On the off chance of what? Every other company completely failing?
That they succeed in early November or fail to January.
I guess you are advocating sitting on the sidelines until March? Probably a more prudent strategy... But I have been minerless since around March and not really wanting to go a whole year. Itchy trigger finger I guess.
Eh, I invested in some Labcoin stock, and I think I might try some BTCGarden as well - those companies will be able to mint their own chips at $2/Gh.
Obviously there's the trust issue, there wouldn't be much recourse if they run off with your chips and bitcoin, or embezzle money. But at least that way you're an
actual investor, getting an ROI based on how well the company does overall, as opposed to being an "investomer" who can end up losing all your money
while the company makes tons of itThat's the biggest problem, IMO - with a typical investment if the company does well you do well, and you lose all your money it's because the company as a whole failed, and the principles didn't make much either.
On the other hand, with a pre-order you have a situation where the company can "fail" to deliver their units on time, or oversell them or whatever, and all their customers lose all their money, but the company keeps everything.
Now obviously these virtual stock exchanges have the same, or higher risk of being a straight up scam where they run off with your money, or cheat their shareholders.
But at least the
incentive structure is correct.