hobonickels-qt: src/kernel.cpp:372: unsigned int GetStakeModifierChecksum(const CBlockIndex*, bool): Assertion `pindex->pprev || pindex->GetBlockHash() == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet)' failed.
If I comment out that line in the code, it dies anyway.
2017-07-15 14:40:59 Using OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016
2017-07-15 14:40:59 Default data directory /home/ph4nt0m/.HoboNickels
2017-07-15 14:40:59 Used data directory /home/ph4nt0m/.HoboNickels
2017-07-15 14:40:59 init message: Verifying database integrity...
2017-07-15 14:40:59 dbenv.open LogDir=/home/ph4nt0m/.HoboNickels/database ErrorFile=/home/ph4nt0m/.HoboNickels/db.log
2017-07-15 14:41:00 splitthreshold set to 100000000
2017-07-15 14:41:00 combinethreshold set to 200000000
2017-07-15 14:41:00 Bound to [::]:7372
2017-07-15 14:41:00 Bound to
2017-07-15 14:41:00 init message: Loading block index...
2017-07-15 14:41:00 Opening LevelDB in /home/ph4nt0m/.HoboNickels/txleveldb
2017-07-15 14:41:00 Transaction index version is 70600
2017-07-15 14:41:00 Opened LevelDB successfully
2017-07-15 14:42:43 ERROR: CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : Failed stake modifier checkpoint height=0, modifier=0x0000000000000000
If I delete the chain data and sync again, it gets stuck at 90-something days ago. Restart and the same crap happens.
Please move to 1.5.3.(0 or 1). That version messed up the txleveldb and blk0001.dat versions. You get that version and then grab the block chain from hobonickels.info.