ha banks...
we al know all goverments are slaves to their national bank wright? and it get's worse when different countries or states merge together on economical and political scale and deside to use 1 main currency.
aaahh history.
there are already sites popping up acting like a bank since last year
should we considder them safe? or just like any other gamble site or scamt thingy.
when goverments deside to unite into 1 global installation with 1 main currency, it WILL be on their master's terms, NOT their peoples terms
remember that well.
it starts small, like everything starts small.
that's why you need to know your history to do it wright, not let it happen by the wrong people.
I just hope this will never happen to btc in the future and will stay as much as possible out of the claws of those greedy power hungry parasites