
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 56. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

AUSTIN, Texas — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as a “Democrat-light” who’s “almost like Hillary Clinton but not quite,” in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News at the South By Southwest conference.

Paul also laid out his vision for his pathway to victory, should he jump in with a race for the White House as many expect him to—and explained how he plans to build a unique coalition of voters to win the GOP nomination and then the general election.

Paul told Breitbart News:

“We believe that the message of ‘leave me alone’ that forms sort of the ‘leave me alone coalition’ forms this group of people that we think supports the things I’m trying to do is a big enough and broad enough coalition to win in a Republican primary but is also a big enough and broad enough to bring independents and others afterwards. There are two different tactics you could try to do if you want to bring in independents: You could be Democrat-light and run the Jeb Bush campaign that’s uncomfortable with the grassroots of your party and you could run this campaign that’s like ‘I’m almost like Hillary Clinton but not quite’ and then you can get the independents or I think you could run a truly principled campaign as a Constitutional conservative but also still show how the message that big government messes everything up from business to taxes to regulation also can be applied to criminal justice. That big government messes up criminal justice and doesn’t treat people fairly because big government is incompetent. Big government is incapable of feting out justice sometimes because it is too large. So I think there is a possibility, a great possibility, a truly principled Constitutional limited government conservative message, could resonate out to a bigger audience. We try to take it everywhere. We also try to go where Republicans haven’t been going, to the tech community, to historically black colleges, to Berkeley, to places like that with a hope of showing that we can broaden the message. That’s what people will want if we’re the nominee.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Leads Texas Young Republican Federation Straw Poll

The Texas Young Republican Federation (TYRF) conducted a straw poll during February and March, and among potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates, the results show strongest support for Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), followed by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin).

The poll presented respondents with a list of eighteen potential presidential candidates and asked them to indicate each of the candidates they would like to see as the Republican nominee. Respondents were allowed to select multiple candidates they would support. The TYRF received 504 responses from Texas Republicans age 40 or under, of which 101 were active dues-paying TYRF members.

Among all respondents who were Texas Republicans age 40 or under, Paul came in first, with 50.6 percent saying they supported him. Cruz was second with 41.9 percent support, and Walker was third with 35.9 percent support. Other potential candidates who performed well include former Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) with 26.4 percent, Ben Carson with 22.8 percent, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) with 18.7 percent, former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida) with 18.5 percent, and Governor Bobby Jindal (R-Louisiana) at 18.1 percent.

Just looking at the respondents who were active dues-paying members of TYRF, Paul had an even stronger performance, with 68.3 percent of respondents saying they would support him for president. Walker came in second with 58.4 percent support, followed by Cruz with 33.7 percent support, and then Rubio and Bush, both with 25.7 percent. Perry received 24.8 percent and Jindal 23.8 percent.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton 'Clearly Broke the Law'

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said today on "America's Newsroom" that he believes Hillary Clinton broke the law the same way former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus did.

"I'm worried that she left government records in an unsecure site. And actually that she was still in possession of government records after she left government service," he said, referring to the controversy over Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

He explained that high-ranking government officials sign a statement that requires them to turn over all government records when they leave office. It's still unclear whether Clinton signed the form.

"This is a real problem. Some people say, 'well is this really a law? Could this really be prosecuted?' It's perjury. General Petraeus was recently accused of the same thing," Paul said.

In terms of the 2016 race, Paul said he believes Americans will not look favorably on Clinton acting as if she was "above the law."

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Amasses Influence At South By Southwest In Austin

AUSTIN, Texas — While two of his top likely 2016 GOP presidential rivals square off up north in the Granite State, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is amassing influence—and courting millennials, while winning over top leaders in the tech community—here at the South By Southwest conference this weekend.

Paul on Saturday evening schmoozed with top technology leaders—including executives from the wildly successful internet radio company Pandora and social media powerhouse Snapchat—at a major-players-only private party in Austin hosted by Pandora.

The event at the chic downtown Austin bar the Gatsby, hosted other high profile attendees including Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Will Hurd (R-TX). Paul, who had spent the day Saturday raising campaign cash at various fundraisers with high-dollar Texas donors, posed for photos with the tech luminaries and other major players present as Grammy-award winning DeeJay Mark Ronson performed on a stage out back.
On Sunday and Monday, Paul will attend a series of events associated with South By Southwest. He’ll do a town hall with Twitter, a question-and-answer session with the Texas Tribune’s CEO, and an event with Young Americans for Liberty—a libertarian-leaning grassroots organization.

Before flying to Texas, on Friday Paul spoke to a predominantly liberal audience at the historically black university Bowie State University in Maryland. He enjoyed several rounds of applause and a standing ovation after delivering a message of conservatism to the students there.

Paul, having made visits this year to Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada and other early presidential states, is is trying to take a different path than former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker are on the campaign trail.

Walker and Bush have been in New Hampshire shooting at each other after Bush’s soft-launch of a likely presidential bid a few months ago, and Walker’s meteoric rise after his explosive speech to the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines in January.
But what Paul has going for him is these projections of power at events such as South By Southwest, speeches at historically black colleges, and the building of coalition—an army, if you will—that he may surprise the entire political world by storming into the GOP nomination with just a year from now. Just like any other Tea Partier, Paul is frustrated with how Washington works—and is articulate on the trail in detailing his distaste with the permanent political class.

But the difference between Paul and some of the other potential contenders is he seems to have a very detailed and concerted plan—a vision, and a method to the madness—that he’s been executing for over a year on how to build an arsenal to overcome his opponents. As Paul ramps up as things get closer to 2016, he may just catch everyone in the entire political establishment off guard. After all, unlike the others, every move he makes seems to be part of a grander well-thought-out plan–and all his moves, from the political battles he picks to staff he hires to audiences he chooses to speak to and even the content of his messaging, are clearly disciplined. It’s almost as if he’s acting like the GOP nominee already.

His move to speak in Austin at South By Southwest is no different: No other potential 2016 GOP candidates are here, and it’s an opportunity for Paul to garner backing from major tech leaders, youth voters and opinion leaders throughout the country, all while fundraising and laying out for the American people yet again the vision he has for the country should he get elected to the White House.

Because of the fact he’s been building support for a potential candidacy–and for his ideas–for as long as he has, Paul consistently places among the top two or three candidates in most 2016 GOP presidential polls. All this maneuvering and building of a sustainable operation means that if and when Paul hits his so-called “escape velocity” getting his breakout moment like Walker’s in Des Moines, he’ll be able to maintain it and steer and control the ship he built all the way until election day. Paul could be the guy who breaks the endless cycle in which outsider candidates like himself seem to have been stuck in recent GOP presidential primary elections: having simply just one moment in the sun that fades away after the honeymoon from their first big break is over.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Right—Give The Kurds A State

Sen. Rand Paul is right to call for an independent Kurdistan, and the arming of its forces, the Peshmerga. In doing so, he strikes a balance sorely needed in the GOP’s 2016 foreign-policy platform after years of imbalance.

The Bush administration’s subtly-stated justification for the Iraq War was to establish a vibrant, Muslim, western-style democracy in the Middle East. Such a development’s efforts in preserving Pax Americana can hardly be underestimated. An Arab democracy in the heart of the Muslim world would abide by the rule of law, uphold private property rights, foster free-thinking education, and enshrine the human rights of women and girls—all necessary ingredients to development and happiness dependent upon democracy, and woefully missing in the Middle East.

A vibrant Muslim democracy in the Middle East would also be a major blow to radical Islam, providing an example of modernity and wealth that an Obama-administration jobs program could never hope to accomplish. This would be the Muslim world’s ticket into the twenty-first century.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

BOWIE, Maryland — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was a hit speaker on the campus of Bowie State University on Friday, earning several rounds of applause and a standing ovation for the conservative message he delivered to a predominantly liberal audience at the historically black university—part of an outreach effort to traditionally non-Republican communities the senator and potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate has been engaged in nationwide for the five-plus years he’s been in the U.S. Senate.

Paul wove individual examples of people throughout history and in modern times who have faced unfair consequences as a result of government’s heavy hand, making his case to the room on the basis of the need to defend the full Bill of Rights in the Constitution—a classic Tea Party style of speech—all while citing the Founding Fathers, and making economic and social limited government conservative pitch that seemed to resonate throughout the theater inside the student center.

“Clyde Canard got out of prison the same month that I was born, which was a long time ago, in 1963,” Paul opened his speech with after a couple thank-yous to organizers. “The reason that Clyde Canard went to prison is that, his crime was he was trying to get enrolled in Mississippi Southern. At that time, it was very difficult for a black man or a woman to enroll. The second time he tried to enroll they planted liquor on him—he didn’t drink—and gave him a $600 fine. Can you imagine what $600 was like in 1963 if you were poor in Mississippi? One thing led to another and he declared bankruptcy. He tried to enroll a third time and he was arrested and bullied by police. But when he tried the third time, he’s declared bankruptcy and he goes by his farm to pick up some chicken feed—$25 worth of chicken feed—and you know what happens to him? He’s arrested, and you know what kind of prison term he’s given? Seven years in prison for stealing $25 worth of chicken feed which really was his—it was on his land which the bank was repossessing. People’s lives can spiral out of control from a $600 fine.”

Paul noted that “a lot of things have improved since” 1963, when this particular example happened—specifically the fact that the United States has gotten rid of segregation by law. However, he said, “we still have a problem in our country that’s a lot like segregation but it’s also like there are two systems.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Is Right—Give The Kurds A State

Sen. Rand Paul is right to call for an independent Kurdistan, and the arming of its forces, the Peshmerga. In doing so, he strikes a balance sorely needed in the GOP’s 2016 foreign-policy platform after years of imbalance.

The Bush administration’s subtly-stated justification for the Iraq War was to establish a vibrant, Muslim, western-style democracy in the Middle East. Such a development’s efforts in preserving Pax Americana can hardly be underestimated. An Arab democracy in the heart of the Muslim world would abide by the rule of law, uphold private property rights, foster free-thinking education, and enshrine the human rights of women and girls—all necessary ingredients to development and happiness dependent upon democracy, and woefully missing in the Middle East.

A vibrant Muslim democracy in the Middle East would also be a major blow to radical Islam, providing an example of modernity and wealth that an Obama-administration jobs program could never hope to accomplish. This would be the Muslim world’s ticket into the twenty-first century.


The tradeoff here is quite interesting but don't go the way of letting the neocon Bush's set the tone here. Senator Paul has so much to offer on this point and I think this is the saving grace.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Speaking at Bowie State University Re: criminal justice reform Today
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will speak on Friday afternoon to historically black Bowie State University about his criminal justice reform efforts.

“It is important for our party to show up at venues which in the past might not have been a priority,” Paul told Breitbart News about the forthcoming speech. “I look forward to being at Bowie State University tomorrow. Showing up is only part of the solution, we must also embrace policies which are fair and just. I will be discussing the importance of reforming the criminal justice system, and highlighting numerous pieces of legislation which I have introduced on this subject.”

Paul, a likely 2016 GOP presidential candidate, has taken extraordinary efforts to reach out to voting blocs that have traditionally voted for Democrats—including the black community—by visiting places including Ferguson, Missouri, and Detroit, Michigan.

Paul’s plan for reviving Detroit’s economy—which has faltered under the weight of big government in the city and in the state—is to create a “stimulus” with what he calls “economic freedom zones,” places where citizens wouldn’t have to send much taxes if any at all to Washington.

“Economic freedom zones will, over a 10-year period, if my bill were to pass, leave over $1.3 billion in Detroit,” Paul said in a speech to the Detroit Economic Club in December 2013 while rolling out his legislation. “So for those who say, ‘Oh, it won’t work, it won’t be enough money,’ we’ve calculated it: $1.3 billion stimulus, not from Houston, not from Atlanta, from you. It’s your money. We’re not going to take it to Washington, we’ll leave it with you. How could anybody be opposed to this?”

On criminal justice reform, Paul has introduced several major pieces of legislation—most notably the REDEEM Act, which he rolled out with Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ).


Well, he's back on his mission of building a bigger tent in the GOP by talking about and pushing for more liberty to more demos outside the elderly white crowd. I really think he sets himself apart from the entire GOP primary field by pushing the economic freedom zones concept but the last thing that democrats want is to allow freer market principles to show up their failed big government policies and put a nail in their coffin for the whole country and perhaps the world, to see.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sens. Rand Paul and Cory Booker to introduce bill legalizing medical marijuana

Sens. Rand Paul, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand will introduce on Tuesday a Senate bill that would legalize medical marijuana under federal law, another possible step towards relaxation of once strict policies toward the drug.

The Kentucky Republican and his New Jersey and New York Democratic colleagues will propose legislation that allows states that have passed medical marijuana laws to enact those programs without operating illegally under federal law. That bill would also allow veterans in states with medical marijuana programs to receive care from the government, according to guidance issued by their offices.
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The legislation was lauded by marijuana legal reform advocates.

“Several marijuana policy reform bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives. The introduction of this legislation in the Senate demonstrates just how seriously this issue is being taken on Capitol Hill,” said Dan Riffle of the Marijuana Policy Project, which first informed reporters of the legislation.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul pushes repeal of Obama tax law despised by Americans living abroad

Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator and 2016 Republican presidential hopeful, is leading an effort to repeal a tax law prized by President Obama but despised by millions of Americas who live and work outside the United States.

Mr. Paul formally introduced legislation this month in the Senate to reverse the main requirements of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, saying the law has wrongly deprived American ex-patriots of access to banking services, violated their privacy and forced many to renounce their citizenship.

“Not only is FATCA dangerous with respect to the privacy protections owed to every American — home or abroad — it has threatened the livelihood of millions of Americans working or living overseas,” Mr. Paul said.
The law was passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by Mr. Obama in 2010 with the stated goal of preventing Americans living overseas from cheating on their taxes. But the law has had far-reaching consequences beyond that.

It requires foreign banks to monitor and report to the Internal Revenue Service on the banking of Americans residing overseas or risk severe punishment.

Mr. Paul said the reporting requirements violate the privacy guaranteed by the Constitution and added a costly burden on banks, many of whom have chosen to stop serving overseas Americans rather than comply.

“As a result, the private data of American accounts is forfeited, and foreign banks have approached the onus of this law by shutting their doors to U.S. citizens,” Mr. Paul said.

If Americans like Mr. Johnson cling to their U.S. citizenship, they face double taxation by the U.S. and foreign governments and huge financial penalties because, they say, the Obama law rests on the assumption that all Americans living and working abroad are tax cheats — and so are automatically treated as guilty until they can prove innocence.
Whether the bill advances or not, it gives Mr. Paul a forum to raise some of his favorite issues — tax fairness, privacy and government overreach — as he gears up his 2016 presidential bid.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Another former Cruz staffer hired by Rand

Ted Cruz’s stable of political operatives continues to be a fertile place for Rand Paul to pluck talent.

Just a few months after Mr. Paul, the junior senator from Kentucky, hired away the digital strategist who was a major asset in building the national profile of Mr. Cruz, the junior senator from Texas, Mr. Paul has brought on another former Cruz tactician, Rachel Kania.

The move is the latest to highlight the rivalry between the senators, who are both considering a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Ms. Kania was Mr. Cruz’s statewide field director during his come-from-behind 2012 Senate campaign. Since she helped him get elected, she has led her own consulting firm. She will now run Mr. Paul’s office in Austin, Tex., about three hours from Mr. Cruz’s home in Houston. Mr. Paul grew up in Texas, but he lives in Bowling Green, Ky.

In its statement announcing Ms. Kania’s hire, Mr. Paul’s political committee heralded her connections to the conservative base, noting that before Mr. Cruz hired her in 2012, his campaign “had little to no field operations running and no clear path to a grass-roots victory.”

She will join Vincent Harris, who was the top digital guru for Mr. Cruz before he decided late last year to join Mr. Paul’s operation. Mr. Harris will also be based in Austin.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Austin Office Set to Open Monday

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is preparing to open the Austin outpost of his likely 2016 presidential campaign, a move that is expected to come Monday, according to sources familiar with the plan.

The office will be housed in Capital Factory, the startup incubator in downtown Austin, one of the sources said.

Paul will be in Texas' capital city Sunday for an interview with Texas Tribune CEO and Editor-in-Chief Evan Smith as part of the South by Southwest festival. Paul is also slated to attend other public events this weekend in the city.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Quinnipiac March 2015 Walker, Bush Lead (Rand 5th)

                                   Wht    POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY
                            Tea    BrnAgn CONSERVATIVE  Mod/
                     Tot    Party  Evang  Very   Smwht  Lib    Men    Wom
Bush                 16%     5%    15%    10%    19%    19%    14%    18%
Carson                7     10      9     10      7      5      7      7
Christie              8      4      5      3      9     12      8      7
Cruz                  6     12      7      8      6      5      7      6
Graham                1      -      -      1      1      -      -      1
Huckabee              8     14     12     10      7      7      7      9
Jindal                2      1      2      1      1      5      1      3
Kasich                1      1      1      1      2      1      2      1
Paul                  6      9      4      5      6      6      8      3 Fart
Perry                 1      2      2      1      2      2      2      1
Rubio                 5      4      4      3      5      6      5      5
Santorum              2      -      -      1      2      2      1      2
Walker               18     26     18     34     15      5     22     14


If you're not satisfied with this then plan on what you're going to do to help the situation. It's early of course.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand was going to be on NBC's Parks and Rec but backed out at the last minute

Sen. Rand Paul was apparently set to appear on NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” for its recent episode filmed in Washington, but one of the show’s co-creators says the Kentucky Republican backed out at the last minute.

Responding to a question about which dream guests he had hoped to land over the course of the show’s seven-season run, Michael Schur told HitFix that the show’s plot and timeline also prevented the show’s producers from asking a certain Democratic presidential front-runner to appear.

“Hillary Clinton, but that became impossible once we jumped to 2017, because we would’ve had to have answered a question that she probably wouldn’t have wanted us to even pose at this point,” Schur said.

A February episode featured appearances from a bipartisan crowd of politicos, including Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Cory Booker of New Jersey; GOP Sens. Orrin Hatch of Utah and John McCain of Arizona; and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

But at least one senator turned down the chance to rub elbows with Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler).

“We also wanted Rand Paul to be in the Washington episode, and he agreed, but then bailed at the eleventh hour. I think he thought we were making fun of him or something, which we were not, at all,” Schur said, adding that it was meant to be a flattering comparison to the show’s Ron Swanson character (Nick Offerman).

”I get the sense that maybe interpreting writing and humor is not his strong suit,” he said.

What a nasty and passive-agressive way to voice their displeasure at this. Surely they should have understood that since he's planning to run for president, he's not offered absolute freedom in where he chooses to appear in the media?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
National Defense Ad for Rand Paul
This would be a great ad of sorts in any of the early primary states to showcase Dr. Paul's policies on foreign policy. I urge all of yall to view it and if you're impressed to donate to Rand @ to urge him to run for president if you're an American. Stay tuned for all those that are foreign nationals cause we can all foster a road together in this fight.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
With Eye on 2016, Rand Paul Courts Sheldon Adelson (Casino Magnate)

Rand Paul said Wednesday that he met with the Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson this week while Mr. Adelson was in Washington for a congressional address by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Mr. Paul and Mr. Adelson are not especially close — personally or in their world views. Mr. Adelson, a staunch supporter of Israel, favors a robust, activist military policy. Mr. Paul, the junior senator from Kentucky and a likely candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, has advocated a more restrained approach overseas.

In an interview on the radio program “Jewish Moments in the Morning,” Mr. Paul said that Mr. Adelson had assured him he would not fund an effort by Republicans to defeat him. The New York Times reported last week that Mr. Adelson had told associates that he was open to the idea of underwriting such a campaign. Many hawkish Republicans are worried about the prospect that Mr. Paul could gain traction in the primary and are already attacking him as ill-equipped to lead a country at war with extremists.

In the interview, Mr. Paul said that he met with Mr. Adelson and his wife, Miriam, and that “they assured me there was no truth to that.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul 2016: A Clear Message - Supporter Ad
1.25 mins long
The supporter created videos from 2008 and 2012 were always an inspiration. I have tried to capture some of that enthusiasm in this piece. Be sure to give it a like and share if you so choose!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
PHOTOS: 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference

And the rest of the 900 pics can be observed at the photo-journalist's flicker page -
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Unenthused Rand Paul Lifelessly Applauds Netanyahu Speech

With his outspoken views against foreign aid and a muscular foreign policy, Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul was less-than-enthused by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Iranian nuclear threat. And people definitely noticed. The senator’s office released a statement following the speech. “Israel is and has always been America’s friend and ally,” Paul said. ”I was pleased to hear Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress today, and join him in calling for peace and standing together for our mutual interests. It is important to work together to prevent a nuclear Iran, and the spread of Radical Islam.” -  I'd post the link but since this is a neocon propaganda outfit I prefer to minimize their traffic, especially their hatchet job of trying to paint Rand as an anti-Semite cause that's the meme they're trying to fuel. However, goes to show that Rand isn't falling for the Israel game on Iran like all the other repubics.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
That Darn Cat
Silly Republicans, politics are for adults.  If only one of your candidates could go a month without saying something hateful and praising Jesus for your success with hedge-funds.  Jesus supports shipping jobs to China and corporate welfare. 
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