I called for a N-factor.
For those of you don't just because you don't wanna reconfigure your rigs, you are gonna have to anyway when the 28nm Scrypt ASIC hit.
Why? Some of the most valuable coins aren't ScryptN, and never will be.
And ASICs are coming for those new algos. Trust me on this. It's not impossible.
NOTHING was more solid than the Asus direct CU top 280's, not MSI, not Sapphire..Maybe
previous Asus products were not as good, but the cooler on the CU is the best as well as
I guess it falls under YMMV. I ordered crates of all of them. Literally all brands and models. I kept what worked best under linux. I tracked settings, power use, etc, from underclocked/stock/overclocked. ASUS faired average among them. Sapphire and MSI always came out on top, with MSI being the most stable (less than 0.1% flux) and TOXIC was next in line with about 1% flux. And I'm not sure about "previous", I'm talking in the past 2 months.
are NEVER in stock ANYWHERE online for more than 2 seconds.
Really? Because amazon has a few hundred which they've had for the past 50 days. And newegg has them. Just checked.
Unless folks dont buy from those places