Your vision of God is weak and small minded and therefore corrupt. If I was raised in your sect and could find no other truth in your cesspit of ignorance, I would become an atheist too.
How silly of you. You want to go from weak understanding to complete blindness.
Just because you are sick in the head, doesn't mean you have to commit suicide like this. Rather, learn more about God through the only things that teach about Him - nature and the Bible.
There are some who are only exposed to a weak view of God that when compared to the glory of simple nature, will chose nature over the weak and corrupt.
Their view of God would be of poison. Even if many apparent Theists accept that poison, the true path would be to reject that poison.
If you worship a false idol and claim that as God. Then the correct choice is to worship no idea as God.
The Bible is as corrupted by the many conflicting views as Christianity. God has no religion except himself.
God is not the Bible and the Bible is not God.
If you read the Bible, know that man is fallible.
In addition to understanding God through nature, your whole post here is more or less why theists reject your self-god declaration, which is somewhat hidden in the wording of your post I quoted above.
Self-god? What do you mean?
You do not seem to be addressing my post.
If one is to be exposed to two falsities, the lesser seeming falsity can be often accepted as truth through ignorance.
Hence many Theists worship a false God out of ignorance, and many Atheists reject a false God out of ignorance.
Although there being only one God, both Theists and Atheists can't but help worship minor aspects of the same true God.
The corruption is present in claiming wholeness within the minor aspect.
How many times do I have to say it? and how simple do I have to make it before you can understand?
God has not been proven to NOT exist. Because of this, there is the possibility, at least, that He exists.
The atheist says that God doesn't exist. In the face of the knowledge that God might exist, the atheist makes the bold claim that God doesn't exist. Thus the atheist denies the practical logic of the possibility.
When anybody - especially after much thought about the subject - continues to defy practical logic, not only is he setting himself up as greater than the logic - making himself out to be a god - but also he has a religion going for himself - religion, belief in something not known factually to be true.
The simple, more honest thing that the atheist could do is to stop being an atheist, and say, simply, I don't know.