When trying to connect to Miningrigrentals.com service, cpuminer-gc3355 returns a "Unable to Resolve host http(null)" error. I can connect to any other pool just fine. I have emailed Miningrigrentals tech support and they were unable to diagnose any problem on their end. Sandor, any ideas? I saw earlier in this thread someone had the same exact issue trying to connect to Miningrigrentals servers. Any help is appreciated!
I also spoke to someone at miningrigrentals.com and after discussing the issue through a support, I gave him remote access to my mining rig to diagnose the problem. He noted that there seems to be a bug in the CPUminer code that causes a connection issue. He described it as such:
Yes, Indeed a bug in the software,
My guess it's
if (url != sctx->url) {
sctx->url = strdup(url);
This changes the client.reconnect port we give you back to the original, that's why it keeps trying to connect to port 3333 which is the main port that tells you which port is yours.
I'm going to have to try and get a local proxy software made for people who are having issues, For now Ive manually set your port in your config. us-west01.miningrigrentals.com:50195 you'll get a different port on us-east, it should pop up in the window if you look at it, close your window and relaunch after putting in the new address and port.
Changing my port to 50195 worked for me but I suspect this might be different for you. The port may show up in your window when you get the connection error, if it does - try changing the port (3333) in your config to the one displayed in your CPUminer window to see if you can connect. Not sure if this helps or if Sandor can have a look at it for his next version.
Personally, I'm very happy with CPUminer so far. It runs rock solid and the autotune feature is awesome for maxing out each individual miner's hashrate. It's definitely the best out of the 3 main miners for Gridseeds available. It'd just be nice if it had an API like BFGminer and CGminer so that I could monitor it remotely in Windows...