Sorry - I'm not using a Controlla either. I'd guess the issue is not the mod though (if done correctly) if you have problems at 800Mhz too. Too many people have reported success with vmod3. Have you tried a different pool?
Haven't tried a different pool as of yet. But I'd like to stick with clevermining...
Can I pay anyone to load an sd with a plug and play image that works?
I don't have a raspberry pi so I can't help you there, but I WAS using Clevermining. WAS being the keyword. Recently (this past weekend actually) I noticed some VERY inconsistent results from that pool as well as a very high reject rate (which they say is a 'false reporting'...not sure how much I believe that). For example, I had 3 gridseeds pointed to that pool and when I would start mining it would be sometimes 3-4 minutes before a single share was accepted. Then a few more would get accepted, and then another 5 minutes or so before another share was accepted. Their graph of my hashrate would fluctuate between 1.5Mh/s down to almost 0.
Using the same version of cpuminer I switched back to Multipool and there was no delay in accepted shares, lower reject rates, and more consistent hashrates around the 1.4-1.5Mh/s range. Also at Clevermining I have 0.00000016 BTC "Immature" and 0.00046437 BTC "unexchanged"...that number hasn't changed for the past 2 days, leaving my "payout" just below their threshold.
All that adds up to something that seems a little "off" so I've switched all my workers over to Multipool.