Well, I believe the person that made the argument is mistaken that you can't implement mimblewimble with cold wallets. From my understanding, the sender and receiver can both have their private keys on air gapped computers and just need to relay the needed files to each other via other means, including carrier pigeon if they want. Then the sender just needs to send the tx via a hot node.
I believe you are correct.
My main concern with the coin at the moment is the inflation. 1 coin per second seems a bit much. Unfortunately, I am only mining this with 1 single 1070, so I don't even have a coin, yet.
I decided to not even bother and will buy some in a few years.
OFC, but another perspective is useful. Coin-specific threads end up becoming circle jerks (Monero thread included).
You got that right! and don't be the poor schmuck that points that out to the koolaid drinkers!