
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 48. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
How is a bloody legal drug user son going to affect his fathers' electability? The current and last POTUS used copious amounts of narcotics!
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Rand's Son, William, arrested for DUI

Rand Paul's son has found himself in trouble with the law in Lexington after being cited on Sunday for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, sources confirm.

According to a citation, police say that William Hilton Paul was observed sitting in the driver's seat of a vehicle that had collided with a parked car.

Police say that Paul smelled of alcohol and had "bloodshot, watery eyes." The citation also said that William Paul was behaving in a "belligerent" manner and had slurred speech.


This isn't his first run in w/ the law. This dude needs to straighten up cuz it's embarrassing his folks not to mention the campaign.

Yep a problem child will not look good on the national stage and give the MSM and NWO Politico ammunition.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand's Son, William, arrested for DUI

Rand Paul's son has found himself in trouble with the law in Lexington after being cited on Sunday for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, sources confirm.

According to a citation, police say that William Hilton Paul was observed sitting in the driver's seat of a vehicle that had collided with a parked car.

Police say that Paul smelled of alcohol and had "bloodshot, watery eyes." The citation also said that William Paul was behaving in a "belligerent" manner and had slurred speech.


This isn't his first run in w/ the law. This dude needs to straighten up cuz it's embarrassing his folks not to mention the campaign.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's a short clip from this morning on Morning Joe where the host is interviewing Rep (former VP candidate w/ Romney) Paul Ryan and then it turns to Sen Grahams comments about Rand, where he said he'd support Hillary over Rand. Ryan tried to dodge the situation but came out and said it would be obvious that he'd support Rand over Hillary.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
John Stossel: I plan to vote for Rand Paul

It's not smart to get too enthusiastic about any politician. I've been disappointed often. I believed Bill Clinton when he said, "the era of big government is over." I thought George W. Bush was a "small government guy." And Barack Obama ...

Well, never mind.

If I want limited government and individual freedom, to whom do I turn?

Ted Cruz? I want to like him. He's smart. He's read economists Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, etc. He confronted Obama's attorney general about constitutional limits on killing Americans with drones. He fought hard against Obamacare.

But he also seems so eager to go to war. It also bothers me that he praises states' independence but then criticizes President Obama for giving states a tiny bit of free rein to set drug policy.

I like Jeb Bush personally. I like Govs. Walker, Kasich and Perry. But they also seem eager to go to war in the Middle East and continue the destructive drug war in America.

So I plan to vote for Rand Paul.



Rupert Murdoch will send in the Donald Trump Firing Squad in 3-2-1...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
John Stossel: I plan to vote for Rand Paul

It's not smart to get too enthusiastic about any politician. I've been disappointed often. I believed Bill Clinton when he said, "the era of big government is over." I thought George W. Bush was a "small government guy." And Barack Obama ...

Well, never mind.

If I want limited government and individual freedom, to whom do I turn?

Ted Cruz? I want to like him. He's smart. He's read economists Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, etc. He confronted Obama's attorney general about constitutional limits on killing Americans with drones. He fought hard against Obamacare.

But he also seems so eager to go to war. It also bothers me that he praises states' independence but then criticizes President Obama for giving states a tiny bit of free rein to set drug policy.

I like Jeb Bush personally. I like Govs. Walker, Kasich and Perry. But they also seem eager to go to war in the Middle East and continue the destructive drug war in America.

So I plan to vote for Rand Paul.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
What Rand Paul is doing is more important than trying to be a pure libertarian

Brian Doherty’s New York Times op-ed bemoaning what he sees as Rand Paul’s lack of libertarian principle reflects genuine frustration from libertarians with Sen. Paul. Doherty is by no means alone in his frustration among libertarians.

But he is missing a much larger and more important point.

Right now, libertarian ideas are arguably under more serious consideration than ever before in our culture and politics. Americans fed up with big government but also not finding either of the major parties attractive, or their conventional leaders attractive, are looking for new answers and better leaders.

People are looking for something different.

The fact that a “libertarianish” Republican like Rand Paul is even a credible presidential candidate is a significant part of this trend. That Paul is scaring the bejeezus out of the most anti-libertarian factions of the establishment left and right at the moment, should be a pretty good indication of his effectiveness.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sens. Paul, Wyden and Rep. Lofgren Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Aaron’s Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation today to better target serious criminals and curb overzealous prosecutions for non-malicious computer and Internet offenses.

The legislation, inspired by the late Internet innovator and activist Aaron Swartz, who faced up to 35 years in prison for an act of civil disobedience, would reform the quarter-century old Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) to better reflect computer and internet activities in the digital age. Numerous and recent instances of heavy-handed prosecutions for non-malicious computer crimes have raised serious questions as to how the law treats violations of terms of service, employer agreements and website notices.

“I am proud to join Sen. Wyden and Rep. Lofgren today in offering this bipartisan and bicameral legislation which will reduce overbroad prosecutions and adjust unfair sentencing practices,” Sen. Paul said.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul to join 2016 hopefuls at Faith & Freedom forum

Rand Paul is the latest Republican presidential hopeful to sign on for the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition's kickoff event this Saturday in Waukee, the group's president confirmed Monday.

He'll also speak earlier in the day at stops in Vinton and Grinnell, the campaign said.

Paul, an announced candidate and U.S. senator from Kentucky, will speak alongside these other Republican aspirants: Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker and Rick Santorum.

Paul has so far avoided cattle-call gatherings of presidential aspirants in Iowa, including January's Iowa Freedom Summit and the Iowa Ag Summit in March. The trip marks Paul's return to the state following his campaign's Iowa kick-off in Iowa City on April 10.

Before the forum, Paul will speak at 11:30 at the American Legion Hall (105 N.R Ave) in Vinton. Later, at 2:30, he'll speak at the Drake Community Library (930 Park St.) in Grinnell.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Lindsey Graham and McCain ‘Lapdogs for Obama’

Rand Paul is not going to take insults from the Republican Party’s hawkish senators lying down. During a Tuesday morning appearance on Fox News, the GOP presidential candidate blasted Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain as “lapdogs” for President Barack Obama‘s policies.

On Monday morning, Sen. Graham told Morning Joe that Paul is “more wrong than right” on foreign policy, and that “even Obama” is stronger than the libertarian-leaning senator when it comes to dealing with threats abroad. The U.S. Senator from South Carolina accused Sen. Paul of wanting to “lead from behind” on global issues. Additionally, Sen. McCain — Graham’s best friend for life — charged that Paul “just doesn’t understand” foreign policy.

Paul fired back at both senators during an interview with Fox’s Bill Hemmer (emphasis added):

This comes from a group of people wrong about every policy issue over the last couple decades. I’ll give you a couple examples where they support the president’s foreign policy and I don’t: They supported Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya; they supported President Obama’s bombing of Assad; they also support President Obama’s foreign aid to countries that hate us. So if there is anyone who is most opposed to President Obama’s foreign policy, it’s me. People who call loudest to criticize me are great proponents of President Obama’s foreign policy — they just want to do it ten times over. I’m only one actually standing up and saying the war in Libya was a mistake; the bombing of Assad would make ISIS stronger; the arms to the Islamic rebels would make ISIS stronger. So I’m really the one standing up to President Obama. And these people are essentially the lapdogs for President Obama and I think they’re sensitive about that.

If you've noted my other posted articles about Graham talking shit on Rand, Rand just basically just said, kiss my ass and laid it on the neocon community in a strong way. You can see the video of it for yourself in the post before this one. It's like a 6 min interview. I look forward to more of Rand going on offense against these war-wanting jackasses. Note to planet Earth and everyone in this community: Rand Paul is the man to stop this shit. Do what you can to help, spread the word abroad or donate and get active for him in the states.

This is Rand's latest crown jewel. Pay your respects! and tell/show your friends about it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul on America's Newsroom w/ Bill Hemmer 4/21/15
That was amazing how he explained to viewers how McCain and Graham have been on both sides of these wars. Very easy even for the most ignorant to understand.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Will Rand Paul's movement build the broad movement for liberty?
Three Questions About Rand Paul
How his presidential campaign can help or hurt the cause of liberty

It doesn't lead through Iowa and New Hampshire.Paramount PicturesI do not expect Rand Paul to win his party's presidential nomination this time around. I also live in a state where you have to be a registered Republican to vote in the GOP primary, so I'm not going to be in a position to cast a ballot for or against him next year anyway—not unless he defies my expectations and becomes the nominee. And I don't have tremendous faith that even a well-meaning president, should such a beast exist, can tame a vast and entrenched system of power.

So the question Would we be better off with Rand Paul as president? isn't particularly important to me right now. I'm more interested in three other issues:

1. What will Rand Paul the presidential candidate do to Rand Paul the senator? It'll be a few more months before we know this for sure, but it looks like Paul won't have to give up his Senate seat to run for president. That's good: Despite Paul's steps closer to the conventional right, he's still miles preferable to pretty much anyone likely to replace him. But in the meantime, Paul's drift toward Hannityville is bound to be reflected in how he votes, what bills he introduces, and, in general, where he chooses to take a stand.

Valuable though it may be to imagine what Paul could do if he's elected president, I spend more time thinking about what he can do with the office he has now. The Senate is a place where just one or two people can put the brakes on a terrible idea—as Paul reportedly did in 2011 by blocking a move toward bringing Georgia into NATO. It will be a shame if Paul's presidential ambitions make him less willing to exercise his power in such ways.

The flipside is that those ambitions may have made him more likely to make big pushes on the issues where he isn't folding. Right now it looks like he's standing by his deviations from GOP orthodoxy on criminal justice. Can that make up for his meeker positions on foreign policy?
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Rand Paul Says He Was Briefed by Clinton Author About Book's 'Unseemly' Details
“I've promised not to reveal” everything, the Republican presidential candidate says.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says the author of the forthcoming book Clinton Cash briefed him on the book and that its allegations are “alarming.”

The book by Peter Schweizer purports to show that donors to Hillary Clinton's family foundation and groups that hired her husband for speaking engagements received government favors while Clinton led the State Department, the New York Times reported Sunday.

“I've promised not to reveal all the details, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to companies and that it's all swirling around,” Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News' Hannity on Monday. “It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves and I think it looks unseemly and I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.”

Asked if the behavior detailed in the book is illegal, Paul did not outright classify it that way, instead saying that the book will raise questions.


It's a great start, but will the mainstream media make it front page news and talk about Hillarys' crimes for days on end, and/or the late night talk show jokes?  // like the way they took down Howard Dean, for example.

Of course they will not talk about it unless to minimize it. The MSM is 100% pure propaganda to ensure the continued succession of their puppet leaders so their agenda is always on the forward path. It is the most corrupt political system on this planet. The Military Industrial Complex rules the USA and has been for years. Each successive President helps entrench it further. The USA is ruled by a one party two-headed hydra where they go through Kabuki theater every 4 years to keep the dumb down sheep pleasantly amused. Americans are told who to vote for. By the time the MSM has finished the brainwashing process those who vote will be picking one or the other. TPTB do not care who wins as they control both.

The only way to break this spell is through revolution. Revolution does not have to be through shed blood but through trying something different than in the past.

If you want the same ole same ole you can vote for the Bull Dyke or, if the Repugs get their way, another scumbag from the House of Bush.

Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul Says He Was Briefed by Clinton Author About Book's 'Unseemly' Details
“I've promised not to reveal” everything, the Republican presidential candidate says.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says the author of the forthcoming book Clinton Cash briefed him on the book and that its allegations are “alarming.”

The book by Peter Schweizer purports to show that donors to Hillary Clinton's family foundation and groups that hired her husband for speaking engagements received government favors while Clinton led the State Department, the New York Times reported Sunday.

“I've promised not to reveal all the details, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to companies and that it's all swirling around,” Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News' Hannity on Monday. “It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves and I think it looks unseemly and I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.”

Asked if the behavior detailed in the book is illegal, Paul did not outright classify it that way, instead saying that the book will raise questions.


It's a great start, but will the mainstream media make it front page news and talk about Hillarys' crimes for days on end, and/or the late night talk show jokes?  // like the way they took down Howard Dean, for example.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
MSNBC is a gathering place for media freaks. It is not a news organization. It is a Libtard Propaganda Channel. What is their daily viewership?

Alex Jones, the loud mouthed over exaggerating alternative media, has more viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined and bests FoxNews a lot of the time.

Jones gets 20 million viewers per week. which averages to 2.857 million per day.

I am not a fan of AJ but his alternative media channel has better ratings in anything called 'mainstream'

Shouldn't even bother doing interviews with them!

MSNBC is irrelevant.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
When Leftists Attack

“So Rand Paul,   you’ve been beating your wife all these years,  when will you stop beating your wife?”   It’s a fair question, if you are a leftist media hack who just wants to score points for your cultural Marxist team, rather than engage in intelligent discussion.   On Rand Paul’s  initial announcement of his presidential candidacy, the leftwing media was out in unison trying to smear the biggest threat in the GOP primary to their top contender, Hillary Clinton,  who Rand is outpolling in key swing states.

     Rand Paul handled himself masterfully in his interviews  and if I were advising him I wouldn’t change a thing and here’s why:   When  Savannah Guthrie of leftwing MSNBC  goes into her interview by trying to frame the discussion with misleading and false information Rand doesn’t allow her to control the discussion and makes sure he gets time to answer.  That is what he needs to do in every discussion with interviewers who have an agenda no matter what names the media may call him because how you frame the story will change the story.  Like most Americans,  I hate interviews that are biased and I hate being  lied to by the media, whether they are on the right or the left.   

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Top 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Rand Paul

Paul Threatens to Rock the Boat on the Status Quo

Rand Paul is believed by most to be most “pro-liberty” presidential candidate running under the banner of either major political party in the 2016 election. However, his supposed “defense of individual rights and personal responsibility” should not sit well with everyone. After all, since when has the United States ever been known to bend to the wills of these made-up and completely foreign ideals of “liberty” and “freedom”? Here are the top 10 reasons not to vote for Rand Paul.

1. You love endless wars.

Who cares about the dire financial and social consequences of being perpetually at odds with ever-changing enemies? We have to prove to the world that we’re not going to be pushed around. Not only that, we are not going to let anyone else take away our freedoms; that’s the job of our own leaders! That’s why it has to be made clear that Paul is “dangerous” on foreign policy due to his belief that soldiers should only be sent to war as a last result. It’s really besides the point whether such attacks are actually true.


Read more:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Play Paul! Rand to Play in Congressional Baseball Game

Break out the “Take Me Out to the Paul Game” T-shirts.

Though he will be busy on the presidential campaign trail, Sen. Rand Paul will be taking the plate at the 54th Annual Roll Call Congressional Baseball Game this year, a campaign aide confirmed Monday to HOH.

The Kentucky Republican has participated in the game since he first came to the Senate in 2011, and he will head back to Nationals Park on June 11 in hopes of leading the GOP to its first win against the Democrats in six years. Paul will also likely bring his legion of fans, who have been some of the crowd’s standouts.

Playing baseball for Republicans each year is in Paul’s blood. His father, former Rep. Ron Paul, also played for the GOP during his congressional tenure. The elder Paul is believed to have been the first person to hit a home run out of the ballpark, and he was inducted into the Congressional Baseball Hall of Fame in 2012.

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
"We need to make our party the party of the entire Bill of Rights," not just the right to bear arms, Paul said.

Umm, I'd be happy for the Republican party to actually support any of the Bill of Rights. If they were the party of RKBA, they would have never allowed "gun control" (aka infringements) to become law when they controlled Congress and the White House, they would have repealed "gun control" (aka infringements) at the same time, and only nominated/confirmed judges with track records of ruling in favor of RKBA instead of allowing nominees to blatantly perjure themselves in confirmation hearings with impunity.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Says He Was Briefed by Clinton Author About Book's 'Unseemly' Details
“I've promised not to reveal” everything, the Republican presidential candidate says.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul says the author of the forthcoming book Clinton Cash briefed him on the book and that its allegations are “alarming.”

The book by Peter Schweizer purports to show that donors to Hillary Clinton's family foundation and groups that hired her husband for speaking engagements received government favors while Clinton led the State Department, the New York Times reported Sunday.

“I've promised not to reveal all the details, but I think people are going to be blown away by the details in this book and how they link the Clintons into this enormous exchange of money from foreign countries, from donors to companies and that it's all swirling around,” Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News' Hannity on Monday. “It reminds me of people using the system to enrich themselves and I think it looks unseemly and I think a lot of Americans are going to agree with me.”

Asked if the behavior detailed in the book is illegal, Paul did not outright classify it that way, instead saying that the book will raise questions.

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