I understand your position perfectly. You got yourself deep into this cult and you will always try to explain and justify obvious holes in your religious storyline.
So cancer is people's fault. Nice. I get it. It cannot be God because God is perfect and good (yeah right)
But little kids, c'mon man. What sins did a 3 month old child do who died of cancer? Where are your Christian morals. To kill children with cancer is not right, man.
Next time you pray, say three times "Hey God, af_newbie said you go fuck yourself, you motherfucker!"
You have my vote for Best comment in the "Fuck You" to Badecker's god!
So much anger and rage.
The question of why innocents suffer is a hard one.
There is indisputably tremendous suffering in the world. Most of it is created by Man in our inhumanity to each other and our moral failings. Some, however, comes from random disasters such as tornadoes or an unlucky cancer.
In providing us with Ethical Monotheism God has given us the tools we need to build a better and more advanced society. This limits the evils of Man against Man. It also enables us, as we progress, to better mitigate random suffering such as that caused by natural disasters. Someday we will be able to cure or better yet prevent cancer. In some cases we have already made great progress. Childhood Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) had a 10% survival rate in the 1960s today that survival rate is around 90%.
See: Religion and Progress for details on how Ethical Monotheism drives progress.
Why does God not simply impose his will on us and remove all evil from the world? Because if God or any other power did this we would no longer be free but the slaves of that power. We have been given free will to choose good over evil. If we all choose good then the random sufferings of natural disasters and even cancer will take care of themselves gradually vanishing with time and progress.
Yes! But when you look at the responses of the majority of people here, these people seem to want ignorance, if they can only maintain the idea of "God" outside of their lives.
There is a little Bible passage that says wording like, If God had not shortened those days, no flesh would be saved. In other words, at the end times, people will set themselves so extremely against God, that even the saved people would be twisted into losing their salvation.
When I explain this, perhaps it gives fuel to the fire of the ungodly people a little. But that's kinda okay. Sure, it would be good if evil did not exist. But if evil people force themselves harshly against the saved, Jesus will return and make the evil to NOT exist. Then, He will take His people to their new home, the New Earth in the New Heavens.
Will there really be a new universe? The language regarding this in the Revelation and elsewhere is a bit difficult to understand. But it seems that God is going to actually make a new universe.
Can God do this? There is only one thing to say about it. We simply have to believe what God says. After all, nobody knows the details of the way God made this universe. We don't even know a tiny touch of how He did it. In the same way, we don't know how He could make another one. All we can do is believe... or doubt.