Meiner Meinung nach zu 99,99% scam. Dieser Typ produziert nur viel heisse Luft. Finger weg!
100% Scam!
Alle Gauner sind da drin
Ich kanns nur bestätigen! Finger weg!!!
Vor allem vor Kimble, ich quote mich mal selber....:
The business models of Kim Schmitz aka Kimble aka Kim Tim Jim Vestor aka Kim Dotcom are quiet easy to understand, he and his business partners betray all others for personal profit.
His history in brief:
1) He was arrested for trafficking stolen phone calling cards, released, arrested again... 11 counts of computer fraud and 10 for data espionage.
2) He worked together with Günther Freiherr von Gravereuth to snitch out Kim´s own friends who were running BBS´ just for the sake of making cash and selling the data to the cops, he even posed to be a girl in various amiga/c64 newspaper who is searching for people to send her warez (on floppys...back then)... of course all he wanted was the address data so he could sell them to Günther and his cop friends.
His fake name back then was "Tanja" a german girls name he had a large success with to snitch out tons of nerds who did nothing than helping "her".
3) He stole a hack from mr ma****** and became telekom employeer in germany, or well he founded his own company called DataProtect who got paid by Telekom..., they paid him not to publish it, a hack he didn´t even do himself, he managed to steal a hack, thats just ridiculous.
It was a bug/exploit in the GSM system of Deutsche Telekom Mobil D-1 (germanies largest phone provider) - just for info; he stole that hack from someone else and made cash with it.
4) He claimed he hacked the Citibank and wired Greenpeace 20 MIO USD; Greenpeach knows absolutely nothing about this.
5) He bought stocks from, pumped and dumped them....stock market fraud + insider trading.
6) He fled to Thailand, tried to kill himself (or at least he said so online...) arrested again for the stock market fraud in germany.
7) He moved to honkgong, registered a bullshit company called Kimpire Limited, he made shit like Hackers against Jihad after 11. September, yes he even wanted to profit from one of the worst terrorist attacks ever.
Cool Hongkong made a case against him because stock market fraud, kim fatcom left HK and has gone to New Zealand.
9) NZ is so fucking stupid and lets him in, without checking why he had to flew from HK, once again totally bankrupt of course.
10) He founded Megaupload bullshit...and the rest is known....
11) Shit blows up, FBI wants to fuck him, everyone who knows Kim from the past wishes the FBI succeeds.
12) He found new scam idiots, this time Karl Grey and Max Keiser, all already known for the pump and dump. Keiser even having a tv show in mother russia...