I was referring to my own post. I have no idea what you are talking about, please re-read my posts and you will understand better.
No because first not the miners but the technology regulate bitcoin.Then the technology regulate the digital bitcoin The digital currency, the currency of internet). The papers bitcoin (the banknotes) will be another thing. If it will be produced (printed) more banknotes than the real number of bitcoins then will be trouble. The technology or your miners in this case can do nothing. At least the technology known since this moment in the production of the digital bitcoin (the internet currency).
No you misunderstand me. The miners do regulate bitcoin, because they have the voting rights.
So whatever issue/problem/event/implementation happens with bitcoin, the miners can veto it.
Not very democratical, but still more fair than the political system, because atleast miner's vote is transparent, while political elections can be faked.
Yep, bitcoin is not a democracy, its a mining oligarchy, because essentially it's the miners who own bitcoin, while we just lend it from them.
If the miners would all got together to form a 70% ownership cartel, then we would all lose our money.