You simply have your religion. Since you are unwilling to look at what the Bible says in its entirety, you have made a different kind of religion for yourself.
You will come to find out how majestic God is. I hope it is before your death, in ways that cause you to turn and accept Him. Because it won't be fun for you if you find out after your death.
The bible has literally pages of god commanding to kill people, what do you mean to look at its entirety? If it's truly the book of a god, you would expect it to have no mistakes. Or that people won't be able to misinterpret it.
You see, all that matters to god is for me to accept that he exists, he doesn't care whether I am a good person or not, it just shows how stupid he is lol
Before mankind sinned, there was no death. Mankind used his free will to bring on death.
Then mankind went on to use his free will to do all kinds of things that would further death.
If someone murders your daughter, you might have mercy on him, and not pronounce the death penalty on him. But if he is not in the least repentant, and doesn't care that he murdered your daughter, but goes out and kills your other daughter, just for the fun of it, and would go and kill many others any time he had the chance, are you still going to let him live?
Doesn't justice require execution for the murderer? Especially if the guy is an unrepentant homicidal maniac who enjoys killing?
That is the thing God is judging when he puts nations and people to death. It isn't the simple act of direct murder that He is judging. Rather, it is the activities of sin-without-repentance that He is judging. Sin without repentance is the intentionally bringing of death, just like the first sin brought death. God's judgment is accurate, as is His mercy towards many people who He gives a long time, and much more chance to repent... like you.
Like as nations often exercise the death penalty... for justice to be done... so God does the same. He is even more accurate in the justice. And, He is owner of all things. Don't tell Him what He can and can't do with His property. Rather, be glad that He gives you a time of joy for a while, so that you can repent, so that you will not be destroyed like others that God righteously executed.
''Before mankind sinned,'' God already knew that was going to happen, therefore there is no point in punishing humans for it.
Sure, God suspected that it was going to happen (sin). But that wasn't His wish or goal. Rather, He was looking for people who had the free will to sin, but wouldn't use it for sinning. He was looking for a noble people.
So, what did God do? He put Jesus salvation into the mix. This made a way for people to avoid the punishment if they didn't want it.
You can find many examples of choices that you have in life, where one choice hurts, and the other gives enjoyment... and you know it ahead of time. It isn't God's fault if you choose punishment. But if you do choose punishment, He is angry enough at you for doing so, that He will give you what you ask for with a passion.
Why would God be angry with you for choosing punishment? Because that isn't what He made you for. So, if jumping into punishment is what you are willingly doing, especially in the face of the fact that God had to bend way over backward to provide salvation for you, and in the face of the fact that you know it, good riddance of you. You have dishonored Him for the last time.
EDIT: BTW, if yo think that you are going to accept Jesus salvation, just so that you can stick around forever and be a thorn in God's side, forget it. Part of accepting Jesus salvation is being an favor of God. You can't trick Him. Either you do it His way, or bye-bye.
I don't know if you understand but god already knows everything. It says it in your bible. If he knew people would sin, why create people in the first place? Why get angry when something that you know will happen, happens. Don't you understand the logic here? Is not like he suspected it, he already knew. The whole thing makes no sense.
I don't think you understand that just because you know something, doesn't mean that you are not angry about it. If you knew your house was going to burn down tomorrow, you might even become more angry knowing about it ahead of time, especially if you knew that you couldn't do anything about it until after it burned.
You are way too simplistic in your thinking. God gave people reasoning ability, similar in some ways that God is. You knew that your kids were going to mess up their lives at times, long before you and your missus got together. You still have the kids. You still get angry when they mess up.
Are you really trying to prove yourself an idiot by asking questions like these?
The problem is, that god can do something about it, he can do anything, can't he? If I know that my house will get burned tomorrow and I can prevent it then I will just prevent it, it makes no sense to not do anything about it knowing it's going to happen and then get angry, why would I be angry? It makes no sense as I said. God makes no sense.
If I knew my kids will mess up their lives and I can do something to help them then I will just do something to help them, considering god can do anything then again makes no sense.