It just occurred to me. Shouldn't the GUI/TUI config issues and debugging stuff all be under support/turning thread?
Anyway. I found 2 of my miners dead when I checked them this morning. A comm port reset (disable/enable) took care of it, thank goodness!
But after running for weeks upon weeks without any drop out issues, this is very disconcerting. I don't need pod disconcert in my life! GO AWAY!
So this didn't happen until I reverted to the previous version of Sandor111's latest updates.
Oh, and I see pretty much the same issue with this version where sticking at over 1200MHz happens too.
Perhaps they kicked off line after being pushed too hard for so long. Not sure. Or it's just a uP fart caused it. Who knows. I am not looking forward to having keep an eye on the drop out issue again, dammit!
I've restarted the latest non-scrolling (unless Sandor has updated it since) ver. again since the previous one has the same 'stuck at 1225+' problem too, just to get them running again.
Have you corrected this issue Sandor? I see you've been busy correcting the TUI issue.
Perhaps I missed an update while catching up on this thread.
Oh, and how do you get the GUI to resize without using all the per-defined settings?
Someone got there's adjusted so they can see the summary and scrolling output at the same time.
Can we get these two issues squared away?
It they have been, please forgive my reader lameness and show me the link for the updated Sandor-minerd.
EDIT: Just fixed the scrolling issue. Like the others that did, I simply resized the window, restarted and voila! Perfectio! Now if we can just get autotune fine tuned and the red/green color indicators back....