As a married man you now have some responsibility to take care of, so you can't use all your spare money for gambling, every spare money is useful for a married man because of responsibility, so even if you can make some extra income, you will still need to divide that into two and use the a part for gambling and the other for an emergency fee, just in case.
@crypt0Gore, I will offer my own perspective to what you said, which is fantastic. As a married man, I believe there is no need for them to engage in any gambling because you have a lot of essential matters to take care of. My friend used to gamble all the time, but after getting married, he started to consider how he would stop, even though he was doing it for fun. He found it simple to stop gambling because of that. So you can see that these reasons are why someone should avoid excessive gambling to avoid developing a gambling addiction. If you already have an addiction and get married, your marriage will undoubtedly fail because you will be using the money you were supposed to use to support your family to gamble instead.