
Topic: Health and Religion - page 37. (Read 210871 times)

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
May 07, 2018, 07:26:36 AM

Why did your God decide to pass his message to humanity though 40+ authors over the course of 2500 years?  It seems a very ineffective way to get your message across, especially for someone to 'designed' ever expanding universe.  Does this not bother you at all?

God talked to Adam and Eve face to face. But they didn't believe Him enough to keep from sinning. Then there were others He talked to with words from Heaven, like Cain. But Cain disobeyed, as well. And, of course, there is you, who won't even believe Him though He has given many writers to tell you. Just be glad that God is patient with you enough that He allows you to live, with the hope that you will obey Him from now on... rather than striking you down for not believing all His witnesses.


So I guessing the answer is no.

How about this? You said that the Bible is true because it is a witness account of what happened.  And as such it is reliable.

My question is:  "Adam and Eve were the first man and woman.  When God talked to them in the Garden of Eden, who was the witness to write about it?  Some hunched Jew hiding in the bushes?"

Same goes for the Quran, "Who was the witness when Muhammad (a blind man) went from Mecca to Jerusalem, alone at night, and then flew to heaven, nobody saw it, yet someone wrote about it?  Who was the secret witness?"

The writers of these texts had a vivid imagination (talking snakes, winged horses), today, their work would put them in the same genre as Harry Potter books.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
May 06, 2018, 07:49:38 PM

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

Science is in its infancy. So far, the more we find out scientifically, the more we are shown that science has a lot farther to go than ever.

Religion jumps to the major points of life. It bypasses science, and is far more important than science because of this. Someday science will catch up to religion a little... maybe.


I could not believe CoinCube posted this, then I saw your name, LOL.

Religion jumps to conclusions without any proof, mostly hand waving and sourcing scripture as proof of their claims.
Didn't you ever read Proverbs in the Bible? If you had, you would find that it is full of practical advise. Most of the other book have practical advice, as well.

Science, however, is full of ideas that many people think have been proven, like big bang for example, and black hole theory. Science is the thing making claims without proof.

BTW, thanks to science you are able to type your outrageous posts on this very forum.  
Thanks to non-scientists, the foundations of science were laid, so science had a place to begin. Consider the simple wheel, for example. And the printing press. Both of which were made by engineers, not scientists, and without which science would never have amounted to anything at all.

If it was up to religion, you would be chiseling them out on stone tablets.
Without the popular religions, there would be no order in society, and scientists would be non-existent... or at best, would be chiseling out of stone.

Not sure why you are so against science.  Maybe because science exposes how ridiculous some of the Christian scripture claims are?
Not sure why you are so against looking at science from a practical point of view. You treat science as though it were God... or the most important religion of all.

Man created from dirt, woman created from a rib bone, flat Earth supported by pillars, global flood 4000 years ago, 6000 year old Earth, talking snakes, human race created by two people in one big incest etc., etc., the list is too long to keep posting it here.
When you have the writings of the witnesses, who heard it directly from God, why don't you revise things like your stupid 13.5 billion years to match the facts?

If I were you, I would drop the nonsense, and if you want to believe in the supernatural, do so, just don't tell me that God sent himself to sacrifice himself for the sins of people he created and designed the moral code for.  Instead of just forgiving the sins, without all the theatrics.
Obviously you don't understand the reasoning behind it, so just believe it like all the rest of the believers who will receive eternal life. Or don't you want eternal life?

Put the Bible away, and ask yourself: "Would I believe in a supernatural God if the scripture did not exist and why would I believe in such a claim?"  What proofs do you have besides the scripture?
Without the Bible, the simple proof is the machine nature of the universe. Intelligent designers design the machines that people make. The machine of the universe has been made by Someone Who is far greater than mankind. The word "God" barely fits Him He is so extremely intelligent and powerful.

Many people look for aliens who are more intelligent and smarter than people. But you disdain the greatest Alien of all, One Who is able to build universes. Why are you trying to remain in a backward state? Step up to truth.

What does your God look like, do you talk to him, does he talk back to you?

The Bible is God's Word. Read it any time you want to hear him talking to you.

If you won't change and become a believer in Jesus salvation, you will never find out what God looks like. He isn't going to share His goodness with someone who says he wants to see, yet won't accept what he is shown.


You not hearing me.  I do not believe in any Gods, your Jesus included.  Nor I believe in angels, ghosts, hell, demons, or any other imaginary characters from your Christian fairy tale. Your God does not scare me at all because I know he is not real, your threats of not being 'saved' fall on deaf ears.  I'm just pointing out the obvious nonsense in your Christian ideology.
Why do you think I am not hearing you? We are different. I do not believe that God exists. I know He exists. I can't believe it now that I know it. You believe He exists, even though you are trying to convince yourself that He doesn't.

In order to not believe in something, you have to believe in something that negates the thing that you don't believe in. You can't just remain in a void regarding something that you do not believe in, especially when you vehemently talk about not believing it. So, what do you believe in that negates the idea of God in you? That thing is your religion. Why is it your religion? Because of the word believe. Belief is like faith. It is attached to religions. You can't believe the thing that you know. Either you know it, or you believe it because you don't know it for sure.

You asked me if I don't want eternal life?  Of course, I want that!  It would be boring as hell, but sure, nobody wants to die.
Why do you think it would be boring as hell? Haven't you been watching all the new inventions that science is bringing about? And they have only scratched the surface of what exists to learn about. Don't you have any imagination at all?

Just because you and I want something it does not mean that it will happen, especially something like eternal life.  It is physically impossible, at least not in the carbon/water form.  
But you don't know that it is impossible. How do I know that you don't know? Because life is impossible to exist as it is. The only reason we know that life exists, is that we are living it, and we see it all around us. It is impossible for us to make life. But even if we could a little, we are so behind what we see in the world around us, that life really is literally impossible for us. So why would you think that it is impossible to happen a second time, since it couldn't have happened the first time, but did?

Maybe when the technology gets to the point when your brain can be uploaded to silicon, you can live forever.  
But did you see that little word you used? Maybe! Maybe means maybe not, as well. And currently, the maybe not is so extremely much greater than the maybe, that it would be easier to teleport to Mars than do your silicon idea.

Not in just in one form, but in multiple forms at the same time.  Although this might cause some mental issues (schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders etc).  How would you know which robot is really you?
That's part of the big point. Science doesn't think along the lines that it takes to discover the spirit or soul. Some scientists are starting to examine the kinds of science that might apply. But they are so far behind, that thinking about applying the soul to silicon is super science fiction, superseded in greatness only by evolution science fiction.

Why did your God decide to pass his message to humanity though 40+ authors over the course of 2500 years?  It seems a very ineffective way to get your message across, especially for someone to 'designed' ever expanding universe.  Does this not bother you at all?

God talked to Adam and Eve face to face. But they didn't believe Him enough to keep from sinning. Then there were others He talked to with words from Heaven, like Cain. But Cain disobeyed, as well. And, of course, there is you, who won't even believe Him though He has given many writers to tell you. Just be glad that God is patient with you enough that He allows you to live, with the hope that you will obey Him from now on... rather than striking you down for not believing all His witnesses.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
May 06, 2018, 07:23:10 PM

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

Science is in its infancy. So far, the more we find out scientifically, the more we are shown that science has a lot farther to go than ever.

Religion jumps to the major points of life. It bypasses science, and is far more important than science because of this. Someday science will catch up to religion a little... maybe.


I could not believe CoinCube posted this, then I saw your name, LOL.

Religion jumps to conclusions without any proof, mostly hand waving and sourcing scripture as proof of their claims.
Didn't you ever read Proverbs in the Bible? If you had, you would find that it is full of practical advise. Most of the other book have practical advice, as well.

Science, however, is full of ideas that many people think have been proven, like big bang for example, and black hole theory. Science is the thing making claims without proof.

BTW, thanks to science you are able to type your outrageous posts on this very forum.  
Thanks to non-scientists, the foundations of science were laid, so science had a place to begin. Consider the simple wheel, for example. And the printing press. Both of which were made by engineers, not scientists, and without which science would never have amounted to anything at all.

If it was up to religion, you would be chiseling them out on stone tablets.
Without the popular religions, there would be no order in society, and scientists would be non-existent... or at best, would be chiseling out of stone.

Not sure why you are so against science.  Maybe because science exposes how ridiculous some of the Christian scripture claims are?
Not sure why you are so against looking at science from a practical point of view. You treat science as though it were God... or the most important religion of all.

Man created from dirt, woman created from a rib bone, flat Earth supported by pillars, global flood 4000 years ago, 6000 year old Earth, talking snakes, human race created by two people in one big incest etc., etc., the list is too long to keep posting it here.
When you have the writings of the witnesses, who heard it directly from God, why don't you revise things like your stupid 13.5 billion years to match the facts?

If I were you, I would drop the nonsense, and if you want to believe in the supernatural, do so, just don't tell me that God sent himself to sacrifice himself for the sins of people he created and designed the moral code for.  Instead of just forgiving the sins, without all the theatrics.
Obviously you don't understand the reasoning behind it, so just believe it like all the rest of the believers who will receive eternal life. Or don't you want eternal life?

Put the Bible away, and ask yourself: "Would I believe in a supernatural God if the scripture did not exist and why would I believe in such a claim?"  What proofs do you have besides the scripture?
Without the Bible, the simple proof is the machine nature of the universe. Intelligent designers design the machines that people make. The machine of the universe has been made by Someone Who is far greater than mankind. The word "God" barely fits Him He is so extremely intelligent and powerful.

Many people look for aliens who are more intelligent and smarter than people. But you disdain the greatest Alien of all, One Who is able to build universes. Why are you trying to remain in a backward state? Step up to truth.

What does your God look like, do you talk to him, does he talk back to you?

The Bible is God's Word. Read it any time you want to hear him talking to you.

If you won't change and become a believer in Jesus salvation, you will never find out what God looks like. He isn't going to share His goodness with someone who says he wants to see, yet won't accept what he is shown.


You not hearing me.  I do not believe in any Gods, your Jesus included.  Nor I believe in angels, ghosts, hell, demons, or any other imaginary characters from your Christian fairy tale. Your God does not scare me at all because I know he is not real, your threats of not being 'saved' fall on deaf ears.  I'm just pointing out the obvious nonsense in your Christian ideology.

You asked me if I don't want eternal life?  Of course, I want that!  It would be boring as hell, but sure, nobody wants to die.

Just because you and I want something it does not mean that it will happen, especially something like eternal life.  It is physically impossible, at least not in the carbon/water form.  Maybe when the technology gets to the point when your brain can be uploaded to silicon, you can live forever.  Not in just in one form, but in multiple forms at the same time.  Although this might cause some mental issues (schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders etc).  How would you know which robot is really you?

Why did your God decide to pass his message to humanity though 40+ authors over the course of 2500 years?  It seems a very ineffective way to get your message across, especially for someone to 'designed' ever expanding universe.  Does this not bother you at all?

Why does the bible not translate itself to different languages immediately when you read it? That would be cool and certainly possible if god wanted to but nah, better leave an old book like plenty others as proof for his existence and punish everyone who doesn't believe in it with eternal torture because, logic. Indoctrination is truly amazing.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 06, 2018, 06:25:50 PM
Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

The best way to challenge a system of belief is to show that it fails on its own terms when applied to reality.

Often it is only after that failure is manifest that those who have accepted that worldview are willing to revisit the assumptions it is predicated upon.

My own path towards a faith in God started with the realization that I should reject atheist utilitarianism on utilitarian grounds. That was the necessary first step.

The more developed Argument for God came later.

@CoinCube - does it bother you that you're simply making Religion a utilitarian necessity? "If you follow a religion, you'll be happier. healthier, etc". It doesn't matter if there's a god or not, right, as long as you're better off in a religion?

And then that the reverse is also true -- that if you're unhappier and unhealthier in a religion, you'd be better off not being in a religion?

Imagine for a moment that this is not an abstract philosophical question but a walk down a twisting and branching alleyway. First there is a single way with no choice but soon we come across a fork and from the single path we find two. To the right there is carefully laid cobblestone engraved with the words of theism. To the left there is newly pressed brick and a crisp printed sign labeled atheism.

As we walk down these paths we find the walls of our alleyway glowing with living and undulating writings. These are runic words and assumptions indeed the core of each choice. As we accept them they detach themselves from alley walls gently merging with and setting over us forming a fine film over our skin, eyes and ears. Their function is that of a filter interpreting and cataloging the world around us.

If we choose the brick road we soon come across a second fork. Here we see a dark and shadowy opening into nihilism and a large and particularly well worn path into hedonism. Small branches into esoteric philosophies can also be found. The road of hedonism leads to a smaller opening into ethical hedonism and finally a tiny path into utilitarianism. Here the road ends and we find ourselves facing a brick wall covered with the words and beliefs of the choice we have made. This is were my own journey took me the blind alley where I spent 15 years thinking I had arrived at end of the road.

Does rejecting atheism on purely utilitarian grounds bother me? On the contrary it is the purest, cleanest, and most liberating rejection of atheism, ethical hedonism and utilitarianism that I can possibly imagine. It is the final realization that the complex writings on the brick wall translate into a single sentence. "Wrong way turn around!"

The arguments in this thread should not be thought of as strong theist arguments. Indeed a true and strong believer will likely find them all a little off and a little odd like a TV whose tuning is sort of correct but just a bit wrong throwing static into the picture. They would correctly argue that it is through faith not through happiness that creates a true belief in God.

The words of faith, however, cannot reach those far along the brick road. They are blocked or interpreted as nonsensical by the filter of assumptions those on this road have adopted. To grasp these deeper arguments one must first turn around travel back to the original fork in the road. Only then as the assumptions of atheism peel away is possible to hear and truly consider the deeper arguments of faith.

The arguments herein will not prove convincing to all atheist as the filter each atheist had adopted is different. My sense of self preservation kept me far away from the shadowy road of nihilism but there are branches there that teach that life has no intrinsic meaning or value. That life is insignificant without purpose and that even continued existence is meaningless. For those that have fully accepted this belief it is possible that even utilitarian arguments of health and happiness will be filtered out as nonsensical.

My argument is that atheism is false. As for what is true I cannot help you for I have only taken a few steps down the cobblestone road and do not yet know where it will take me.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
May 06, 2018, 06:07:02 PM

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

Science is in its infancy. So far, the more we find out scientifically, the more we are shown that science has a lot farther to go than ever.

Religion jumps to the major points of life. It bypasses science, and is far more important than science because of this. Someday science will catch up to religion a little... maybe.


I could not believe CoinCube posted this, then I saw your name, LOL.

Religion jumps to conclusions without any proof, mostly hand waving and sourcing scripture as proof of their claims.
Didn't you ever read Proverbs in the Bible? If you had, you would find that it is full of practical advise. Most of the other book have practical advice, as well.

Science, however, is full of ideas that many people think have been proven, like big bang for example, and black hole theory. Science is the thing making claims without proof.

BTW, thanks to science you are able to type your outrageous posts on this very forum.  
Thanks to non-scientists, the foundations of science were laid, so science had a place to begin. Consider the simple wheel, for example. And the printing press. Both of which were made by engineers, not scientists, and without which science would never have amounted to anything at all.

If it was up to religion, you would be chiseling them out on stone tablets.
Without the popular religions, there would be no order in society, and scientists would be non-existent... or at best, would be chiseling out of stone.

Not sure why you are so against science.  Maybe because science exposes how ridiculous some of the Christian scripture claims are?
Not sure why you are so against looking at science from a practical point of view. You treat science as though it were God... or the most important religion of all.

Man created from dirt, woman created from a rib bone, flat Earth supported by pillars, global flood 4000 years ago, 6000 year old Earth, talking snakes, human race created by two people in one big incest etc., etc., the list is too long to keep posting it here.
When you have the writings of the witnesses, who heard it directly from God, why don't you revise things like your stupid 13.5 billion years to match the facts?

If I were you, I would drop the nonsense, and if you want to believe in the supernatural, do so, just don't tell me that God sent himself to sacrifice himself for the sins of people he created and designed the moral code for.  Instead of just forgiving the sins, without all the theatrics.
Obviously you don't understand the reasoning behind it, so just believe it like all the rest of the believers who will receive eternal life. Or don't you want eternal life?

Put the Bible away, and ask yourself: "Would I believe in a supernatural God if the scripture did not exist and why would I believe in such a claim?"  What proofs do you have besides the scripture?
Without the Bible, the simple proof is the machine nature of the universe. Intelligent designers design the machines that people make. The machine of the universe has been made by Someone Who is far greater than mankind. The word "God" barely fits Him He is so extremely intelligent and powerful.

Many people look for aliens who are more intelligent and smarter than people. But you disdain the greatest Alien of all, One Who is able to build universes. Why are you trying to remain in a backward state? Step up to truth.

What does your God look like, do you talk to him, does he talk back to you?

The Bible is God's Word. Read it any time you want to hear him talking to you.

If you won't change and become a believer in Jesus salvation, you will never find out what God looks like. He isn't going to share His goodness with someone who says he wants to see, yet won't accept what he is shown.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
May 06, 2018, 04:44:14 PM

Re 2) That is where my (and I suspect any other) moral standard faces challenges. Like I said before most people  are stupid and don't think before they act.  That is why in most civilized countries we have secular legal frameworks to deal with those who break the law. However the law is vague on many moral actions or does not cover them at all so it is a problem.  The issue is that the law is legislated by the most popular idiots not the most intelligent elements of our societies. But that is how our democracies are structured.  If I had my way I would introduce some sort of stringent licensing requirements for politicians so that we can elect the most intelligent, morally capable people to run the government. You need to have a way to filter out the psychopaths.

The failure with this solution is that it does not really solve the underlying problem. High IQ while generally a good thing does not make one morally capable. Without moral capability all high IQ does is enable you to cause more damage and defection.

High IQ Psychopaths
I guess I don't have the 'religious' gene in me.

If my analysis in the opening post of this thread is correct this is not ideal when looked at from a purely Darwinian perspective.

I know that most high iq types are psychopaths.  That is why I said "most morally capable".

Psychologists developed tests that can detect if a person is a psychopath.  From what we know most CEO's and politicians are psychopaths.  They manage to hide their psychopathic tendencies and become very successful.

It is a problem that needs to be solved regardless if we believe in the supernatural or not.

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

Science is in its infancy. So far, the more we find out scientifically, the more we are shown that science has a lot farther to go than ever.

Religion jumps to the major points of life. It bypasses science, and is far more important than science because of this. Someday science will catch up to religion a little... maybe.


Yet we don't find anything new thanks to religion.

And that's why you have thousands of different religions with different gods and meanings. They bypass science and jump to conclusions without evidence. This is the big difference between religion and science. The theory of evolution or gravity are the accepted theories, scientists don't believe in thousands of theories for the same concept. They accept the best one. You can't say the same for religious people, otherwise they would all believe in the same religion and that's clearly not the case.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
May 06, 2018, 04:37:26 PM

Re 2) That is where my (and I suspect any other) moral standard faces challenges. Like I said before most people  are stupid and don't think before they act.  That is why in most civilized countries we have secular legal frameworks to deal with those who break the law. However the law is vague on many moral actions or does not cover them at all so it is a problem.  The issue is that the law is legislated by the most popular idiots not the most intelligent elements of our societies. But that is how our democracies are structured.  If I had my way I would introduce some sort of stringent licensing requirements for politicians so that we can elect the most intelligent, morally capable people to run the government. You need to have a way to filter out the psychopaths.

The failure with this solution is that it does not really solve the underlying problem. High IQ while generally a good thing does not make one morally capable. Without moral capability all high IQ does is enable you to cause more damage and defection.

High IQ Psychopaths
I guess I don't have the 'religious' gene in me.

If my analysis in the opening post of this thread is correct this is not ideal when looked at from a purely Darwinian perspective.

I know that most high iq types are psychopaths.  That is why I said "most morally capable".

Psychologists developed tests that can detect if a person is a psychopath.  From what we know most CEO's and politicians are psychopaths.  They manage to hide their psychopathic tendencies and become very successful.

It is a problem that needs to be solved regardless if we believe in the supernatural or not.

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.

Science is in its infancy. So far, the more we find out scientifically, the more we are shown that science has a lot farther to go than ever.

Religion jumps to the major points of life. It bypasses science, and is far more important than science because of this. Someday science will catch up to religion a little... maybe.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
May 06, 2018, 07:47:27 AM

Re 2) That is where my (and I suspect any other) moral standard faces challenges. Like I said before most people  are stupid and don't think before they act.  That is why in most civilized countries we have secular legal frameworks to deal with those who break the law. However the law is vague on many moral actions or does not cover them at all so it is a problem.  The issue is that the law is legislated by the most popular idiots not the most intelligent elements of our societies. But that is how our democracies are structured.  If I had my way I would introduce some sort of stringent licensing requirements for politicians so that we can elect the most intelligent, morally capable people to run the government. You need to have a way to filter out the psychopaths.

The failure with this solution is that it does not really solve the underlying problem. High IQ while generally a good thing does not make one morally capable. Without moral capability all high IQ does is enable you to cause more damage and defection.

High IQ Psychopaths
I guess I don't have the 'religious' gene in me.

If my analysis in the opening post of this thread is correct this is not ideal when looked at from a purely Darwinian perspective.

I know that most high iq types are psychopaths.  That is why I said "most morally capable".

Psychologists developed tests that can detect if a person is a psychopath.  From what we know most CEO's and politicians are psychopaths.  They manage to hide their psychopathic tendencies and become very successful.

It is a problem that needs to be solved regardless if we believe in the supernatural or not.

And that's exactly why religions are useless, this is all based on science and research. We don't need religion for any of this, religion does nothing, it's outdated. Coincube uses a lot of science and philosophy in his arguments, it's funny that he doesn't realize none of that is in the bible.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 06, 2018, 03:18:55 AM

Re 2) That is where my (and I suspect any other) moral standard faces challenges. Like I said before most people  are stupid and don't think before they act.  That is why in most civilized countries we have secular legal frameworks to deal with those who break the law. However the law is vague on many moral actions or does not cover them at all so it is a problem.  The issue is that the law is legislated by the most popular idiots not the most intelligent elements of our societies. But that is how our democracies are structured.  If I had my way I would introduce some sort of stringent licensing requirements for politicians so that we can elect the most intelligent, morally capable people to run the government. You need to have a way to filter out the psychopaths.

The failure with this solution is that it does not really solve the underlying problem. High IQ while generally a good thing does not make one morally capable. Without moral capability all high IQ does is enable you to cause more damage and defection.

High IQ Psychopaths
I guess I don't have the 'religious' gene in me.

If my analysis in the opening post of this thread is correct this is not ideal when looked at from a purely Darwinian perspective.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 05, 2018, 03:07:20 PM

I just wanted to understand why you believe what you believe.

Fair enough in the course of the friendly jabs we both throw back and forth to keep the debate fun you should know that you have my respect for reading and evaluating the views of others.

The end goal is always to reach consensus or in our case where consensus is not attainable a solid understanding of the position of ones opponent.

Ultimately, my view is that your moral framework is untrue because it is insufficient. I believe it fails when actually applied to the world both in the vast majority of individuals and for society as a whole. I made this case for why it fails in my Argument for God upthread and our following conversation.

You disagree. You feel that your moral framework is true and sufficient capable of accurately mapping to reality and sustaining humanity. You also feel that the framework I use to support my worldview is arbitrary, unnecessary and ultimately imaginary.

This is a basic disagreement about the nature of reality.

Below are a couple of queries I recommend holding in mind going forward as you observe reality. It is my opinion that they will help you to either solidify your current worldview or reject it as false.

1) Does your worldview keep you on track in the face of temptation? When the opportunities arise to accomplish your desires at the cost of minor or major breaches of your code is your code functional? Does it keep you in line?

2) Does your worldview propagate and keep others on track? Are you able to share it with your children and with your neighbors. Do they in turn adopt it and live by it or dismiss it as your eccentric and individual ideas?

In then end we all implement our beliefs in our lives. We are tested against the framework of reality and reality provides feedback. Often it is in the process of living the implementation that we find our best opportunities to discover truth.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 05, 2018, 12:33:40 AM

I not sure why it is hard for you to understand.

I don't think any supernatural entities exists or influence our actions. There is no evidence for it.

Most humans are dumb as rocks. That is a fact.

I never said the same stupid humans are capable of developing moral standard, the top 5% smart ones develops it then teaches the masses.  How do you think the religion myths were developed?

I do understand why some people need to create the God concept to help them define what is right or wrong, this very concept helps them deal with issues in their lives as they come up.  It is sort of an imaginary father figure that is always 'there' for them.

Strong intellects do not need to resort to such brain exercise, they see the world as is, they can interact with the world effectively without such imaginary help.

I see so you and you fellow "strong intellects" are going to develop the perfect moral standard free of all references to the devine and minister to the great unwashed masses who will absorb your wisdom with rapture as you lead us all to human moral perfection and utopia huh?

Good luck with that.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
May 04, 2018, 11:47:55 PM
I thought you said that this supernatural infinite entity (aka God) transforms the physical world.  Never mind, tomato, tomato.

God transforms the world by rectifying it through us as we contemplate him. Our actions, essence, and potential change.

I have a question about your worldview.

You agree that humans are capable of great evil describing us as collectively evil.

You also agree that a belief in God helps us establish and follow a moral standard the very thing that makes us less evil.

I agree that external God (supernatural cop) helps you establish your moral standard.

Yet you argue against a belief in God.

You state that humans are mostly stupid

Every population you look at, you'll have 1% really smart ones, 5% that are capable to doing creative/design work, 30-40% can do repetitive, manual work, the rest is not suitable for work or any intellectual activities, this cohort needs constant training, and fails at what they do.

Yet believe these same stupid humans are capable of abstractly developing and following their own moral codes modifying them on the fly in the face of temptation.

I am saying that we have evolved enough to make that determination (when to follow or breach our moral standards) ourselves

Your views appear incoherent to me. Please clarify where I am misunderstanding your position.

I not sure why it is hard for you to understand.

I don't think any supernatural entities exists or influence our actions. There is no evidence for it.

Most humans are dumb as rocks. That is a fact.

I never said the same stupid humans are capable of developing moral standard, the top 5% smart ones develops it then teaches the masses.  How do you think the religion myths were developed?

I do understand why some people need to create the God concept to help them define what is right or wrong, this very concept helps them deal with issues in their lives as they come up.  It is sort of an imaginary father figure that is always 'there' for them.

Strong intellects do not need to resort to such brain exercise, they see the world as is, they can interact with the world effectively without such imaginary help.

The causing of nature to come into being is the greatest supernatural happening that we know of. So the Being that caused it to happen is much more supernatural.

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
May 04, 2018, 08:49:09 PM
It is good to have religion and good health.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 05:29:12 PM
I thought you said that this supernatural infinite entity (aka God) transforms the physical world.  Never mind, tomato, tomato.

God transforms the world by rectifying it through us as we contemplate him. Our actions, essence, and potential change.

I have a question about your worldview.

You agree that humans are capable of great evil describing us as collectively evil.

You also agree that a belief in God helps us establish and follow a moral standard the very thing that makes us less evil.

I agree that external God (supernatural cop) helps you establish your moral standard.

Yet you argue against a belief in God.

You state that humans are mostly stupid

Every population you look at, you'll have 1% really smart ones, 5% that are capable to doing creative/design work, 30-40% can do repetitive, manual work, the rest is not suitable for work or any intellectual activities, this cohort needs constant training, and fails at what they do.

Yet believe these same stupid humans are capable of abstractly developing and following their own moral codes modifying them on the fly in the face of temptation.

I am saying that we have evolved enough to make that determination (when to follow or breach our moral standards) ourselves

Your views appear incoherent to me. Please clarify where I am misunderstanding your position.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 04:10:52 PM
Of course we stray from our moral standards sometimes. 
Many people live by my moral standard and do not require external source such as 'God'.
sometimes we have to bend our rules in order to survive
I am saying that we have evolved enough to make that determination ourselves

I think this position of yours in particular is hopelessly naive.

I also think it represents a fundamental misjudgment of human nature utterly misjudging our capacity for evil and attributing to our species a wisdom we do not possess.

Jordan Peterson - Your Capacity For Evil
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 03:54:38 PM
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 11:37:51 AM
I have a very simple moral system that works, it comes from within, system that most passionate human beings would say is worth following.
My moral principle is this: "If an action causes harm to any living organism, that action is immoral".  Please explain how this principle is incompatible with my denial of God existence.

My one liner moral system suppresses defection without reliance on a supernatural stick.  Not sure what is your point.  You still have not answered the question of morality, where do you get it from.
How do you determine if an action is moral?

I think your moral rule is a good one overall. If instantiated it is not that different from my own primary principle. I think it could use a little fleshing out. We cannot not harm other living organisms and continue to exist for example, but I think you could overcome these deficiencies with some clarification or subordinate principles.

The primary principle I follow goes by many names. It has been referred to as The Golden Rule, Biblical Law, and Kant’s categorical imperative. They are all variations on the same concept. Some have taught this rule with more clarity than others but the rule can be found in many places.

Christianity: Jesus
"So  everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
Judaism: Hillel the Elder
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn."
Islam: Abdullah ibn Amr Al-Ass
"Whoever wishes to be delivered from the fire and enter the garden should die with faith in Allah and the Last Day and should treat the people as he wishes to be treated by them"
Philosophy: Immanuel Kant
"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.

The biggest difference between us is that you appear to take the position that your rule stands alone. That it is necessary and sufficient.

Do you claim that you always live by your rule and never deviate from it. Do you manifest this idea and embody it perfectly in this world? That is impossible you are human prone to weakness, temptation, fatigue like the rest of us. Therefore you cannot live up to your own moral code it is impossible. The best you can do is approximate it.

God helps humanity better approximate both your moral code and mine. I highlighted this in my claim number #7 and claim #8 above.

Therefore rejection of God is immoral under both your value system and mine as it leads to an increased failure to live up to the moral code.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 09:58:15 AM

I have a very simple moral system that works, it comes from within, system that most passionate human beings would say is worth following.
And you just come out and say that my system of morality is immoral because I refuse to accept existence of some undefined infinite entity that should dictate my morals? Where do you get your morality from?  So far I have not seen anything from your logic that talks about the source of your morality..

I think you might have missed a large portion of my reasoning. Please see claims #5-9 in my answer to your first question above. I added those later as I did not have time to complete my answer in a single setting.

I believe they answer most of your questions above. If you feel they do not please re highlight the area needing clarification.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 04, 2018, 01:13:08 AM
Also, if you want to have a discussion on the subject of God please state your position by answering the following questions:

1. Do you believe God exist?  What lead you to this conclusion? - Answered above please see my addition to the post immediately above.

2. Which God is that?  Which religion do you follow? - The only God the definition of God is that he is infinite so there can only be one God. I answered the question of which religion I follow here:

3. Please describe where this God exists. - I do not pretend to know. It is beyond my knowledge and a better question for a priest or rabbi. Ultimately it is irrelevant as it was not a necessary data point for me to know this in order to determine that God is true. I understand it is important to you in your quest for truth but I don't have an answer for you.

4. Please describe what this God looks like. - You cannot look at something infinite. You might as well ask what what a black hole looks like from the inside that at least is a finite body.

5. Please describe how this God interacts with the physical world. - He interacts with the world by transforming it and us as we contemplate him of that I am confident. He may also interact with the world in other ways.

Anyway, my moral principle is this: "If an action causes harm to any living organism, that action is immoral".  Please explain how this principle is incompatible with my denial of God existence.

I addressed this here:.

A true and honest evaluation would require you to fully build out your worldview and hold it up against alternatives. If you did so you would realize that your own ethic honestly followed would lead you to also accept God because at a minimum belief that you were being observed by God would minimize deviations from your ethic in the face of temptations. Ultimately via your own value system rejecting God is immoral because it increases the probability and amount of immoral action in the world.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 03, 2018, 06:33:55 PM
An Argument for God

1.   Do you believe God exist?  What lead you to this conclusion?

Yes I do. Here is how I reached this conclusion.

Claim #1 There are things in this universe that are true yet cannot ever be proven true no matter how much knowledge or technology advance.

This first step is a general statement about the possibility of truths that can never be proven and it can be derived from mathematical deduction.

Gödel’s theorem proved that any generated system capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. What this means is that in any created system that determines basic arithmetical truths/answers, there is at least one statement that is true, but not provable in the system.

The universe is a non-trivial computational system. We know this from the Church-Turing thesis which tells us that physical systems can express elementary arithmetic. It is a system capable of expressing elementary arithmetic.

Thus if the universe is logical we can conclude that it is incomplete.

There is at least one thing in the universe that is true but cannot ever be proven from inside the universe. Optimal understanding of the universe necessitates we develop a way of evaluating concepts that are possibly true yet forever unprovable.

We know that we can prove some truths and we know that we cannot prove all truths. Therefore we must develop a theory of truth that allows us to prove the truths we can and infer the truths we cannot.

See: The #1 Mathematical Discovery of the 20th Century

Claim #2 The Coherence Theory of Truth is the best known system that allows us to prove the truths we can and infer the truths we cannot.

The Coherence theory of truth provides us with a mechanism for testing both provable and unprovable truth. Coherence theory holds that a belief is true if we can incorporate it in an orderly and logical manner into a larger and complex system of beliefs or, even more simply still, a belief is true when it fits in with the set of all our other beliefs without creating a contradiction.

Coherence theory holds that a statement is true when it can be fully integrated into a group of complex ideas, the whole set of which is then tested against reality. Similarly an idea is false when it cannot be integrated into a group of complex ideas or if upon integration the set fails when tested against reality.

Another and more common word for an unprovable truth is an a priori truth.

See: The Coherence Theory of Truth

Claim #3 Metaphysical truths are unprovable/assumed/a priori truths. They can only be verified with a systematic approach such as The Coherence Theory of Truth and their verification or falsification is important due to their dramatic impact on human society, human action, and human institutions.

Nihilism leads to very different conclusions then Theism. Varying conceptualizations of reality lead to varying conclusions.

All knowledge ultimately traces back to assumed axioms of this type. Without knowledge, scientific inquiry including empiric inquiry is meaningless and we can’t analyze the world around us. Choosing sound metaphysical first axioms is therefore a critical part of the formation of a sound empirical model of the universe and our place within it.

See: Metaphysical Attitudes

Claim #4  Human progress and civilization requires the growth of knowledge and is ultimately cooperation dependent. Our first premises and axioms directly impact the degree of cooperation that the system can support.

Ultimately progress is maximized when voluntary cooperation is maximized. Another way of saying this is that progress is maximized when superrationality is maximized.

Superrationality (or renormalized rationality) is an alternative method of reasoning. First, it assumes that the answer to a symmetric problem will be the same for all the superrational players. This sameness is taken into account before knowing what the strategy will be.

Superrationality occurs when individuals have perfect rationality (and thus maximize their own utility) but can assume that other players are also superrational. Superrational players for example can escape Nash’s prisoner’s dilemma.

See: Superrationality and the Infinite

Claim #5 Defection is the fundamental challenge humanity must overcome. Without the suppression of defection we cannot solve the coordination problem. The removal of defection allows superrationality to manifest and thus maximizes cooperation.

Cooperation involves a mutually beneficial exchange that improves the well-being of both participants. Defection is an interaction that benefits one party at the expense of another. Defection always implies violence, the threat of violence, ignorance, or forced interaction.

The greatest obstacle to human progress is not a technological hurdle but the defection inherent in our nature. All forms of law and government are ultimately collective attempts to limit this defection. Instinctively we know that defection must be suppressed so we form laws and governments to do this. Government is expensive and inefficient. These inefficiencies are less costly then unrestrained individualism, however, because of pervasive human defection.

The utopia of limited to no government would only be possible for a population in which all individuals were constantly striving at all times to always be superrational. Such a utopia would require all individuals to always act cooperatively, honesty, and transparently. We lack the required moral fiber for anything like this to work at our current juncture in history. Defection ultimately can be viewed as a manifestation of evil.

See: Religion and Progress

Claim #6 The state is incapable of suppressing defection/evil over long time horizons.

The nation state, police, and laws suppress physical violence and obvious defection but it is composed of many individuals who inherently wish to defect. Over time the functionality of the state must inevitably fail as the habits and virtue necessary to sustain it are undermined by the defection of its citizens and leaders. When this occurs the internal integrity of the state itself fails.

Collectivism limits some avenues of defection while opening entire new possibilities. New opportunities for defection arise along the entire economic spectrum. Everything from special interest lobbying, to disability scammers, and on a larger scale our entire fiat monetary system are essentially forms of defection allowing the few to profit at the expense of the many. Nation state collectivism has allowed for the creation of great civilizations and yet it is entirely unsustainable in its current form.

This failure is not a new observation. Polybius described this about 100 years before the fall of the Roman Republic. It was also well articulated by Henning Webb Prentis, Jr in the 1940's.

"The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more." - Henning Webb Prentis, Jr

See: Faith and Future

Claim #7 The a priori truth of God is capable of suppressing evil and limiting defection.

Genuine belief in God especially individual belief in God coupled with a genuine fear of God’s judgement is world changing. It is a well-known empirical fact that humans are much less likely to defect if they know their behavior is being observed. This has been documented in study after study in both children and adults.  

A society where all individuals genuinely believe their actions are being observed by God and fear God’s judgement would all else being equal have much less defection then an otherwise identical society where individuals feel their actions are secret.

A society where all individuals are genuinely striving not to defect would dramatically transform the landscape of the possible. In such a society defection would be minimal and the defection that did occur would be the result of ignorance not intent. Errors of ignorance themselves would rapidly decline with time as knowledge progressed.

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom"

See: The Beginning of Wisdom

Claim #8 God and the attendant superrationality that accompanies God is the only pathway forward that does not lead to permanent tyranny or utter ruin.

Freedom is the right of the individual to choose how he controls himself, so long as he respects the equal rights of every other individual to control and plan his own life. Freedom is thus not the ability to do whatever you want. It is self-control, and self-government, no more, no less.

Thus "freedom is self-control" leads to the conclusion that as acting individuals, we must respect the rights and boundaries of others. In other words, every individual should control his or her actions such that they do not aggress or invade against other individuals. A free society is a superrational society. It is one where all individuals are able to live their lives without being subjected to violence, the threat of violence, ignorance, or forced interaction.

Human nature is deeply flawed. That ultimately is the common theme in each stage of the cycle highlighted by Polybius and Prentis all those years ago. As human knowledge progresses we as individuals are rapidly growing ever more powerful. One man with a knife can only do so much harm one man with a bioweapons lab quite a bit more. This trend will only accelerate in the years to come.

Without a matching growth in moral behavior technological progress must inevitably lead to ever growing omnipresent state control as a logical necessity. Freedom requires self-control if the people’s self-control does not grow to match their power it is inevitable that the state will dramatically grow in a necessary attempt to control the people.

Yet as discussed above the state cannot suppress defection/evil over long time horizons. The more powerful the state becomes the greater the opportunity, temptation and profit that results from defectors corrupting the state itself. The very growth of the nation state will lead to its accelerated corruption.  

The cycle of governmental collapse highlighted by Polybius and Prentis is mostly accurate but it has three basic requirements for progression to occur.
1) There has to be moral corruption that those with power are susceptible too.
2) There has to be a means by which the corrupt can be overthrown.
3) There has to be survivors following the collapse who are able to continue society.

If we ever reached the stage where there was leadership without corruption the cycle would cease. If we ever reached the stage where tyranny was absolute omnipresent with no viable way to ever overthrow it the cycle would also cease. If we reach the stage where we are so powerful that government collapse leads to utter loss of control and the destruction of all human life the cycle would cease.

Unfortunately of the three possible ends to the cycle the path of freedom from corruption appears the least likely one. We are a perhaps only a single generation away from the time when technological advances will make overthrowing a tyranny nearly impossible once it is established. Whatever small hope there is of attaining a moral leadership without corruption requires we establish both a leadership and a population that is superrational. This in turn requires God.

Our forefathers understood that it is morality, virtue and ultimately God that allows for freedom. It is a lesson many of their descendants have forgotten.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin

“Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government, can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them.” - James Madison

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” - George Washington

See: Freedom and God

Claim #9 Ultimately the a priori claim of God requires genuine faith in God or it is hypocritical.

To accept something a priori means to accept it on faith axiomatically and without doubt. The Christian Pastor, the Jewish Rabbi, and the Islamic Imam are ultimately correct.

You have to believe. That is the only viable pathway forward for humanity. That is my view having thought about this issue for a very long time.

A worldview that leads only to extinction or permanent tyranny is not one I am interested in entertaining. I define any such worldview as evil as false.

God is the very narrow very difficult road that leads to life.

I believe in the a priori truth of God. I have faith in God.

Now you know why.

See: Multiverse Wide Cooperation for more.
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