
Topic: Health and Religion - page 67. (Read 210871 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 25, 2017, 07:33:22 AM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.


People are cheerful comfortable conditions of life and lack of health problems, and not faith in God. Many atheists are much happier than religious people. It seems to me that sometimes religious people are unable to enjoy life because of the stupid prohibitions of their religion.

The big difference is that if the person is a Christian, his happiness goes on into eternity, while the atheist's happiness ends at death if not sooner.


We are all going to die and end up in the same place no matter how much you want to believe we are special, I know it's hard to admit but it's the reality, there is nothing beyond death.

In addition to the proof that God exists that I have been showing you at the "Scientific proof that God exists?" thread, at, there is scientific proof that the Bible is the Word of God.

The Bible proof is a bit more complicated to explain, and it is impossible to explain to a person who doesn't understand that God exists.

The strongest proof for God is not a scientific proof. It is a relation proof. When a person accepts the Spirit of God into his/her life, the person has personal relationship with God, and personal proof.

Those who don't accept the Holy Spirit don't have that proof. That's why they think that such proof is make-believe.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
September 25, 2017, 05:35:35 AM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.


People are cheerful comfortable conditions of life and lack of health problems, and not faith in God. Many atheists are much happier than religious people. It seems to me that sometimes religious people are unable to enjoy life because of the stupid prohibitions of their religion.

The big difference is that if the person is a Christian, his happiness goes on into eternity, while the atheist's happiness ends at death if not sooner.


We are all going to die and end up in the same place no matter how much you want to believe we are special, I know it's hard to admit but it's the reality, there is nothing beyond death.
sr. member
Activity: 868
Merit: 266
September 24, 2017, 09:22:56 PM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.


People are cheerful comfortable conditions of life and lack of health problems, and not faith in God. Many atheists are much happier than religious people. It seems to me that sometimes religious people are unable to enjoy life because of the stupid prohibitions of their religion.
As a christian i will say that nothing prohibits us from enjoying life as we see fit, The Bible says itself that we are free to do anything that we like but it also states that not everything that we do is beneficial for us. You can drink and smoke but its not going to be good for your health in the long term.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 24, 2017, 09:14:27 PM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.


People are cheerful comfortable conditions of life and lack of health problems, and not faith in God. Many atheists are much happier than religious people. It seems to me that sometimes religious people are unable to enjoy life because of the stupid prohibitions of their religion.

The big difference is that if the person is a Christian, his happiness goes on into eternity, while the atheist's happiness ends at death if not sooner.

Activity: 114
Merit: 100
🌟 eSports ICO: 01/11/2017 🌟
September 24, 2017, 09:23:36 AM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.


People are cheerful comfortable conditions of life and lack of health problems, and not faith in God. Many atheists are much happier than religious people. It seems to me that sometimes religious people are unable to enjoy life because of the stupid prohibitions of their religion.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 23, 2017, 03:59:12 PM
It's probably true that religion makes people happy because it gives you an alternative for death however, it's an illusion, you will eventually die and there will be no heaven, no after life, no purpose, no meaning just emptiness, that's life, nothing special, we really are just something that happened and there is no purpose. Knowing this reality is not going to do any good for anyone's happiness but regardless of feelings is still the truth.

Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.

What you have embraced here XinXan is the philosophy of nihilism. It is one of the most dangerous and toxic of the philosophical dead ends precisely because it it's so unhealthy and so difficult to escape once accepted.

I was never a nihilist so I am not the best person to help those with this particular condition. Bruce Charlton was a former nihilist so I would recommend reading his comments on nihilism I posted immediately above.

Nihilism locks you into noncooperation and is ultimately a barrier to freedom. I illustrated how this occurs in my posts on the prisoners dilemma immediately above. For the nihilist betrayal is the only logical action in prisoners dilemma. The Nash equilibrium becomes destiny.

Humans are by and large emotional and rational creatures. To truly achieve our potential, however, we need to elevate our nature and become superrational. Humanity must solve the prisoners dilemma and the ethical flaw it highlights.

There are two ways to limit the fallout from a prisoners dilemma type problem. The first and best way is to make the actors superrational instead of rational. This is very hard as it requires one to fundamentally elevate the nature of the participants.

Thus most of the the time we pursue simpler stopgap solutions to lock rational players into a metagame which alters short term decision making. In the case of the prisoners dilemma you introduce the crime syndicate on the outside that punishes those who talk.

The stopgap measures work for a time (sometimes a long time) but are vulnerable to being undermined as the fundamental problem (flawed participants) remains. In the case of the prisoners dilemma the crime syndicates may lose power or a witness protection program may be offered.

Since this is a bitcoin forum it should be noted that decentralized ledgers are this second stopgap type of solution. Self interest and greed are leveraged into support for an algorithm that introduces decentralized computational enforced transparency and verification. This limits the ability defect via abuse of seigniorage or debasement or forgery.

Stopgap measures can work but are vulnerable. In the case of a decentralized ledger the weakness is at the developer level where attempts can be made to seize control of the protocol via controlling future changes and updates. This is exactly where the attacks on bitcoin will and are occurring.

The world is not going to become superrational in the timeframe needed to deal with our imploding financial system. Thus stopgap measures are necessary. Fortunately it looks like decentralized ledgers are arriving just in time to provide the needed emergency relief.

I believe transparency is the fundamental advance of our time as I noted in the table below.

Cycles of Contention
Cycle #1  Cycle #2  Cycle #3  Cycle #4  Cycle #5  Cycle #6  
Mechanism of Control    Knowledge of Evil  Warlordism    Holy War  Usury  Universal Surveillance    Hedonism  
RulersThe Strong  Despots  God Kings/Monarchs    Capitalists    Oligarchs (NWO)  Decentralized Government    
Life of the Ruled"Nasty, Brutish, Short"    Slaves  Surfs  Debtors  Basic Income Recipients    Knowledge Workers  
Facilitated AdvanceKnowledge of Good    Commerce  Rule of Law  Growth  Transparency  Ascesis  

Ultimately the rational individuals set themselves on a path towards destruction just as rational nations do who abandon superrationality and descend into stealing and power vacuums. The most successful may succeed for a generation or two if they are top dog but they have locked themselves into a prisoners prisoners dilemma which can lead only to their distruction at the hands of someone more powerful or their taking the role of local top dog of a sinking ship eventually finding themselves utterly uncompetitive in an age that rewards cooperation.

All knowledge traces back ultimately to certain apriori truths. The knowledge that life has meaning and purpose follows from the apriori truth of God.

If you deny the infinite you must choose different almost always nihilistic assumptions. These will obviously lead you to different and usually toxic conclusions.

Religion is a the only functional superrationality protocol. It maximizes superrationality and thus positive societal outcomes. It is the only force that enables suspension of defect-defect equilibrium like the prisoners dilemma or the power vacuum. When a superrationality protocol is abandoned (widespread rejection of religion) the gradual vice of ever increasing defection sets in and the countdown towards destruction of the society commences.

Quote from:  Henning Webb Prentis, Jr
Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security.

The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."

It is moral degradation that leads to bondage for it is moral strengthening that allows free and strong societies to be built in the first place.

This is why Ethical Monotheism is so important and the reason why so much that is good in the world came from the west.

Without it we are reduced to merely rational actors. We become desperate prisoners who cannot escape the Nash equilibrium of defection and betrayal.
hero member
Activity: 1064
Merit: 505
September 23, 2017, 02:50:32 PM
It's probably true that religion makes people happy because it gives you an alternative for death however, it's an illusion, you will eventually die and there will be no heaven, no after life, no purpose, no meaning just emptiness, that's life, nothing special, we really are just something that happened and there is no purpose. Knowing this reality is not going to do any good for anyone's happiness but regardless of feelings is still the truth.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
September 23, 2017, 12:35:01 AM
Any religion is injurious to health!
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 23, 2017, 12:00:56 AM

What should be done and why should we do it?
Quote from: Bruce Charlton
What is needed is a metamorphosis of thinking - a qualitative change in the form of thinking.

(Because modern thinking is intrinsically incoherent, pathological and anti-Christian: we really must change it. Modern Man has tried and tried to believe in Christianity while thinking like a nihilist - it doesn't work. The dead materialism of the thinking weakens, erodes, subverts the belief.)

But specifically why must we change thinking? Aside from its fundamentally anti-Christian structure and assumptions and implications; what are the reasons?

1. We have the urge and the need to change it

Positively, we want more and better than life can have with the way we currently think; negatively we are experiencing alienation and all the consequent nihilism (lack of meaning, purpose and relation).

I say 'we' have this urge and need... well I do - and that inner drive is sufficient for me; but not everybody does. Indeed, probably only few people have the urge and need, so...

2. Consequences

It is our divine destiny to move beyond our current way of thinking; this is the path of theosis by which we become more-god-like, more fully gods. We need to think the way God thinks - qualitatively.

And if we do not, then our fate will be one of corruption, decline away from the divine; and ultimately of deliberate, purposive, self-chosen degradation, god-rejection hence damnation.

(We may, or may not, experience greater suffering - but it is possible that our souls may become ruined, our spirits poisoned; even while our minds, bodies and feelings are pampered and indulged.)

3. Freedom

We want to be free - we want, that is, to be awake, conscious, self-aware and active in thought; and not to be unconscious, constrained and compelled, asleep, distracted, and passive in our thinking. The new mode of thinking is for those who really want real freedom - as a priority.  

4. We want to grow-up

At present our culture is wilfully stuck in adolescence, clinging to perpetual youth; or else we turn back from this horror and attempt (only ever with partial success, because it is doomed to fail) to return to the mode of being of childhood. But we may wish instead to grow-up, to become more-and-more intensely and frequently as-God-is in thinking: the spiritually adult way of thinking and being.

5. Living in thinking

We may wish to live in our thinking; in our newly active state of knowing; and not, as is currently usual, to live in our feelings or in our minds. We may wish to know directly and inwardly, rather than at secondhand via communications and media. We may wish to live personally, familially, uniquely and specifically; rather than generally, generically, abstractly, institutionally. And by judgement; rather than by committees, votes, procedures, consensus, coercion, laws, rules, principles, protocols...

What - exactly - should we do?

Do one thing - and that thing is Primary Thinking; or by another name, Final Participation (Owen Barfield); or by another name Pure Thinking, or the Imaginative Soul (Rudolf Steiner).

But what does this entail? How would thinking actually change? In short it is thinking of the real/ deep/ divine self - and it is thinking that we recognise as valid and unbounded (it is heady stuff this thinking!).

Many, many things would result - here collected under eight headings...

1. Metaphysics - a new set of fundamental assumptions concerning the nature of reality. This is the basis for taking primary thinking seriously - as valid; and it is also the consequence of primary thinking, seriously pursued.(A virtuous cycle.)

2. Healing - therapy for the chronic sickness of our soul, the split between self and environment - between experience and theory; which has afflicted Man ever since the commencement of modernity with its self-consciousness.

(The problem always was there, but as a child and in earlier eras were were not aware of it; we simply took experience for granted.)

Thinking has (so far) been our plague; but primary thinking can become the cure of its own disease.  

3. Meaning, purpose and relationship built-into our way of thinking (instead of being excluded by it).

4. A transformation, a beginning of evolution - the experience (and expectation of) a moving-towards the goal of metamorphosis, of a changed and better way of thinking and being.

5. Motivation. At present Western, modern Man is profoundly demotivated - he does not want to do anything very much, very far ahead or to make sacrifices for something better...

Primary thinking will be - by contrast - a joy, an enthusiasm, an excitement and an expectation; a recovery of deep and lasting motivation.

(So freedom and motivation both... that is good.)

6. Positivity, optimism. These are products of faith in the goodness of God as loving parent; and the trust that our actual lives are, therefore, adequate to fulfilling his deepest wishes for our eternal well-being. This we can know directly - unmediated - by primary thinking. With Christ's gift of repentance, we are then immune to everything life may throw at us; anything can be turned to good...

7. Agency and Freedom. Do we truly want to be free - free in our deepest thought? Live from our-selves, not coerced or passive but generative, creative? Pursuit of freedom, agency, creativity all become possible, indeed inevitable - in the deepest sense. In primary thinking, freedom is directly experienced - we can observe our freedom in-action.

8. Autonomy. Because our (true) self is divine, because God is within us, because we have direct knowledge of God; then we have a solid and certain basis for everything.

We are not dependent on the chances of institutions, society, books, preserved traditions or uncorrupted authorities... even when these are all lacking, we can survive and thrive - by trial/ error/ repentance we can develop, and move towards The Good.

We need not go it alone - we can and should accept genuine help when available and needed; but we are not dependent on the external.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 16, 2017, 12:56:46 AM
Most US Jews oppose Trump but the Orthodox stick with him

A new survey of U.S. Jews offers a breakdown of the Jewish vote in favor of President Donald Trump and suggests those divisions — among the major streams of Judaism — remain fairly constant nine months later.

Though the majority of Jews did not vote for Trump, exit polls showed, those who identify as Orthodox were the most supportive of Trump on Election Day and continue to give him high marks.

Fifty-four percent of Orthodox Jews say they voted for Trump, according a new survey by the American Jewish Committee, or AJC. That was well above 24 percent of Conservative Jews, 10 percent of Reform Jews, 8 percent of Reconstructionist Jews, and 14 percent of respondents who identify themselves as “just Jewish.”

Conversely, Hillary Clinton garnered 13 percent of the Orthodox vote, 60 percent of Conservative Jewish vote, 78 percent of the Reform vote, and 89 percent of Reconstructionist vote.

The survey also shows that when it comes to politics, American Jews don’t differ much from the rest of the American public: Those who voted for Trump still support him


That suggests a wide and growing polarization between Orthodox Jews who comprise a minority of the U.S. Jewish population and tend to skew conservative, and the far larger Reform and Conservative movements that comprise the majority of U.S. Jews and skew liberal.

If current trends hold very soon the Orthodox will be the majority.

Dramatic Orthodox Growth Is Transforming the American Jewish Community

Trump’s Poll Numbers Show How He’s Lost The Jews — Except The Orthodox
Some 71% of those who identify as Orthodox approve of Trump, compared with 25% of Conservatives, 11% of Reform, 8% of Reconstructionists and 14% of those identifying as “just Jewish.”
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 11, 2017, 03:55:37 PM
Taking modern nihilism seriously
Quote from: Bruce Charlton

The pervasive nihilism of modernity serves to block any move away from the prevalent insanity and despair; because our problems are at the level of basic (metaphysical) assumptions, yet any attempt to discover, examine and revise these assumptions is shipwrecked instantly by nihilism.

Nihilism therefore functions as the conservatism of radical inversion - it serves to conserve the metaphysical assumptions that underpin secular leftism.

Nihilism, by this meaning, is disbelief in reality; it is the feeling (rather than the conviction) that nothing is really-real, that everything is uncertain - that anything may be wrong.

The modern world view is based on the objectivity of perceptions (eg. in science) - yet we also know that perceptions are often wrong (seeing is not believing). Modern morality is based on the primacy of feelings - modern ethics are all versions of utilitarianism, that is of good being happiness and evil being suffering - yet we know that feelings are temporary, reversible, influenced by psychology, illness, drugs and propaganda.

In sum, in a world built on perceptions and feelings - we know that neither are reliable, nor solid, nor even known for sure. Hence the nihilism.

Modern nihilism is indeed a feeling, rather than a thought - because (pretty obviously) one cannot have a conviction that 'nihilism is true', because that is self-refuting; rather the strength and intractability of nihilism comes from its being a feeling we can't shake-off, rather than a proposition that we are logically-compelled to acknowledge.

Consequently, modern people are stuck in a situation in which their nihilism ruins their lives, but in which they do not take their nihilism seriously - because if they did they would behave very differently. They would not argue-in-favour of nihilism, they would not use nihilism as any kind of argument - they would not even attempt to communicate, they would not plan, they would not do anything which interfered with their current selfish gratification... and so on.

What happens is that people have a feeling of nihilism, which is unpleasant and usually takes the form of fear. So they address the situation at the level of feelings by some combination of displacing nihilism with other feelings and obliterating the feeling of nihilism.

For example by distracting with the mass media, by distracting with the pursuit of sex or status; or obliteration by intoxication with drugs or sleep or immersive media - and all the other characteristically modern evasions.

That modern nihilism is a matter of feeling rather than thinking is in fact a potential solution to the problem. If we take nihilism seriously, and seriously think about it - and keep thinking about it, we will be forced to make a decision between:

1. Accepting the truth of nihilism, and behaving accordingly.

2. Discovering that nihilism is not the bottom line of our conviction.

Of course, this is a dangerous tactic, since accepting the truth of nihilism may lead to suicide or a short-fast-track to death by short-term-self-indulgence (including harming or killing others, when doing so happens to gratify an individual).

But - given the rarity of consistent nihilism, it is likely that most people would recognise that their deepest and most pervasive feeling is not nihilism, but something opposed to nihilism.

In sum, individuals may discover their own bedrock convictions - their personal certainties, stronger than nihilism, upon which they can begin to build meaning purpose and genuine relationships.

Dangerous though it is; taking nihilism seriously, and rigorously thinking-it-though for ourselves, is probably the only way out from its trap.

It was for me.

Secular atheism, when lived out with intellectual honestly, leads to nihilism.

Why Secular Atheism Leads to Nihilism
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 10, 2017, 10:32:40 AM
What makes people cheerful? God makes them cheerful at the cheerful times. When they doubt God, then they become cheerless. If they trust God, they can be cheerful in many troubles. God makes them cheerful.

full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 100
September 10, 2017, 10:24:52 AM
Have you imagened that the world is a frightening and frosty place, and contemplating it in its actual nature does not make one cheerful?

What makes a tyke more joyful: 1.) Believing a mystical mythical person brings presents from the North Pole on account of good conduct, or 2.) Understanding that presents originate from mother and father's diligent work, and when you hear them agonizing over cash or battling about it - you know in some little way you are a piece of that anxiety?Reality infrequently bring bliss, just a feeling of scholarly alleviation. It additionally for the most part makes a greater number of inquiries than it answers, regardless of any impermanent illumination. What number of us could ever leave the womb, if given the decision? It is warm and safe in there - and everything is dealt with. Be that as it may, outside that womb is the place life happens and things get muddled.

Religion resembles the scholarly womb - aside from this is one you need to leave, and it's alarming and takes quality of character to do as such.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 10, 2017, 09:48:41 AM
^ It seems that Pharaoh Akhenaton made ancient Egypt strong when he moved the nation into monotheism. But when he tried to become the god of his monotheism, he became weak. When he fell, his sons (and others) turned the nation back to polytheism. After that, Egypt gradually became weak.

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
September 09, 2017, 09:28:08 PM
Superrationality and the Infinite

Quote from: Anonymint
I’ll argue that the error of your morality and ethics argument is that morality and ethics are always driven by economics and game theory, not vice versa. Religion works because it encodes game theory and economics, not because of some cardinal virtue of (non-relativistic) absolute truth.
There is no such thing as absolute truth or absolutely true ethics, because our Universe is necessarily and definitionally unbounded entropic relativistic
A particular orthodoxy works at a particular epoch because of the game theory and economics of that epoch.
More bluntly, humans defect or cooperate according to the Nash equilibrium of the system in play.
The economically relevant players have a risk due to unfair play. Think about in terms of a Nash equilibrium or Prisoner’s dilemma. When players know the possible outcomes and strategies, the equilibrium is more performant.
Problem with the “don’t drink goats milk on Thursdays” and “universe loves you if you love the universe” sort of religious mind control, is it just doesn’t work well any more, because humans have access to information and so they can’t be fooled so easily
Meta physics will always exist because I’ve explained elsewhere that our existence must necessarily be composed on unbounded unknowns (i.e. uncertainty aka entropy) else we do not exist other than as some preordained static game where all the outcomes were known at the birth of the universe. The static universe is impossible because it would necessitate that something exists (mathematically) “outside” the bound, but then by definition that is unbounded.
Commensurately there’s no absolute truth of philosophical arguments such as this one, as they’re relativistic like everything else. There isn’t a winner. Contention in philosophy is part of our existence. It’s disingenuous however to not cite the opposing argument.

You have your cause and effect transposed.

Economics and game theory are ultimately driven by morality and ethics. To highlight this let's look at the classic and famous example of the prisoners dilemmas and its Nash equilibrium.

The prisoner's dilemma is the standard example of game theory where two rational individuals will not cooperate despite it being in their best interest to do so.
Quote from: Wikipedia
Two members of a criminal gang are arrested and imprisoned. Each prisoner is in solitary confinement with no means of communicating with the other. The prosecutors lack sufficient evidence to convict the pair on the principal charge.

They hope to get both sentenced to a year in prison on a lesser charge. Simultaneously, the prosecutors offer each prisoner a bargain. Each prisoner is given the opportunity either to: betray the other by testifying that the other committed the crime, or to cooperate with the other by remaining silent.

The offer is:
If A and B each betray the other, each of them serves 2 years in prison

If A betrays B but B remains silent, A will be set free and B will serve 3 years in prison (and vice versa)

If A and B both remain silent, both of them will only serve 1 year in prison (on the lesser charge)

It is implied that the prisoners will have no opportunity to reward or punish their partner other than the prison sentences they get

The prisoners dilemma leads rational actors to logically betray each other leading to a suboptimal low cooperation outcome. Betrayal and failure to cooperate is the Nash Equilibrium of the prisoners dilemma.

A Nash equilibrium of this sort, however, is a failure that only binds "rational" individuals. All that is needed to escape from this trap is to elevate the nature of the participants and make them superrational.

In economics and game theory, a participant is considered to have superrationality (or renormalized rationality) if they have perfect rationality (and thus maximize their own utility) but assume that all other players are superrational too and that a superrational individual will always come up with the same strategy as any other superrational thinker when facing the same symmetrical problem. Applying this definition, a superrational player playing against a superrational opponent in a prisoner's dilemma will cooperate while a rationally self-interested player would defect.
Superrationality is a form of Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative.
Superrationality is an alternative method of reasoning. First, it is assumed that the answer to a symmetric problem will be the same for all the superrational players. Thus the sameness is taken into account before knowing what the strategy will be.
(In the prisoners dilemma) two superrational players will both cooperate, since this answer maximizes their payoff.
Note that a superrational player playing against a game-theoretic rational player will defect, since the strategy only assumes that superrational players will agree.

If you want to see how superrationality would play out of in the real world just change the players in prisoners dilemma.

Suppose two Christian missionaries are arrested and imprisoned in North Korea for suspected spreading of blasphemy against the Great Leader. Each missionary is in solitary confinement with no means of communicating with the other.

The North Koreans lack sufficient evidence to convict the pair on the principal charge. But can get both sentenced to a year in labor camps on lesser fabricated charges. Simultaneously, the prosecutors offer each missionary a bargain. Each prisoner is given the opportunity either to betray the other by testifying that the other is a Christian missionary, or to remain silent.

Does the Nash Equilibrium still hold? Doubtful most likely the missionaries will stay quiet. They will do so because they are superrational.

Your rejection of religion as mind control that won't survive the transparency of an information age is flawed because belief in God is a superrationality protocol that maximizes rationality and utility. It will thus thrive with technological progress, transparency, and decentralization as awareness of this superiority grows. It is the rejection of religion that will not survive as it is ultimately non-competitive and locks you into suboptimal outcomes as seen in the prisoners dilemma above.

The Universe is finite. You are correct that this necessitates something exists (mathematically) “outside” the bound, and this something must by definition be unbounded.

The Nature of God

The existence of God is a necessary prerequisite for the existence of the universe. The existence of the universe is sufficient proof of the existence of God.
God is a unity. He is a single, whole, complete indivisible entity. He cannot be divided into parts or described by attributes. Any attempt to ascribe attributes to God is merely man's imperfect attempt to understand the infinite.
God transcends time. He has no beginning and no end.

The prisoners dilemma is a microcosm for a whole host of human and societal interactions. Superrationality breaks the prisoners out of the dilemma allowing the achievement of optimal cooperative outcomes despite a Nash equilibrium of defection and betrayal. Superrationality itself is just a formalization of Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative.

Kant's categorical imperative:
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.

The categorical imperative in turn is a valiant but incomplete attempt to codify much older wisdom into a logical framework.

Brett Stevens wrote up a nice article on this deeper religious wisdom and its relationship to the good but imperfect categorical imperative.

Kant’s categorical imperative, Biblical law and the “golden rule”

Ultimately superrationality is at its heart the logical result of applying ancient religious wisdom to modern problems. It is Ethical Monotheism that teaches us to treat others as ourselves even when dealing with strangers.

Christianity: Matthew 7:12
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Hillel the Elder
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn."

Islam: Abdullah ibn Amr Al-Ass
"Whoever wishes to be delivered from the fire and enter the garden should die with faith in Allah and the Last Day and should treat the people as he wishes to be treated by them"

Ethical Monotheism is thus directly responsible for a tremendous portion of the progress humanity had made to date as it facilitates cooperative outcomes over competitive defection.

See: Metaphysical Attitudes for more.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 26, 2017, 06:46:02 PM
I do not see any connection between religion and health. Believers are as sick as atheists.
But sometimes atheists begin to pray to recover from a serious illness. They are helped by the belief that God loves them. It's just self-hypnosis

Coincube has been showing us the connection. There is a possibility that all medical health is placebo effect on a level not yet understood. This would make all health self-hypnosis-like if it were found to be true.

hero member
Activity: 636
Merit: 505
August 26, 2017, 05:48:15 PM
. They are helped by the belief that God loves them. It's just self-hypnosis
There is a difference between self-hypnosis and wishful thinking. If the effect is from self-hypnosis then atheists should learn that skill and see if they can replicate the effects.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
August 26, 2017, 05:31:17 PM
But sometimes without exception atheists begin to pray see a doctor to recover from a serious illness. They are helped by the belief fact that God loves modern science and medicine will help them. It's just self-hypnosis being rational.

full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 101
August 26, 2017, 04:55:32 PM
I do not see any connection between religion and health. Believers are as sick as atheists.
But sometimes atheists begin to pray to recover from a serious illness. They are helped by the belief that God loves them. It's just self-hypnosis
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
August 26, 2017, 03:07:09 PM
Buy organic fruits & vegetables and look into the source of your drinking water.

Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in frogs
One would think that fairly solid evidence of a massive and population wide toxic exposure would spark a public outcry in a robust and viable society.

Sperm Counts Have Plummeted Among Western Men, Scientists Confirm
Quote from: George Dvorsky
Something weird is going on with human sperm production. For decades, scientists have warned that sperm counts are dropping among Western men, but no one has really been able to prove it. In what is now the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind, scientists have presented compelling evidence in support of this rather alarming assertion, showing that sperm counts have dropped more than 50 percent in just four decades.

The sperm count decline is real and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down, according to new research published in Human Reproduction Update. By conducting a meta-analysis of 185 studies published between 1973 and 2011, researchers from the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai documented a 52.4 percent decline in sperm concentration, and a 59.3 percent decline in total sperm count among men living in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

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