
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 88. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
FYI, futures market (predictious, which is similar to intrade) shows hilary as a heavy favorite to win the presidential elections.. almost 3x as likely than rand paul at the moment.

Hillary is having the demographic advantage. She just needs one-third of the white votes to win the 2016 election, while Rand Paul needs more than two-thirds of that group to have any realistic chance.  Angry
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
FYI, futures market (predictious, which is similar to intrade) shows hilary as a heavy favorite to win the presidential elections.. almost 3x as likely than rand paul at the moment.
On one hand, she may not even run. IF she does, there's so much dirt on her past and present that the whole woman novelty thing will wear off fast. Similarly, she was planning the whole national health care aka Hillarycare back in the 90s during her old man's terms. She isn't removed at all from the devastation of the unfolding health care crisis among many other issues that are hanging around democrats' necks.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
FYI, futures market (predictious, which is similar to intrade) shows hilary as a heavy favorite to win the presidential elections.. almost 3x as likely than rand paul at the moment.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
...  Paul's staff is really good at hustling libertarian beliefs in a more populist way that is acceptable and tolerable to conservatives...

LOL!  So I've noticed.

His staff and supporters are two different groups. Remember Ron had supporters throwing snowballs at Sean Hannity back in 08 in NH. I don't support either of these incidents but Sean had something coming for being such a propagandist and this woman had no business rushing Rand when he was on the campaign trail running for Senate. Her "republicorp" poster had nothing to do with what kind of republican Rand was nor is. Just another retard liberal drone.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
...  Paul's staff is really good at hustling libertarian beliefs in a more populist way that is acceptable and tolerable to conservatives...

LOL!  So I've noticed.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
how is he all that special among other candidates if he's willing to sell out on his values
It's more a repackaging of the libertarian beliefs for broader consumption (i.e. what his dad couldn't do). Paul's staff is really good at hustling libertarian beliefs in a more populist way that is acceptable and tolerable to conservatives and many liberals alike. As an ancap, I can appreciate what he's doing to get the ball rolling on getting more libertarians elected and getting the message trending away from statism for the long run.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
how is he all that special among other candidates if he's willing to sell out on his values (if that were even the case)? he's not.. but it's hard to blame him if he wants to be president. the problem is the republican party though, since he's going to have to prove just how conservative he is during the primaries, and if he wins, he'll have to prove how he's such a moderate during the presidential elections. he'll be labelled a flip flopper.

compound that with the unpopularity of the republican stock, and you can clearly see that republicans are at a clear disadvantage.. plus hilary is more popular than anyone that the GOP can nominate. it's too bad christie turned out to be scum though.. he was the clear favorite a year ago.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Clearly, Rand is pandering to the religious right in certain instances as you can't have them hate you and stay home on general election nor lose too many of them in the primary especially as other candidates are widdled out of the race. They are one issue voters and have been strung along by moderate republicans for decades by and large. Rand is attempting to flip the script by focusing attention on pro-life alternatives to the current neocon war hawk mindset and it's working. His dad's position was that Roe v Wade should be repealed and that issue would be left up to individual states to handle their own business.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
so, are any of you rand paul lovers going to defend rand's decision to push toward not allowing abortion? he's either placating to the far right, or he actually believes this shit.. how can a libertarian take a "pro life" stance, and still be called a libertarian?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Describing a nation "in a full-blown spiritual crisis," leading Republicans on Friday vowed to fight against abortion rights and protect the role of faith in public life as they courted religious conservatives with an eye on the 2016 presidential contest.

"I will stand up for unborn children as long as I'm privileged to be in office," Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul declared while addressing the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed hosting its annual conference in Washington.

"America is in a full-blown spiritual crisis," the tea party favorite continued. "What America needs is a revival."

Paul led a parade of ambitious Republicans on a Friday speaking program — including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum — that featured aggressive defenses of social conservative priorities, including opposition to abortion, gay marriage and funding for Planned Parenthood. The gathering highlights the delicate balancing act Republican leaders face as they work to bridge divisions within the party and improve the GOP's image.

Organizers said more than 1,000 evangelical Christian leaders were attending the conference, designed to mobilize religious conservative voters in advance of the upcoming midterm elections and the 2016 presidential contest. While polls suggest that social conservatives are losing their fight against gay marriage, Republican officials across the political spectrum concede that evangelical Christian voters continue to play a critical role in Republican politics.

"You can ignore them, but you do so at your own peril," said Republican operative Hogan Gidley, who worked for Santorum and for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee during his 2008 campaign for the presidential nomination.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP Wonders What The Hell It Will Do About Rand Paul's Foreign Policy
by Sam Stein
06/21/2014 8:00 am EDT

WASHINGTON -- The divisive role that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has played within the Republican Party on matters of foreign policy was amplified on Friday amid ongoing chaos in Iraq.

At a gathering of social conservatives in Washington, D.C., Paul’s call for more measured U.S. engagement -- if not outright restraint -- was criticized by fellow attendees, including a potential rival for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

In an interview with The Huffington Post outside the Faith and Freedom Conference, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), a 2012 presidential candidate, offered a message “to the Rand Paul types” within his party.

“You can see what happens when America creates a vacuum,” Santorum said. “Other people fill it, and it is not to our security interests.”

Paul's remark that President Barack Obama wasn't to blame for the rise of Sunni militants in Iraq drew even more admonishment from the neoconservative wing of the party, which has begun openly fretting about the possibility that the Kentucky Republican could end up becoming the GOP standard-bearer.

Michael Goldfarb, founder of the unapologetically hawkish Free Beacon, distilled Paul’s message on foreign policy into a simple: “Don’t blame Obama.” After tweeting his disdain, he elaborated in an email to The Huffington Post.
HuffPo is basically the American left's web-central of the Drudge Report for the right and this is one of their hottest articles over there right now. Rand Paul is going at the Religious right/Evangelicals at these summits and making the case for pro-life arguments to our (American) foreign policy and driving those points home putting the war hawks back on their heels. If nothing else, this should be of major interest to any non-American viewing from abroad about how much of a badass (Senator R-KY) Rand Paul is. Rand is the only likely Prez contender in either major party that is making the rounds owning the non-intervention mantra, anti-NSA concepts/pro civil liberties, pro free market zones for expanding jobs among others and these all resonate w/ an expanding populist American public leading up to a perfect storm. Smiley
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's Paul's recent 16 min address to the Faith and Freedom summit. He's a master w/ words.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Hmm... is this going to be successful? The evangelicals really hate Rand Paul as far as I know.  Angry

Courting Evangelicals, Rand Paul Vows To 'Stand Up For Unborn Children'
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Report: GOP Gives Rand Paul Head Start in Early 2016 Primaries

The Republican National Committee has opened a pathway to the presidential nomination for Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul with a primary schedule that favors the potential libertarian-leaning tea party candidate.

The Daily Beast says that the committee’s format calling for Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada to hold their primaries first gives Paul a "huge advantage" over rivals like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Paul’s father, former Rep. Ron Paul, laid the groundwork for his son while campaigning over the years as a Libertarian to become president, and "those same ties" give Paul a vital head start in three of the early primary states.

"If the senator were to win or even put together a decent showing there, Republicans say he may have momentum that is impossible to slow," said the Beast’s David Freelander. "No Republican has won Iowa and New Hampshire and failed to win the nomination.

"Of course, no one can discuss the 2016 presidential race without massive caveats about handicapping a race at least six months before a single candidate has declared. But the champagne-popping in the Paulite corridors has not gone unnoticed."

Matt Mackowiak, a Texas-based Republican consultant and a veteran of George W. Bush’s re-election campaign, concurred, saying, "If Rand were to win two of those first three or three of those first four, he would be a train gathering a lot of steam."
More interesting perspectives both ways...
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
anyway, concerning the koch brothers, i believe they are ancaps.. they want complete obliteration of any form of government. and since they can't get that, they decided to meddle.

i might want to get the koch brothers book.. they sound like "interesting" people.

Actually, they strike me more as socialists.  Their (very good) livelyhood is based on privatizing valuable resources currently owned by society, making money off society by supplying the resources in a more usable form, and socializing the losses in terms of using societie's atmosphere, lands, etc, as a toxic waste dumping ground.

I've never seen any sign that the Koch bros wish to do away with society.  They certainly take an active roll in forging it into a shape which suites there purposes however.  Both through lobbying and selecting our leaderships, and in directly influencing public opinion through media campaigns, astroturf, etc.

If the Koch brothers were ancaps they would be killing to goose that is laying them golden eggs.  In no way, shape, or form are they that stupid.  One of them has, as I understand things, a graduate degree from MIT.  He's likely North of genius level, and I doubt that his brother is far behind.

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.

if i knew you, i'd love to make a bet with you. democrats the underdog? i don't think so.. i'm not saying i want them to win, but objectively speaking, the republicans are getting in their own way. whether anyone likes it or not, hilary is much more popular than any republican i can think of.. it's why fox has been bashing her so much lately.

the funny thing is that.. the koch brothers are actually libertarians  Cheesy
Kochs are arguably libertarians, but I'd disagree. Maybe they were at some point, like Alan Greenspan allegedly was. There's a pretty decent and comical book going over almost all the libertarian factions - "Radicals for Capitalism." It covers everyone from the Kochs to Ayn, to my personal favorite, Robert Anton Wilson. It obviously has some libertarian bias, but it's a fun, detailed book no matter your political orientation. If I didn't lose the book in a warehouse I lived in for a while, I'd offer to ship it to you at no charge.

I'd take you up on the bet, but I'm financially strapped at the moment. How about reverse bragging rights based on the party which wins the '16 GE? I'll be sure to remind you when I win either way. Tongue

ha, you can't just cast them away as "not one of us" when they become unpopular. they are definitely right-wingish, but they also have libertarian ideals.. just like rand paul.

i'm glad there are people who think like you do, so i can win money off them. did you think romney had a chance in 2012?
I didn't follow in '11/'12 after Ron dropped (actually, I followed and participated in the Libertarian Party until they nominated Barr over Ruwart). If you asked me in early-mid '12, though, I may've said McCain was running against Obama. Cheesy What kind of libertarian ideals do you think the Kochs have? Selective tax breaks? Cheesy

mccain after 2008? that makes completely 0 sense.. has there ever been a time when a nominee lost the presidential election and came back again to win it? besides, mccain blunder 2008.. especially with picking sarah palin.

anyway, concerning the koch brothers, i believe they are ancaps.. they want complete obliteration of any form of government. and since they can't get that, they decided to meddle.

i might want to get the koch brothers book.. they sound like "interesting" people.

Paul led a parade of ambitious Republicans on a Friday speaking program — including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum — that featured aggressive defenses of social conservative priorities, including opposition to abortion, gay marriage and funding for Planned Parenthood. The gathering highlights the delicate balancing act Republican leaders face as they work to bridge divisions within the party and improve the GOP's image.

and heeeeeeeeeeere we go, rand is now placating to the far right who want to control people on abortion issues. i don't know how a "true" libertarian could claim that the government should decide whether you can have an abortion or not. how are you rand paul lovers going to defend this?
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.

if i knew you, i'd love to make a bet with you. democrats the underdog? i don't think so.. i'm not saying i want them to win, but objectively speaking, the republicans are getting in their own way. whether anyone likes it or not, hilary is much more popular than any republican i can think of.. it's why fox has been bashing her so much lately.

the funny thing is that.. the koch brothers are actually libertarians  Cheesy
Kochs are arguably libertarians, but I'd disagree. Maybe they were at some point, like Alan Greenspan allegedly was. There's a pretty decent and comical book going over almost all the libertarian factions - "Radicals for Capitalism." It covers everyone from the Kochs to Ayn, to my personal favorite, Robert Anton Wilson. It obviously has some libertarian bias, but it's a fun, detailed book no matter your political orientation. If I didn't lose the book in a warehouse I lived in for a while, I'd offer to ship it to you at no charge.

I'd take you up on the bet, but I'm financially strapped at the moment. How about reverse bragging rights based on the party which wins the '16 GE? I'll be sure to remind you when I win either way. Tongue

ha, you can't just cast them away as "not one of us" when they become unpopular. they are definitely right-wingish, but they also have libertarian ideals.. just like rand paul.

i'm glad there are people who think like you do, so i can win money off them. did you think romney had a chance in 2012?
I didn't follow in '11/'12 after Ron dropped (actually, I followed and participated in the Libertarian Party until they nominated Barr over Ruwart). If you asked me in early-mid '12, though, I may've said McCain was running against Obama. Cheesy What kind of libertarian ideals do you think the Kochs have? Selective tax breaks? Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.

if i knew you, i'd love to make a bet with you. democrats the underdog? i don't think so.. i'm not saying i want them to win, but objectively speaking, the republicans are getting in their own way. whether anyone likes it or not, hilary is much more popular than any republican i can think of.. it's why fox has been bashing her so much lately.

the funny thing is that.. the koch brothers are actually libertarians  Cheesy
Kochs are arguably libertarians, but I'd disagree. Maybe they were at some point, like Alan Greenspan allegedly was. There's a pretty decent and comical book going over almost all the libertarian factions - "Radicals for Capitalism." It covers everyone from the Kochs to Ayn, to my personal favorite, Robert Anton Wilson. It obviously has some libertarian bias, but it's a fun, detailed book no matter your political orientation. If I didn't lose the book in a warehouse I lived in for a while, I'd offer to ship it to you at no charge.

I'd take you up on the bet, but I'm financially strapped at the moment. How about reverse bragging rights based on the party which wins the '16 GE? I'll be sure to remind you when I win either way. Tongue

ha, you can't just cast them away as "not one of us" when they become unpopular. they are definitely right-wingish, but they also have libertarian ideals.. just like rand paul.

i'm glad there are people who think like you do, so i can win money off them. did you think romney had a chance in 2012?
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.

if i knew you, i'd love to make a bet with you. democrats the underdog? i don't think so.. i'm not saying i want them to win, but objectively speaking, the republicans are getting in their own way. whether anyone likes it or not, hilary is much more popular than any republican i can think of.. it's why fox has been bashing her so much lately.

the funny thing is that.. the koch brothers are actually libertarians  Cheesy
Kochs are arguably libertarians, but I'd disagree. Maybe they were at some point, like Alan Greenspan allegedly was. There's a pretty decent and comical book going over almost all the libertarian factions - "Radicals for Capitalism." It covers everyone from the Kochs to Ayn, to my personal favorite, Robert Anton Wilson. It obviously has some libertarian bias, but it's a fun, detailed book no matter your political orientation. If I didn't lose the book in a warehouse I lived in for a while, I'd offer to ship it to you at no charge.

I'd take you up on the bet, but I'm financially strapped at the moment. How about reverse bragging rights based on the party which wins the '16 GE? I'll be sure to remind you when I win either way. Tongue
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.

if i knew you, i'd love to make a bet with you. democrats the underdog? i don't think so.. i'm not saying i want them to win, but objectively speaking, the republicans are getting in their own way. whether anyone likes it or not, hilary is much more popular than any republican i can think of.. it's why fox has been bashing her so much lately.

the funny thing is that.. the koch brothers are actually libertarians  Cheesy
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
I'd argue Rand's biggest opponent in 2016, especially if he gets to the GE, is going to be the Kochtopus association, which is about as popular as Dick Cheney (at least in MI, where pretty much the only TV political ads have been bashing Terri Land for months over her alleged Koch connections). Democrats, though, I really doubt have any chance of a '16 pres. victory unless maybe they do a Hail Mary with someone like Warren. A good part of Rand winning the GOP primary, I think, will be reaching out to Dems and suggesting they should switch parties in undemocratic states where you need to "pre-affiliate" yourself with a party to vote in their primary, while the chance of this happening greatly increases if traditional Dem affiliates buy the premise premise that Dems have bleak '16 odds and they need to settle with a lesser of evils within the GOP. It's going to be a very interesting year, I think.
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