Compiled and is running fine here on a Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 LTS.
Here are the steps I took (IIRC):
Get the source from the 1. post and unpack the tgz to a dir of your choosing and cd into it's src dir.
There replace the old makefile.unix whith the one from pankkake's post (thanks for that btw mate
Then issue (I unpacked the sources tgz in ~/coin):
sudo apt-get install libdb libdb-dev libdb++ libdb++-dev libssl-dev build-essential autoconf automake make nano
cd ~/coin/groupcoin/src/
make -f makefile.unix groupcoind
This should compile groupcoind without errors (if not, post your output please).
Next create a groupcoin.conf file (you can use mine, don't forget to set a username and password although only localhost connections are allowed -> and start the groupcoin daemon:
mkdir ~/.groupcoin
nano ~/.groupcoin/groupcoin.conf
./groupcoind &
Now the daemon should run in the background and start to make connections and dl the blockchain, give it a min and issue:
You should get some output of the status of the daemon.
Now, to display your grc address issue:
./groupcoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true
To stop the daemon issue:
Well, all pretty straightforward and for all other commands you can consult any of the *coin docs (bitcoin, namecoin, ...).
If you run into trouble, post your output.
Good luck!