This makes them behave as if they got all of us by the balls (I am thinking BFL / Avalon after batch 1)
I remember this saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, 3rd time no preorders lol
STOP PAYING FOR VAPORWARE demand manufacturers do what ALL normal businesses do TAKE RISK and have 100% motivation to get the product in your hands as they need to cover their R&D
This whole money upfront business is making this the only tech sector where electronics actually go UP in prices months after it starts selling.
If you dont like it STOP GIVING them MONEY and hold your BTC which is a hell of an investment on its OWN.
Sorry had to rant but this is just plain WRONG
you are looking at this completely wrong. these are money printing machines that you expect to put money in your pocket while also benefitting from a price rise from a fixed money supply.
show me one pc you've ever bought that returned anything of similar value back to you over time.