
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 46. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Dan Bilzerian endorses Rand Paul

For those that don't know who Bilzerian is, he's high stakes poker player and his dad was a wall street banker so his net worth is north of $100 million. He's got 8 million followers on Instagram and 7.6 mill on Facebook so this is great exposure for Rand from low info type folks. Bilzerian is also quite the risk taker and lives quite lavishly w/ porn stars and there's a lot of content out there about him if you look for it. He's a prime target to get in on Bitcoin if people want to hit up his Facebook page about it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
‘What I Saw Disgusted Me’: Black Rand Paul Supporter Saw This Comment About Her & Had to Speak Out

“Last night a Facebook notification showed up on my screen. A friend had posted a picture to my wall. What I saw disgusted me.”

That’s how Zuri Davis, 19, describes the moment she saw a Facebook post targeting her for being a black, female supporter of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

“A FEMALE AFRICAN AMERICAN who is standing with Rand,” the post said. “She must not realize the platform. The fact he’s pretty much regarded as racist, sexist, a**hole along with the rest of his party.”

“Honey, honey, honey,” it added.

Pics and more...
And here is the same lady from the quoted article who was on Fox and Friends this morning talking about the situation, take a peek.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul, Hawk or Dove?

Since his election to the Senate in 2010 it’s barely been an exaggeration to say that the Republican foreign-policy debate has been Rand Paul versus everyone else. While he has some likeminded colleagues, especially in the House, he is the single figure most associated with a break from the GOP’s Bush-Cheney national-security legacy.

The debate was kicked off by his father, former Texas congressman and two-time GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul. Many hoped that the son would expand the electoral base for what his father started.

In the early stages of his own 2016 presidential campaign, however, Rand Paul has edged closer to the Republican foreign-policy consensus. He has become more hawkish against the Islamic State—even while pushing what is substantively the least hawkish authorization of military force against the jihadists. Although still tentatively supportive of nuclear negotiations with Iran, he preferred signing Sen. Tom Cotton’s undiplomatic letter to Tehran to seeming joined at the hip with Barack Obama. While other Republican White House aspirants in the Senate voted to increase defense spending even if it meant also increasing the deficit, Paul proposed offsetting extra Pentagon money with cuts elsewhere in the budget. Some of his supporters were nevertheless dismayed that the Kentucky lawmaker’s amendment increased defense spending at all—by $190 billion over the next two years, to be precise.

But if Paul is eager to avoid a 2016 foreign-policy debate that pits him against everyone else in the Republican Party, his hawkish detractors are not. No fewer than three prominent Republicans—Sen. Lindsey Graham, Rep. Peter King and former UN ambassador John Bolton—appear to be entertaining presidential bids mainly for the opportunity to argue with Paul in the primary debates.

The most prominent conservative moderator of those upcoming debates, commentator and law professor Hugh Hewitt, has announced that voting for higher defense spending should be a litmus test for Republicans. Hewitt writes that any Republican incumbent who opposes breaking the sequestration spending caps on defense—caps that contribute to short-term deficit reduction and a key part of the only major spending concession Republicans have won from the Obama administration—“should be fired.”

On the day Paul declared his candidacy, the man behind the anti-John Kerry Swift Boat Veterans for Truth television ads in 2004 launched a new seven-figure ad campaign attacking Paul’s foreign policy. The spots are set to run in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, three states Paul visited during his launch and the first three contests of the GOP nomination fight.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's Rand's speech to the Iowa's Faith and Freedom Summit yesterday
He was very well received and got lots of applause.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz sign pledge not to raise taxes

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz on Friday signed a pledge not to raise raise taxes, becoming the first presidential candidates to do so.

The pledge, drawn up by the conservative group Americans for Tax Reform, includes a promise directed to the public to "oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes."

"Senator Paul understands that government should be reformed so that it takes and spends less of the taxpayers' money, and will oppose tax increases that paper over and continue the failures of the past," said Grover Norquist, president of the group and long-time anti-tax crusader. Norquist later issued a similar statement for Cruz, who signed the pledge shortly thereafter.


The other prominent declared candidate on the Republican side, Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, has yet to sign the pledge.

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who is planning a campaign, has said that he will not sign Americans for Tax Reform's pledge, or any other group's pledge.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul targets Obama, Jeb Bush in NSA rant

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says the National Security Agency’s domestic spying program is “one of the worst parts of the Obama administration,” a jab not only at the current president but also fellow Republican Jeb Bush.

Paul promised to stop the NSA’s surveillance of Americans in a Twitter rant he launched late Friday and continued into Saturday morning.

“As president, I will immediately end all illegal domestic spying programs,” Paul said in one of about a dozen tweets on the subject.

The NSA’s domestic spying program has come under scrutiny since whistleblower Edward Snowden released classified documents about the agency’s operations.

Paul is making the surveillance a campaign talking point that he hopes will help separate him from the Republican pack.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Why Ron Paul’s big showing in Nevada may have made it harder for Rand Paul to do the same

Republican presidential politics in Nevada -- a key early-voting state -- have been chaotic in recent years, thanks in large part to former congressman and two-time GOP White House contender Ron Paul. Now his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is running for the office -- and the state GOP may be making moves to guarantee the Paul family no longer finds Nevada to be lucky terrain.

Nevada Republicans long generally picked a presidential favorite via primaries. In 2008, they held caucuses instead. Many Ron Paul voters showed up that day -- but even more showed up at the state party's convention months later. Paul's supporters who flooded the gathering, looking to elect their candidate's followers to represent the state at the national GOP convention. The state didn't reschedule another convention, instead opting to choose delegates via conference call.

Paul's supporters pulled a repeat performance in 2012. Even though Mitt Romney overwhelmingly won the Nevada caucuses, Paul -- who finished third -- was able to game the system at the convention, and almost all of the state's delegates to the national GOP convention in Tampa. There, a number of his supporters walked out of the proceedings after a decision to replace some of Paul's delegates.

The 2012 caucuses were "a total disaster the way it was handled. It was an embarrassment for the state," Nevada GOP chair Michael McDonald told The Washington Examiner Friday.

Read more if you aren't hip to how things went down back in '08 and '12...

As you can tell, this isn't exactly a friendly piece but these establishment types never saw it coming where their caucus could be outdone by pure grassroots activism and that's when they played dirty.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Why Rand Paul Gets So Much Bad Press

Thankfully, Paul has recently started calling out and exposing the media for being particularly hard on him, and not on other candidates. Their “lovefest” as he calls it, with Hillary Clinton, is unfair considering how much they hound him and other GOP candidates on their views.

And boy does the media love covering Clinton! Reporters are so desperate to get coverage of her that they resorted to running after her van like children after an ice cream truck. There were also so many of them at her campaign opening that they even outnumbered the voters! Although she has also recently received much negative coverage, the media can’t seem to cover her enough. Where is all of this media love for Rand Paul?

Rand Paul, and the other candidates outside of the “normal realm” are being targeted because their ideas are new and different, and that scares people. When it comes to politics, big businesses want a candidate that will continue doing the things that have helped them rake in the money, and won’t ever accept a candidate that aims to change this. Even though these ideas are often in the best interest of the consumer, big businesses, and their money, have a lot more pull than the average American consumer.

At one time journalists upheld their duty to deliver objective stories backed by unbiased facts, but those days are long gone. While media darlings like the Clintons and Jeb Bush get loads of coverage, both positive and negative, Rand Paul can’t catch a break. The reporters that aren’t fond of him need to get over their egos, think about what will help Americans as a whole, and work to once again go back to real, unbiased journalistic practices.

Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Rand Paul Is Right to Demand Reporters Ask Democrats About Late-Term Abortions

It was sort of inevitable that on his first day of campaigning as an announced candidate for president earlier this month, Rand Paul would be asked whether he supported a ban on abortions in cases of rape or incest.

Reporters have been asking Republican candidates that question ever since 2012, when the Missouri Republican Senate candidate said he supported such a ban and added that pregnancies were unlikely in cases of "legitimate rape."

But Paul's reply wasn't what the reporter expected. "Why don't we ask the (Democratic National Committee) is it OK to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and go ask (DNC Chair) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that's just not born yet.

"Ask her when life begins, and ask Debbie when she's willing to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me."


Yeah I saw that. Priceless. Also that witch got suckered into it. Paul seems to have a certain focus and will not be detracted from these Libtard Shills.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Right to Demand Reporters Ask Democrats About Late-Term Abortions

It was sort of inevitable that on his first day of campaigning as an announced candidate for president earlier this month, Rand Paul would be asked whether he supported a ban on abortions in cases of rape or incest.

Reporters have been asking Republican candidates that question ever since 2012, when the Missouri Republican Senate candidate said he supported such a ban and added that pregnancies were unlikely in cases of "legitimate rape."

But Paul's reply wasn't what the reporter expected. "Why don't we ask the (Democratic National Committee) is it OK to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and go ask (DNC Chair) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a seven-pound baby that's just not born yet.

"Ask her when life begins, and ask Debbie when she's willing to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul and a Moment of Truth for American Journalism

It was one of the most gratifying exchanges in recent political memory.

When U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announced his presidential campaign recently, he made a standard campaign stop in New Hampshire. While there, a reporter trotted out one of the standard questions any Republican receives when he declares he is running for national office: What are the exceptions to your views about preventing abortions?

Democrats are never – ever – asked what limits they would place on the current federal policy of unrestricted access to abortion-on-demand. To do so would be to assume that any rational person could believe that abortion absolutism is anything but received dogma, something no self-respecting establishment journalist would ever do (at least if he or she wanted to continue working in "mainstream" journalism).

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
‘What I Saw Disgusted Me’: Black Rand Paul Supporter Saw This Comment About Her & Had to Speak Out

“Last night a Facebook notification showed up on my screen. A friend had posted a picture to my wall. What I saw disgusted me.”

That’s how Zuri Davis, 19, describes the moment she saw a Facebook post targeting her for being a black, female supporter of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

“A FEMALE AFRICAN AMERICAN who is standing with Rand,” the post said. “She must not realize the platform. The fact he’s pretty much regarded as racist, sexist, a**hole along with the rest of his party.”

“Honey, honey, honey,” it added.

Pics and more...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul opposes online gambling restrictions – but not without heavy pushback

Sen. Paul’s stance has put him in the good graces of online poker advocates for his position and even has posted many supportive comments:

“Looks like online poker players have a candidate they can support for president.”

“I like him, but he would be my last choice anyway….Ted Cruz is a poker maestro.”

“He just got my vote. lololol”

“Awesome. He is against RAWA and he is against gun control. Guess I’m voting for Rand Paul.”

“As someone who really wants poker back, this might take my vote.”

Unfortunately for Paul, conservative mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson, doesn’t embrace the senator’s hands off approach on this issue. Adelson, who is also a Las Vegas casino magnate, has vowed to “spend whatever it takes” to stop online gambling from becoming a widely legalized practice, citing “moral standards” for his stance.

How one can moralize against online gambling while simultaneously holding the position of CEO to the Las Vegas Sands Corporation is questionable.

Adelson, with his massive financial resources, has pushed efforts to pass the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA), which was reintroduced in February by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) for the second time. The bill would effectively strengthen the language of the original Wire Act, passed in 1961, in order to ban the practice of online gambling altogether.


Online poker is a great issue for Rand to improve name recognition with "mainstream" people heading out for a Friday night poker party, a local bar, etc.
I hope that all lower key poker players that want online poker to take hold will do their thing and back Rand over this single issue voter situation. I haven't bellied up to a table to gamble in years (despite me running on this turf) but hopefully this will bring waves of those that make lucrative loot off of poker to Rand's corner. No other option at this point.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul opposes online gambling restrictions – but not without heavy pushback

Sen. Paul’s stance has put him in the good graces of online poker advocates for his position and even has posted many supportive comments:

“Looks like online poker players have a candidate they can support for president.”

“I like him, but he would be my last choice anyway….Ted Cruz is a poker maestro.”

“He just got my vote. lololol”

“Awesome. He is against RAWA and he is against gun control. Guess I’m voting for Rand Paul.”

“As someone who really wants poker back, this might take my vote.”

Unfortunately for Paul, conservative mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson, doesn’t embrace the senator’s hands off approach on this issue. Adelson, who is also a Las Vegas casino magnate, has vowed to “spend whatever it takes” to stop online gambling from becoming a widely legalized practice, citing “moral standards” for his stance.

How one can moralize against online gambling while simultaneously holding the position of CEO to the Las Vegas Sands Corporation is questionable.

Adelson, with his massive financial resources, has pushed efforts to pass the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA), which was reintroduced in February by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) for the second time. The bill would effectively strengthen the language of the original Wire Act, passed in 1961, in order to ban the practice of online gambling altogether.


Online poker is a great issue for Rand to improve name recognition with "mainstream" people heading out for a Friday night poker party, a local bar, etc.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul opposes online gambling restrictions – but not without heavy pushback

Sen. Paul’s stance has put him in the good graces of online poker advocates for his position and even has posted many supportive comments:

“Looks like online poker players have a candidate they can support for president.”

“I like him, but he would be my last choice anyway….Ted Cruz is a poker maestro.”

“He just got my vote. lololol”

“Awesome. He is against RAWA and he is against gun control. Guess I’m voting for Rand Paul.”

“As someone who really wants poker back, this might take my vote.”

Unfortunately for Paul, conservative mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson, doesn’t embrace the senator’s hands off approach on this issue. Adelson, who is also a Las Vegas casino magnate, has vowed to “spend whatever it takes” to stop online gambling from becoming a widely legalized practice, citing “moral standards” for his stance.

How one can moralize against online gambling while simultaneously holding the position of CEO to the Las Vegas Sands Corporation is questionable.

Adelson, with his massive financial resources, has pushed efforts to pass the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA), which was reintroduced in February by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) for the second time. The bill would effectively strengthen the language of the original Wire Act, passed in 1961, in order to ban the practice of online gambling altogether.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Tom Cotton preparing for battle against Rand Paul and GOP libertarian wing over Patriot Act

Sen. Tom Cotton is preparing for battle against Sen. Rand Paul and the GOP’s libertarian wing over the USA Patriot Act and the power of government to conduct spying operations domestically and abroad.

The 37-year-old Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, who vaulted to the Senate this year after a single term in the House, is maneuvering to build support for extending existing surveillance authority for the U.S. government — without the additional safeguards civil libertarians want.

The Arkansas senator, who caused an international firestorm last month with his controversial letter to Iranian leaders, has spent many recent Fridays in Washington at FBI and National Security Agency headquarters, meeting with senior intelligence officials and administration lawyers to build his case for a clean extension of three expiring provisions of the Patriot Act. With the support of GOP leaders, he’s serving as an emissary on the issue to GOP freshmen who are weighing whether to extend the controversial law. And he is seeking to sell his views on surveillance to Republicans from libertarian-minded states through classified briefings conducted by senior intelligence officials.

The emergence of Cotton, an unbending hawk celebrated by neoconservatives as a next-generation party leader on national defense, shows how intent Republican leaders are to prevail over the Paul wing of the GOP. Libertarian-leaning Republicans want to scale back — if not repeal — the Patriot Act before key provisions are set to expire May 31.

In an interview, Cotton warned that he’s determined not to allow views like Paul’s to take hold in today’s Republican party.


Watch out for this Cotton creep, he's Rubio and McCain on steroids and is a super war hawk and surveillance state freak. The worst kind of republican to have elected to the Senate.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's a short vid of Rand about how sunglasses maker, Rayban, wants him to take down some product he was featuring on his campaign site to raise money with. Talks him up as a trendsetter and trying to be the cool candidate that resonates w/ the younger folks.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Snapchats Poker Game With Instagram Playboy Dan Bilzerian
Senator Rand Paul sent out a Snapchat Friday morning of him “taking lessons” from Instagram playboy Dan Bilzerian.

The video, captioned “Lessons from Dan Bilzerian,” showed the two holding money and playing what appears to be liar’s poker, where hands are dictated by the serial numbers on the bills. They were using hundred dollar bills.

The photo sharing app lets users post photos and videos, which disappear within 24 hours. Paul’s username, “senatorrandpaul,” is public.

Bilzerian is a bearded trust fund baby who has eight million followers on Instagram, mainly because of his plethora of photos of scantily clad women, fast cars and lots of guns.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Internet Army Welcome to the front lines of the battle for your Facebook news feed

Vincent Harris wants details, and he’s not getting them. The 26-year-old political consultant is quizzing two Facebook guys who’ve showed up at the Austin headquarters of his media firm, and all he’s getting back is a pat lecture about the value of social networking for online campaigns.

Harris and the dozen staffers gathered in his company’s conference room don’t exactly need to be convinced: This is what they do. And by the time the 2016 presidential campaign is over, these twentysomethings expect to be paid millions of dollars for doing it well. They already spend all day everyday on the digital front lines, producing content—videos, graphics, games—tailored specifically for Facebook, tallying likes and clicks, dissecting what caught fire and what fell flat. They already get why Facebook matters. What they want to know is how to crack the code.

“Is 23 seconds the ideal video length?” Harris asks, interrupting the well-rehearsed presentation. The most successful Facebook videos often clock in at 15 to 30 seconds, and Harris read a study suggesting 23 seconds might be the sweet spot. The answer from the Facebook rep veers toward the philosophical, and Harris tunes out after a few seconds, tapping at his iPhone instead. He gets a message.

“The Meerkat guy is here,” Harris announces abruptly, rising from his seat. The Facebook pair exchange a look.

The Meerkat Guy, whose name is Ryan Cooley, has popped in to make the case that the new, Twitter-based video-streaming application could be useful to digital politics shops like Harris Media, which has amassed a marquee roster of conservative clients, from Sarah Palin to Rand Paul, and established itself as the buzziest GOP firm of the cycle. Cooley is wearing a bright yellow T-shirt with a cartoon of the friendly-looking African mongoose. Harris leads him into his office, closes the door, and minutes later, the two are furiously meerkatting—a verb that did not exist a few weeks prior and, given Twitter’s recent purchase of Meerkat competitor Periscope, one that may rapidly fade from the vernacular.

For the moment, at least, the Meerkat Guy is the purveyor of cutting-edge coolness, and Harris doesn’t hide his excitement over the clever app. He tells the Meerkat Guy that he wants his client Rand Paul to be the first presidential contender to use it; Harris is so bullish on the Kentucky senator that, last November, he ditched Senator Ted Cruz, the client who put him on the map, to work for the rival campaign—and he knows exactly how to help win over Paul, who also attended Baylor University, to an untested new tool: “Can you bring him a shirt? That would help,” Harris says. “Rand loves shirts.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's a short clip (3min) of a recent interview Rand did on Daystar which is a niche channel of sorts for Evangelical folks. He spoke about criminal justice reform and was well received by the panel which translates into the viewers liking it as well. You know how the flocks tend to move...
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