Sorry - I'm not using a Controlla either. I'd guess the issue is not the mod though (if done correctly) if you have problems at 800Mhz too. Too many people have reported success with vmod3. Have you tried a different pool?
Haven't tried a different pool as of yet. But I'd like to stick with clevermining...
Can I pay anyone to load an sd with a plug and play image that works?
I don't have a raspberry pi so I can't help you there, but I WAS using Clevermining. WAS being the keyword. Recently (this past weekend actually) I noticed some VERY inconsistent results from that pool as well as a very high reject rate (which they say is a 'false reporting'...not sure how much I believe that). For example, I had 3 gridseeds pointed to that pool and when I would start mining it would be sometimes 3-4 minutes before a single share was accepted. Then a few more would get accepted, and then another 5 minutes or so before another share was accepted. Their graph of my hashrate would fluctuate between 1.5Mh/s down to almost 0.
Using the same version of cpuminer I switched back to Multipool and there was no delay in accepted shares, lower reject rates, and more consistent hashrates around the 1.4-1.5Mh/s range. Also at Clevermining I have 0.00000016 BTC "Immature" and 0.00046437 BTC "unexchanged"...that number hasn't changed for the past 2 days, leaving my "payout" just below their threshold.
All that adds up to something that seems a little "off" so I've switched all my workers over to Multipool.
Hmm Maybe I'll give multipool a shot then.
I seem to be stable at 600 lol.
I definitely wasted both money and time on the volt mod.
Hey, just curious. What went wrong with your volt mod?
What Multipool are you using?
I'd like to find one that actually can deliver more $/KHs overall.
The hardware hack itself is flawless; the problem is I have no time to change from hashra controla (which seems to be the problem I guess--though I have a crazy reject rate reported when I run above 600khz), and last time I tried to get a pi to boot on my own with wheezy, I had zero luck and lost precious sleep for the following work week. So here I am with zero time to change image on pi (if that is even the problem...) and I am at less hashes and paid out to my modder $200.00. So I am set back two weeks at least in profits at this point and losing ground fast.
I have lost so much money in mining....I wanted to stay ahead somehow by getting an A2, but realized I can't even really afford a blade at this point, so I thought, "hey, I can get 2.5M for $200.00? OK, that's what I can afford to do at the moment....let's go for that with a volt mod".
I am using clevermining, but I'm not married to it. I don't think the problem is the volt mod at all; the problem is either controller or pool.
I don't quite understand, however, if it is the controller--ie that you need to tune out the gridseeds with specific khz--as other users in this thread are running all of their units at 1150, 1200, etc.
I ran mine at 1200khz for 12 hours and I have a few HW errors, but the reject rate showing on controlla is crazy! Like 20%. Reject showing poolside is substantially less though: like 7%. But overall hashes poolside are about half of what they should be....