Hi All,
We outsourced our web development, and got stung with a hopelessly underpowered shared solution. Combined with the bitpay integration issues this has caused a host of problems. John is working with a new web developer to bring up the site on a new dedicated server.
The shipping quotes we are using come from an automated calculator of shipping cost - we are not making any profit on shipping. If we are able to negotiate a better deal with the shippers we will refund you the difference in shipping cost. Of course we also welcome you to come and pick up your order in person.
Are you also outsourcing the physical production of your boxes?
Really? You launched a multi-million dollar project on a $5 shared hosting solution? What kind of idiot are you?
The development and management of the site was outsourced to an external developer, who came with good credentials, and was not cheap. They selected an unsuitable hosting solution and implemented the site on it. We are no longer working with them, and moving the site.
Well, I hope you're getting your money back.
And again, have you also outsourced your production and shipping logistics?
This is where both Avalon and BFL have failed. It's very critical information for determining whether or not to purchase.