GOP voters btw.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
“I have a biology degree, okay?”

– Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in remarks at the Lincoln Labs “Reboot Congress” conference, Feb. 12, 2015

Rand Paul’s claim — twice in one day — that he has a biology degree
this is puzzling because he has a Ba in Bio and also an MD in it.

This column has been updated with an additional explanation by Paul’s spokesman.

We first spotted a version of this quote in a Bloomberg column by David Weigel, and then checked the quotes with our colleague Jose DelReal, who had attended the conference.

This is a bit of an odd one, given that Paul does not have a college undergraduate degree.

The Facts

Paul mentioned his alleged degree at the conference not once, but twice. First, in an exchange with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Paul said:

Arrington: “Let’s talk about economics because maybe you can actually explain this to me. I have an econ degree which means I know just enough not to understand any of what our government is [inaudible]”

Paul: “Mine’s in biology and English so this is going to be a great conversation.”

Then, later in the conversation, expounding on what he considered the virtues of Bitcoin, Paul said:

“This is just me. I have a biology degree, okay? But with Bitcoin my concern always was whether or not something has real value. So I could imagine a kind of coin that was exchangeable. This gets back to the whole idea, does money have to be exchangeable for something to be of value?”

It's great that someone it bickering about a lower degree yet has an enormous one. The media wins this one.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand considers attaching Audit The Fed to debt ceiling vote!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is mulling attaching his Audit the Fed legislation to a vote to raise the debt ceiling, Paul spokesman Brian Darling told The Hill.

Darling said that Paul, who is considering a 2016 presidential campaign, fully expects to get a vote on the measure in the Senate this year and that "there are numerous options to get a bill passed by itself or combined with other legislation."

"The strategy going forward will be to use regular order," Darling told The Hill. "If regular order does not work, Audit the Fed would be a great amendment to a debt-limit increase or any other piece of must pass legislation that hits the Senate floor."

The move is a clear signal of how serious Paul is about getting a vote on the legislation that has garnered political blowback from top Fed officials. The proposal allows for increased congressional oversight at the central bank.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Veteran GOP operative David Chesley in line to head Rand Paul’s NH campaign

As Rand Paul prepares to formally announce his candidacy for President, the New Hampshire Journal has learned the Kentucky senator intends to tap state Republican Party director David Chesley to run his Granite State operation during the first-in-the-nation primary campaign.

Two independent sources confirmed Tuesday night that Chesley will leave his NHGOP post perhaps as early as next week and join Paul’s campaign as soon as the senator formally announces for President and begins an official campaign operation.

There are numerous media reports tonight that Paul will announce his candidacy in Louisville, Ky., on Tuesday, April 7.

The New Hampshire Journal has further learned that Paul New Hampshire supporters have been advised by the Paul team to save Wednesday, April 8, as the date he will arrive in the Granite State to continue his announcement tour. He is also expected to go to Iowa, South Carolina and other states.

Before the announcement tour, Paul is scheduled to arrive in New Hampshire on Friday for campaign-style events and meetings that day and Saturday.

In Chesley, Paul will be picking up one of the top operatives in New Hampshire. During the 2014 midterm campaign, Chesley was the Republican National Committee state “Victory” director and has remained in the role of NHGOP state director – a separate post from NHGOP executive director. In that role, Chesley oversees continued development of the party’s ground operation, data collection, get-out-the-vote planning and its voter ID effort.


Rand's team from top to bottom is top shelf, yet never mentioned by the tv media at this point. Folks are gonna be surprised to see such a ground game when they aren't being told nor apprised of the on the ground situation by the fake ass media including Fox. The interested parties here should be ready to donate to his campaign once the ball gets rolling in a few weeks.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Introduces Economic Freedom Zones Act of 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Rand Paul today reintroduced the Economic Freedom Zones Act of 2015. This legislation will establish free market enterprise zones and dramatically reduce taxes in order to help facilitate the creation of new jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, enhance and renew educational opportunities and increase community involvement in bankrupt or economically distressed areas. These zones will apply to any zip code with unemployment greater than one and a half times the national average.

“There are many communities in our country still waiting and praying for economic recovery and opportunity,” said Sen. Paul. “I want to give Americans in these places the chance to succeed.”

“The Economic Freedom Zones Act will allow impoverished areas to remove the shackles of big government by reducing taxes, regulations, and burdensome work requirements. These zones will give parents and students the flexibility to find better schools and provide incentives for philanthropy. By taking drastic, meaningful action, we can create new jobs and finally get these communities back to work,” Sen. Paul continued.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New CNN national poll: Bush 16, Walker 13, Paul 12/ Paul performs best against Clinton

1st choice:
Bush 16%
Walker 13%
Paul 12%
Huckabee 10%
Carson 9%
Christie 7%
Rubio 7%
Cruz 4%
Perry 4%
Kasich 2%
Graham 1%
Jindal 1%
Santorum 1%

2nd choice:
Bush 13%
Paul 11%
Rubio 11%
Huckabee 9%
Christie 9%
Cruz 6%
Carson 6%
Walker 5%
Perry 5%
Santorum 4%
Fiorina 3%
Kasich 2%
Graham 1%
Jindal 1%


Right where we want to be at this stage of the game.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Harry Reid thanks Rand Paul for help with eye injury

Washington (CNN)As Rand Paul presided over the Senate floor Wednesday morning, Democratic Leader Harry Reid took a few moments to thank the Kentucky Republican and ophthalmologist for helping him with an eye injury.

Reid, who now wears special dark glasses, said Paul has "has been so kind and thoughtful and considerate and visiting with me, giving me encouragement and some expert advice as to what he's seen in the past and giving me hope for better sight out of my right eye."

Reid suffered a concussion and broke several ribs and bones in his face during an exercising accident on New Year's Day, resulting in severe limitation of sight out of his right eye.

"I really appreciate it very, very much. I want the people of Kentucky to know how thoughtful and considerate and kind you've been to me over these months," he said.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
MTV News: Rand Paul Talks Tech, Social Media And Youth Issues At SXSW
Good Interview. Rand is relaxed and informative, speaks well off the cuff! For those that don't know, MTV is the biggest hipster music station viewed by many millenials.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
How Islamic State Threatens Rand Paul’s 2016 Campaign
Written by a former staffer to neocon McCain
The past few months, it has come to look like Islamic State cannot defeat U.S. airpower. It’s an open question whether the extremists can overcome the reconfigured Iraqi military. But it appears that they can, at least, defeat Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.).

Sen. Paul shot to the fore of the Republican presidential field last year about the same time voter exhaustion with unpopular wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was revitalizing a long-dormant isolationist wing of the Republican Party. In modern history, Americans have turned inward following prolonged military conflict. This happened after both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam. In recent years, voters had once again become skeptical of further foreign involvement. Along with a non-traditional approach to criminal justice in this country and to drug policy, Sen. Paul capitalized on this wariness as he developed the platform for his 2016 campaign.

Establishment Republicans were flummoxed. Since Ronald Reagan’s election, their party’s successes had been constructed on a three-legged foundation of economic conservatism, social and cultural traditionalism, and national security assertiveness. Losing the most reliable of those three legs heading into the post-Obama era was hardly a recipe for victory in 2016.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Disruptive SXSW Adventure

In choosing Austin, known as the Silicon Hills, Paul is hoping to tap into the city's tech "brainpower" to give the possible 2016 presidential hopeful an edge against Democrats that have trounced his party on the technology front in previous elections. Austin is also the home base of Vincent Harris, the digital strategist Paul poached from Texas Senator Ted Cruz's network. Harris spent the whirlwind first weekend of SXSW alternating between updates on Paul's visit and updates on the general election in Israel, where he'd traveled to advice Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud.

"I think we've lagged and that's part of trying to start so early," Paul told Bloomberg Politics in a freight elevator that he used to escape fans awaiting him. "I would say President Obama's team exceeded in the last two elections. I think we have an uphill battle, but starting this early I think we have a great chance."

Austin is the destination in an annual music and technology pilgrimage that tens of thousands of people make from around the world to hear live music, watch up and coming films, and learn about the next tech innovation. The festival has become a must-be place for tech entrepreneurs are seeking venture capital. It's also a place for emerging artists to make a name for themselves. Paul was the only potential 2016 presidential candidate who made the trip.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul targets young voters with Austin tech office

Sen. Rand Paul opened a tech office Monday in Austin, in yet another push by the presidential hopeful to reach out to constituencies that aren’t typical for Republicans.

A day after courting young voters at the SXSW festival, the Kentucky senator opened an office at the Capital Factory — an incubator for tech startups in downtown Austin. Paul’s vision is for his Austin office to be a place for digital engagement and product innovation.

“I was glad to be in Austin and open my first tech office today,” Paul said. “Austin is filled with the brightest minds in the tech community and should I decide to run, it will be a very valuable part of any campaign. This past weekend in Austin allowed me to meet some of the top tech entrepreneurs from across the nation, and many seemed very receptive to a liberty minded message.”

Paul has made no secret of trying to win the hearts — and votes — of millennials, an increasingly sought-after group in politics. He’s been courting tech entrepreneurs such as Peter Thiel of PayPal and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and he plans to open an office in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
And he's off: Rand Paul preps for April announcement

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul isn't waiting for the Kentucky Derby to shoot out of the starting gate.

Next month — the day after the NCAA championship game — Paul plans to announce that he is running for president in front of hundreds of supporters at Louisville's Galt House.

While Paul's team stressed that the senator might still decide against running for president, they confirmed the planned April 7 launch date, which was originally reported by The New York Times, and said invitations to the event have already been sent to supporters and Republican officials.

The event will prominently feature Kentucky in an effort to capture the historic nature of the announcement for the state. That also dovetails with the desire of Paul's budding campaign team to build a sense of state pride around his candidacy, building a foundation for the senator's presidential campaign and keeping his approval numbers aloft as he tries to run for re-election to his Senate seat simultaneously in 2016.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Why libertarians who want to write off Rand Paul over the Tom Cotton letter are being shortsighted

In light of my most recent column, I thought it might be worth trying to clarify some of the points I made in this post on Rand Paul signing Tom Cotton’s Iran letter.

I agree that Paul shouldn’t have signed the letter. Even if the substance was defensible, its intent — subverting the negotiations that are the best alternative to a preventive war with Iran — was not. If the letter derails the talks and we end up with either war or a nuclear Iran, Paul and the other 46 senators should be held accountable.

But the Cotton letter is at least as likely to have no more impact than a deport Justin Bieber petition. That’s why the “red line,” to borrow a phrase from President Obama, should be the imposition of additional sanctions while negotiations are ongoing, which will mostly certainly short-circuit diplomacy. If Paul is able to help keep the negotiations going, it will outweigh his signature on the Cotton letter and even a vote for Corker-Menendez.

Lots of things are suboptimal. Kirk-Menendez and any preventive Iran AUMF are non-negotiable.

That’s why expecting Rand to “lead the non-interventionist cause” is both asking too much and too little. For better or worse, he’s not using his Senate seat and his likely presidential candidacy as platforms to educate people about his principles the way his father used his House seat and presidential candidacies. The younger Paul is trying to win elections and shape policy. He should therefore be judged by how successful he is at doing those things and whether his efforts actually improve policy from our perspective.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul: Criminal laws 'biggest impediment' on voting rights

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) late Sunday said the “biggest impediment” to U.S. voting rights was the tangle of American criminal laws needing reform.

“You know what the No. 1 thing preventing people from voting in our country is?” Paul asked during an address at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas. “It’s having a felony conviction on your record.”

Paul said scores of Americans could not vote due to nonviolent felony convictions. The potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate said that status was unfair for potential voters who had reformed after their convictions.

“You have to obey the law,” Paul said. “You also have to have good policies. It’s sort of like rules of engagement.”

The senator cited mandatory minimum sentencing and felonies for nonviolent narcotics crimes as instances of government overreach.

Paul added, enforcing unfair laws created tension between law enforcement and the communities they protect.

“The vast majority of police are good people, but we put them in difficult situations,” he said.

Paul said he was working on legislation with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that would restore voting rights to felons who had completed their sentences for nonviolent offenses. The Kentucky lawmaker also noted the immense progress on minority voting rights since the civil rights era.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Nigel Farage (UKIP leader) praises Rand in his new book
Nigel Farage: the American Rand Paul is my soulmate from the Tea Party
In the ninth and last exclusive extract from his new book, The Purple Revolution, the Ukip leader reveals his kinship with a leading member of the Republican Right


The visit would also afford me the opportunity to meet Rand Paul, the Republican senator for Kentucky, and, at the time of writing this book, a frontrunner for the 2016 presidential election and one of the Tea Party’s most convincing candidates. In September 2014, in an office five minutes’ walk from Union Station in Washington DC, we began to talk about immigration, non-intervention in Syria, and Brussels. Over the course of that half-hour, I realised that in Rand Paul I had found my political doppelgänger. Raheem later said the point that you couldn’t get a cigarette paper between the two of us on the issues we discussed.

I liked Paul enormously: he is a realist, he is down to earth and very modest. He certainly comes from a political family – I knew his father Ron – but he is not a career politician. He trained as an ophthalmologist and set up his own clinic, so he knows something of the world. It is unsurprising that Ukip and the Tea Party have plenty in common. The Tea Party has its own share of oddballs and mavericks who sometimes espouse pretty extreme stuff, but they also have truly impressive politicians, like Rand, who believe that the state is too big, too costly, too powerful, and robs the individual of inherited rights and freedoms.

They believe that there is no reason why America has to be run like Europe. They have come to their conclusions via similar routes to me. The Tea Party did the numbers and took the view that there is simply no reason why the American state should cost more than 30 per cent of GDP. I left the meeting thinking that Rand was a man I could do business with in the future – there are plenty within the Tea Party with whom I could not. The truth is their party has been hijacked by the religious right. If you look at people such as Sarah Palin, they are just downright scary.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
At South by Southwest, Rand Paul champions Snapchat, criticizes Clinton

AUSTIN – Though Republican Rand Paul is not officially running for president, he had plenty to say here about the woman soon expected to announce her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The senator from Kentucky took the stage Sunday evening at the annual South by Southwest festival for a discussion with Texas Tribune CEO Evan Smith. The two touched on the potential of campaigning with Snapchat, the changing media landscape, and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address while serving as secretary of state.

Asked about the way technology might change the presidency come 2017, Paul replied, “My advice to whoever wins is: Don’t use your private emails.”

Paul was referring to recent revelations that Clinton used a private email address during her time helming State and later deleted more than 31,830 emails after aides deemed anything lacking certain keywords or names to be irrelevant for the purposes of archiving. In a press conference last week, Clinton explained that she chose to use a private email address while in office because it was more “convenient” than carrying  two devices in order to access two accounts on the go.

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