Due to the tight timeframe, I didn't have time to set up a proper dns seed, so to make the launch time I just put in a hardcoded node, which he was in control of. At launch time, he failed to have this node running, and the blockchain started forking. This wasn't a huge issue, and would have been pretty easy to fix. All he needed to do was get his node up running properly, or hell, even telling all the
My humble recommendation to you is that : you need to provide deployment services as part of your coin creation contract service..
There's just too much that can go wrong in DEPLOYMENT.... not coding, but deployment: vps node setup, dnsseed setup, dns zone config file, iptables setup, etc. You can't expect someone without an IT background to figure all that stuff out.
VPS nodes are cheap.. digital river costs pennies.. and there are even cheaper services: checkout bluevm or cloudatcost. There's really no excuse not to own the whole launch nodes to ensure that things are up and running smoothly ahead of launch.
But the CEO of a company is responsible for the actions the company takes. As a manager myself I'm not expected to know all the technical details but rather make good decisions and judgment calls to include hiring competent people, communicating, and setting expectations. How the CEO conducts him/herself during a crisis really shows their metal. Its not that people cant make mistakes, its how they learn from those mistakes.
Ok, so launch 1 had a mistake. Ultimately it is the CEO's fault... In addition communication could have been improved and a rash decision to relaunch the coin in 24 hours was made.
Fast forward and the CEO is making the same mistakes... incompetent, or rushed, or sleep deprived developers continuously failing to launch correctly and the CEO is failing to communicate properly or set expectations.
CEO. DONT WASTE OUR TIME... Your time is valuable, so is ours.... and there are more of us then you. That is why its important to set and manage expectations...
In hindsight the CEO should have said after he decided to relaunch that he would consult with developers and provide a status update to the community within 24 hours with a revised timeline to launch the coin. If he needed a skilled dev team he could have also stated his needs.
The community would have appreciated not being jerked around, wasting hours of their time, etc... and GPU coin would still have a chance.
Again this is my opinion, and opinions are like assholes.