X-Pool has launched GPUCoin pool - 0 Fee%
If you're tired of pools that scam, steal, and lack features in different ways, well why don't you just join us?
This is one of the main reasons we created our own. To make sure that everything is handeled proper.
We are a helpful and friendly team of IT professionals who work with programming on daily basis.
We've started to add some of our own power into the pool now and we're hoping that you might follow along
We aim to make our service: good, clean and effective - and we will strive for to always be helpful and friendly in our IRC channel.
-We are here to stay and we always reach out to make the best reputation of ourselves.
Server Information
- 1Gigabit Connection
- 12 Core 24 Threads Xeon Processor
- 64GB RAM
- SSD + SAS Drive
Pool Information
- 0% Fee
- 1% Blockfinder bounty reward
- Helpful and experienced server admins
- 99.9% Uptime
ALL first 30 registrations will receive a lifetime 0% Fee as a welcome gift!
Join us at: http://X-Pool.Org/gpu
X-Pool (GPUCoin). Click here to join us now! - 0% FEE[/list]