I signed up to dump some bitcion cash, but stuck around and traded a multiple of my crypto net worth on your platform.
Overall, my experience is positive, however I encountered some issues:
1) memory leak bug:
When I open the exchange page, the memory footprint grows and grows to >1.3GB (according to chrome task manager) at which point I have to refresh (my computer only has 8GB of ram and many opened tabs)
2) wrong fee displayed:
I almost got a heart attack when seeing the 10%, 7% fee and fee rebate numbers on the trading page. Not cool. Thank god for the trollbox, where I found peace.
3) before depositing my bitcoin cash, I saw using this exchange as as significant risk, after reading this thread and other threads on bitcointalk.
Your account has a negative rep next to its name. I've never heard of this exchange before. So if you want more people to join, you'll need to find a way for people to trust your exchange.
4) on the verification page, it is stated that "Cryptocurrency withdrawal" for the "General" verification level is "5,000 EUR equivalent / day". What's up with that? I withdrew way more than that with my "General" verification level .
5) On
https://hitbtc.com/fees-and-limits there's a different fee for btc withrawal than when actually withdrawing: "0.0003 ฿" vs "0.00085 BTC"
6) an uncapped 2% withdrawal fee for >50k€? That's a bit extreme!
7) In the future I might start trading under a (European) corporate entity. How would verification work in that case?