I find myrkul's data suitable enough (though there may be more firearm accidents e.g. child shot self in foot than car *off* accidents such as child climbed into trunk). Cars are pretty dangerous. They are huge and sometimes explode. They careen through the streets and can exert forces of 300 times gravity's pull in a head-on collision. For reference, astronauts have to train extensively to withstand 7 G's. Meanwhile guns don't get shot very often.
What I have yet to concede is licensing.
If mandatory licensing for vehicles was removed, there would be more automotive deaths. Parents would think their 12 year old Jimmy is mature enough to drive on the highway. People would forego education, etc. Additionally, mandatory seatbelts seem to have worked wonders. Graduated licenses have also worked wonders. I feel more confident on the roads of New York State knowing that the legal operators of vehicles have received or are receiving many hours of supervised driving instruction time.
Then I must concede that, in general, cars are more dangerous than guns. I have yet to concede that removal of mandatory licensing for automobiles would lower the accident rate.
Who suggested such a thing? I have a permit for my firearm, and I had to take classes in both the legal ramifications as well as a practical shooting test. Are you saying that I cannot, as a father of children who own firearms & with a military background, teach my children to handle weapons responsiblely? Do I need a piece of paper issued by some government agency that says I know how to teach my own children to act safely? I'll be the one to teach them how to drive, the driver's test is the only part that a government agent is involved. Does the idea that such a government training course might exist make you feel better?
http://appleseedinfo.org/Actually, you can probably teach them to handle guns just fine. You're also not a bad driving instructor, most likely. Licensing != training. Licensing is where you prove that you have had adequate training.
A parent can teach a child how to drive. Once the child has received adequate training, the child goes off and proves that they are suitably experienced and less likely to kill other people in a car accident. Voila, the child is now a legal car driver.
A parent can teach a child how to properly handle guns. Once the child has received adequate training, the child goes off and proves that they are suitably experienced and less likely to kill other people in firearm accidents. Voila, the child is now a legal gun carrier and can enjoy all the benefits of self defense yada yada.
In some fields, including driver education, the training course can optionally be provided by a private organization which is in turn certified by the gov't. That's cool too. Competition and all that, etc.
Certainly, criminals can get guns illegally. Cars too. I hope, however, that the majority of car-owners own them legally; same goes for guns. Therefore, I'd prefer that the majority of car-owners (the legal ones) be suitably educated in not killing people; same goes for guns. Most people I know have no problem with needing to carry a driver's license.