Start the business and distribute profits with all of the IPO investors....
Ideally a nice business model could be made out of GPUCoin, not how they are doing it though.
In this model investors would buy into the company (including the CEO who would get a stake just like everyone else), which would be used to purchase wholesale equipment, which is then sold online for a set price of GPUCoin.
The proceeds, including a percentage of the profits would be used to purchase more GPUs, which in turn would be sold for more GPUCoin and so on.
There is a lot of competition for GPUs so customers would push the price up to around what other people are charging, customer competition would keep the price reasonable. If the price of GPUCoin per bitcoin fell then customers would push it back up. We should see it end up near EBay levels or comparable to other online auctions.
It would also create one of the few coins where money is repeatedly injected into the coin. In order to get good deals on GPUs customers would have to buy GPU coin.
Now, ideally the investors (including CEO) would get an initial lump sum of coins equal to the wholesale cost, which the can sell to people. People can also mine. Also a percentage of the profit (something small) would be split up and sent to investors whenever an order for more GPUs is made. Investors would have special 'stake' function activated on their wallet and would receive GPU coins.
It would be huge.
Hi totally agree with you.
But this guys are not able to do the things well. Because they only want to get rich with our money.
We need to look to the IPO like corporate/companies where each people get a share on the company. They can pay the shares with GPUcoins. Doesn't matter. In this way like you said they have to inject money on the market to buy and sell GPU coins and this is good for liquidit of the market.