end of story.
No answer for the nth time.
I can only repeat that there's no BTC-only transactions here, the BTC gets sold for $$$ as soon as HashFast gets it.
HashFast has to sell this BTC on the open market, flooding the market with BTC.
More BTC for sale on the open market doesn't increase demand, so price has to fall if BTC to be sold.
My BTC is worth less.
Your BTC is worth less. Why? Because we were forced to pay with BTC to a party that is *guaranteed to sell it on the market.* Not hold. Sell.
More BTC on the order books *needing to be sold* is a bad thing, Cypherdoc.
My neighbor, the cop, once told me: "People are confused about what we do. We're not your friends and we're not here to help." That also applies to people who ask you for money on the interwebz, Cypherdoc.
that's idiotic.
i could just as easily point to all those ppl who had to scramble to buy BTC prior to buy the BJ's.
and i could just like you come to the ludicrous conclusion that price could only go up as a result.
I'm afraid you'd be dead-wrong. Assuming the same amount of BTC is bought & sold leaves us exactly where we started. Learn to math
i could only be dead wrong if you were wrong also.
so it sounds like you agree with me, the same amount of BTC is bought & sold therefore the net effect is zero. which is what i was arguing all along. the effects on the exchange rate is irrelevant.
not BAD like you're arguing.
Cypherdoc, don't forget that you claimed that HashFast is *GOOD* for the bitcoin economy. Now you're claiming it's neutral, even in the best case scenario where the buyers are forced to buy BTC before placing a pre-order
you can't read. you keep misrepresenting what i've said over and over.
you keep focusing on a very thin slice of the entire process which in the whole scheme of things is irrelevant. you're focusing just on the fact that you think that selling of BTC by HF is negative to the entire Bitcoin economy. i've said that's ridiculous, it doesn't effect the economy at all in the greater picture. and it's b/c their are willing buyers on the other side of the tx.
what is positive to the Bitcoin economy on many fronts is that they're facilitating the flow of BTC, aka, monetary velocity. this benefits the buyers who get to use their hoarded BTC's to buy something useful, it allows the birthing of a new asic mining company, AND it benefits the existing miners who get tx fees, and it benefits the exchanges like BitPay who also get tx fees.