
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 82. (Read 205816 times)

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Is Rand a drug prohibitionist ? Cause USA have an insane prison population...

His father was vilified for being so anti-prohibitionist. I highly doubt the son will do anything stupid in this regard.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Notorious and much needed swing state for republicans
Colorado (Quinnipiac): Paul 46%, Clinton 43%
Paul: 46% (+3)
Clinton: 43%

Christie: 40%
Clinton: 42%

Bush: 40%
Clinton: 44%

Huckabee: 41%
Clinton: 44%
Cross tabs are interesting, Paul absolutely dominates w/ 65+older crowd which is something his dad could never do.

Hillary beats everyone except Rand Paul in Colorado!
Glad to see the good news is still flowing.  Smiley
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Is Rand a drug prohibitionist ? Cause USA have an insane prison population...
One of Rand's latest issues he's leading on is getting mandatory minimums reduced or done away with. And, he's working on this with liberal democratic Senator Cory Booker from NJ. Also, restoring voting rights for non-violent drug offenders. His rhetoric may seem weak to some, as in it's not as iconoclastic as his dad, but it does signify his willingness to push for reforms while not being vilified or demagogued by right media personalities if he runs for president.
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
Is Rand a drug prohibitionist ? Cause USA have an insane prison population...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
^Nice post, as an ancap I've long said that the good isn't the enemy of the perfect. In order to move the ball at all towards liberty, we gotta stay out of the weeds and coalition build wherever we can. Lots of populism building up in America today on both sides of the isle.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Just FYI, usually I vote democrat, even though I don't sound like one. I don't support going off and bombing places, nor do I support government being involved with what women do with their own body. When you get down to it, the economic policy of both candidates in most races (at least on the national level) tend to be almost the same: See Obama & Romney. So I don't see how its worth risking someone like McCain coming out and starting Iraq 2.0 and causing an even bigger deficit than Obama's favorite handouts.

But Rand Paul is different, at least, his father was very different and I'm assuming Ron has significant influence on Rand. I get that he doesn't agree with me on everything (ex, abortion) but to be honest, any policy he puts in place there will be extremely temporary, so I'm willing to put up with that. He supports military spending, but his dad was so much against it that I doubt he's going to do something insane like bomb Iran or something stupid. He's the best bet for actual change so I support anything he can do.

I think that in order to finally get anything done, people who support the libertarian agenda are going to have to concede some views on any given election. Libertarians tend to be independent thinkers, which is obviously a good thing. This means that they don't flock to some source like Fox/MSNBC to get their political views set for them. Bad news? It means that their views tend to be more fractured. To get our big ideas across, we're going to have to disregard the details and unite behind whoever has the best chance of doing something. I have a feeling the rest will just fall into place right, given enough time.

Edit: Also FYI, I am from the Bay Area as that information seems relevant in this thread.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul eyes tech-oriented donors, geeks in Bay Area

Rand Paul goes hunting in San Francisco starting Thursday for two things Democrats usually expect to have locked up in the Golden State: rich technology donors and computer geeks game to leave their jobs to work on a White House campaign.

Focusing on a libertarian sliver of the Bay Area’s tech crowd, the Kentucky Republican hopes the three-day trip can tap into a powerful resource that could boost his fundraising skills, message delivery and voter turnout — potent technology tools that were a crucial component in President Barack Obama’s two general election victories.

But Paul also has a more lofty agenda — using his strongly held views on National Security Agency surveillance, Internet privacy and free markets to broaden the traditional GOP coalition — and perhaps even persuade California voters to turn their state red for the first time since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

“I think it has to be someone with the right message, but I think there’s room for us out there,” Paul said in an interview where he called on Republicans to “run a 50-state strategy.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: The Republican Candidate Whom Young Non-Republicans Fear the Least

By David Weigel

The new Quinnipiac poll out of Colorado and new NBC/Marist poll out of Iowa should please Democrats only for the residual pain they might cause Dick Cheney. In Colorado, Rand Paul performs absolutely the best against Hillary Clinton, among any of the 2016 Republicans—he leads her 46–43, and has led consistently since the pollster started trial heats last year. In Iowa, Paul is the only Republican who leads Clinton (within the margin of error), 44–44.

This is the summer of Rand Paul; in a way, all of 2014 has been a summer of Rand Paul. No Republican gets more positive coverage. Reporters (myself included) love to cover a politician who riffs with so little dependence on talking points. Readers click on anything Paul-related, which is among the reasons why Paul's criminal justice reform bill co-sponsored with Sen. Cory Booker got universally happy write-ups, from NPR to Politico. (The big news from Politico's Paul/Booker event was that the men took a selfie together.)

Where does Paul's support come from? The Quinnipiac poll, which offers up its crosstabs, finds that Paul is marginally more popular than other Republicans across most age groups. But he's far more popular among voters under 30. He wins them by 7 points; Chris Christie wins them by 4, Jeb Bush loses them by 4, Mike Huckabee loses them by 7. That's a small mound of evidence for the theory that Paul's "liberty movement" politics, his identification with privacy and drug law reform, etc., cracks the millennial voter code.


When the real hit pieces come out, it'll be interesting to see how Team Paul flips the script on them because they will be nasty.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul is right where he wants to be in the 2016 race

By Aaron Blake
July 17

Watch any NBA or NFL draft, and you will quickly grow nauseous at all the allusions to a particular player's "upside." This little word (which we're not sure actually exists in nature) refers to someone who might be a little undervalued and probably won't excel -- but has all the tools to become a superstar.

In the 2016 Republican presidential race, that player/candidate is Rand Paul.

There is little that surprises in the two new polls of the 2016 Iowa and New Hampshire presidential primaries from NBC News and Marist College. In both states, Hillary Rodham Clinton leads Joe Biden by 50-plus points, and the GOP field is a cluttered mess that is nearly impossible to make heads or tails of.

But dig a little deeper, and you see Paul's potential. Moreso than any other candidate, Paul seems to have real paths to victory in both states -- something that has never happened before. It's far too early to say with any certainty what will happen (and we can't emphasize the limited value of early polling enough) but the potential is clearly there.

For a few reasons:


Check out more...
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Notorious and much needed swing state for republicans
Colorado (Quinnipiac): Paul 46%, Clinton 43%
Paul: 46% (+3)
Clinton: 43%

Christie: 40%
Clinton: 42%

Bush: 40%
Clinton: 44%

Huckabee: 41%
Clinton: 44%
Cross tabs are interesting, Paul absolutely dominates w/ 65+older crowd which is something his dad could never do.

If there were ever a time for a non establishment candidate it is now. All of the other players mentioned in these polls are part of the establishment that no one has faith in anymore regardless of party. I would love to see a poll like that for Pennsylvania or Michigan in the near future. 
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Notorious and much needed swing state for republicans
Colorado (Quinnipiac): Paul 46%, Clinton 43%
Paul: 46% (+3)
Clinton: 43%

Christie: 40%
Clinton: 42%

Bush: 40%
Clinton: 44%

Huckabee: 41%
Clinton: 44%
Cross tabs are interesting, Paul absolutely dominates w/ 65+older crowd which is something his dad could never do.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Iowa (NBC News/Marist): Paul 45%, Clinton 45%
Paul is now tied with Clinton in Iowa, all other GOP candidates trail.

Paul: 45%
Clinton: 45%

Christie: 43%
Clinton: 44%

Bush: 42%
Clinton: 46%

Rubio: 40%
Clinton: 49%

Cruz: 37%
Clinton: 49%
In the first in the nation caucus (republican party), Paul is tied w/ Bush @ 12% but it's the general election matchup numbers that will be the biggest feather in Paul's cap and will be undeniable to party donors.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
1st in the Nation Primary
NH Primary (NBC News/Marist): Paul 14, Christie 13, Bush 10, Cruz 9, Rubio/Ryan 7
Rand Paul is now back ahead of Christie in New Hampshire.

Paul: 14% (+1)
Christie: 13%
Bush: 10%
Cruz: 9%
Rubio: 7%
Ryan: 7%

Thanks Rick Perry and likely Dick Cheney.

Article that came w/ the poll numbers
NBC News: Rand Paul is your early GOP front-runner
Our fourth and final takeaway: Rand Paul is your early Republican front-runner. Yes, the NBC/Marist polls show a crowded and wide-open field in Iowa and Hampshire. And, yes, they even show Mr. Undecided leading in both (20% in Iowa, 22% in New Hampshire). But note that Paul has the highest favorable ratings in Iowa and New Hampshire. Note that he appears at the top of the early horserace fields in those two states (when you eliminate Mr. Undecided). Note he runs best against Clinton in both Iowa and New Hampshire. And note all of the other things he’s done in the past six months -- hire Rick Santorum’s former campaign manager, team with Cory Booker on legislation, and espouse a foreign policy that’s more popular with the public and even a plurality of Republicans. To borrow a NASCAR analogy, Paul has earned the pole position before the real race begins. Make no mistake: We’re unsure he can withstand half or more of his party trying to take him down (a la what happened to Howard Dean in late 2003). But he’s your early GOP front-runner.

The long and short of it is that Rand runs best against Hillary and is the front-runner for the GOP nomination.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Bad news for Rand Paul. Now Chris Christie is leading him in New Hampshire. (Poll by WMUR/UNH, and I don't know how reliable they are). Rand was leading earlier in NH.

I've seen this one and despite the sampling size, it's not surprising to see Christie at or near the top as this is always the case in New England w/ their neighbors Governors. Plus, Rand hasn't really been in NH anytime recently to keep his buzz factor up. However,
In 2016 move, Rand Paul's PAC hires Biundo, RightOn Strategies
MANCHESTER, N.H. —In one of the first significant moves ahead of the 2016 New Hampshire Primary, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's political action committee has hired a local consulting firm, which includes the former national campaign manager for RIck Santorum's 2012 campaign.

Michael Biundo, of Manchester, the former Santorum manager, will serve as chief strategist for RandPac's New England operation.

"Mike will be a valuable asset to my team. His experience, passion and leadership will help me advance the principles of liberty," said Paul. "The Republican party needs to grow and Mike will be a vital part of that effort."

Along with Biundo other members of RightOn Strategies, including Derek Dufresne and Kory Wood are also involved in the effort.

For now the PACs stated goal is to simply help Republicans get elected in the midterm elections. New Hampshire has more competitive elections this fall than any other New England state.

While there was a flurry of visits from potential presidential candidates to New Hampshire in the spring it has slowed somewhat this summer. Among those also laying the groundwork here are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and those associated with the Ready for Hillary campaign. Democratic Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has also raised money for local Democrats.

But in terms of staff on the ground working for the 2016 effort only Texas Gov. Rick Perry and now Paul have put in that kind of investment on the ground in the first-in-the-nation primary state.
It's pretty much how Romney won NH by getting his candidates to win in state races which are pretty competitive but fairly easy to win as each state house district has only ~3k voters plus you have legions of active Free Staters on the ground.

This looks promising for Rand's chances, plus it's a potential boost for the Free State project, so it's a win/win.

I hope so. I have a bad feeling that the republican establishment will gang up to destroy his chances. We can't allow an honest guy to win the nomination.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Bad news for Rand Paul. Now Chris Christie is leading him in New Hampshire. (Poll by WMUR/UNH, and I don't know how reliable they are). Rand was leading earlier in NH.

I've seen this one and despite the sampling size, it's not surprising to see Christie at or near the top as this is always the case in New England w/ their neighbors Governors. Plus, Rand hasn't really been in NH anytime recently to keep his buzz factor up. However,
In 2016 move, Rand Paul's PAC hires Biundo, RightOn Strategies
MANCHESTER, N.H. —In one of the first significant moves ahead of the 2016 New Hampshire Primary, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's political action committee has hired a local consulting firm, which includes the former national campaign manager for RIck Santorum's 2012 campaign.

Michael Biundo, of Manchester, the former Santorum manager, will serve as chief strategist for RandPac's New England operation.

"Mike will be a valuable asset to my team. His experience, passion and leadership will help me advance the principles of liberty," said Paul. "The Republican party needs to grow and Mike will be a vital part of that effort."

Along with Biundo other members of RightOn Strategies, including Derek Dufresne and Kory Wood are also involved in the effort.

For now the PACs stated goal is to simply help Republicans get elected in the midterm elections. New Hampshire has more competitive elections this fall than any other New England state.

While there was a flurry of visits from potential presidential candidates to New Hampshire in the spring it has slowed somewhat this summer. Among those also laying the groundwork here are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and those associated with the Ready for Hillary campaign. Democratic Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has also raised money for local Democrats.

But in terms of staff on the ground working for the 2016 effort only Texas Gov. Rick Perry and now Paul have put in that kind of investment on the ground in the first-in-the-nation primary state.
It's pretty much how Romney won NH by getting his candidates to win in state races which are pretty competitive but fairly easy to win as each state house district has only ~3k voters plus you have legions of active Free Staters on the ground.

This looks promising for Rand's chances, plus it's a potential boost for the Free State project, so it's a win/win.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 500
Time is on our side, yes it is!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
HBO Real Time host Bill Maher (notorious fakeass liberal) is recommending Democrats learn something from Republicans when it comes to the Middle East. Namely, how to take a position.

“[P]rops have to be handed out to the Republicans for actually having a healthy debate with two clear, unequivocal sides,” Maher wrote on his blog Wednesday. “Democrats don’t do that anymore.”

Maher framed his view using recent comments by both Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and former Republican vice president Dick Cheney.

Paul has gained a reputation for opposing the use of military force in foreign affairs that don’t directly involve the U.S. Cheney takes a more aggressive stance, advocating for the U.S. to maintain a strong presence in the Middle East.

“Even though [President Barack] Obama clearly sides more with Paul, he’s shy about articulating it as clearly,” Maher wrote. “Democrats instead try to play the game the way Republicans used to – arguing for peace and freedom but also pleasing the douchebag demographic by bragging about our strength and rattling our sabers and striking from the air. But while Democrats are out there proving that they’re not pussies, Republicans, for once, are the ones having a real dialogue.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Bad news for Rand Paul. Now Chris Christie is leading him in New Hampshire. (Poll by WMUR/UNH, and I don't know how reliable they are). Rand was leading earlier in NH.

I've seen this one and despite the sampling size, it's not surprising to see Christie at or near the top as this is always the case in New England w/ their neighbors Governors. Plus, Rand hasn't really been in NH anytime recently to keep his buzz factor up. However,
In 2016 move, Rand Paul's PAC hires Biundo, RightOn Strategies
MANCHESTER, N.H. —In one of the first significant moves ahead of the 2016 New Hampshire Primary, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's political action committee has hired a local consulting firm, which includes the former national campaign manager for RIck Santorum's 2012 campaign.

Michael Biundo, of Manchester, the former Santorum manager, will serve as chief strategist for RandPac's New England operation.

"Mike will be a valuable asset to my team. His experience, passion and leadership will help me advance the principles of liberty," said Paul. "The Republican party needs to grow and Mike will be a vital part of that effort."

Along with Biundo other members of RightOn Strategies, including Derek Dufresne and Kory Wood are also involved in the effort.

For now the PACs stated goal is to simply help Republicans get elected in the midterm elections. New Hampshire has more competitive elections this fall than any other New England state.

While there was a flurry of visits from potential presidential candidates to New Hampshire in the spring it has slowed somewhat this summer. Among those also laying the groundwork here are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and those associated with the Ready for Hillary campaign. Democratic Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has also raised money for local Democrats.

But in terms of staff on the ground working for the 2016 effort only Texas Gov. Rick Perry and now Paul have put in that kind of investment on the ground in the first-in-the-nation primary state.
It's pretty much how Romney won NH by getting his candidates to win in state races which are pretty competitive but fairly easy to win as each state house district has only ~3k voters plus you have legions of active Free Staters on the ground.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Bad news for Rand Paul. Now Chris Christie is leading him in New Hampshire. (Poll by WMUR/UNH, and I don't know how reliable they are). Rand was leading earlier in NH.

Bad results are inaccurate polls and positive ones are good news.  Cheesy
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Bad news for Rand Paul. Now Chris Christie is leading him in New Hampshire. (Poll by WMUR/UNH, and I don't know how reliable they are). Rand was leading earlier in NH.

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