So, my friend is participating in the subscription campaign in the OUTOFTHLOUD project.
then something has changed and now
The rewards program began on August 1 and continues to this day. It has been 8 long months. Posts in social networks stopped at the end of 2018. For all Telegram questions, when the program ends for a fee, my friend gets one answer - after Ico. When asked when Ico will end - silence.
It’s a pity to throw a signature, it turns out 8 months of work wasted ...
Tell me, is there a limit on the duration of Ico? It can not last forever?
I guess I would rather answer your question in a generalize way but in some case sarcasm.
Basically, ICO last forever, yes I am saying that because as long as investors are there, market of ICO's will still collect huge volume of bitcoins, ETH, and etc. Yes, ICO's last forever, from 3 months of road map finalization to a year of despair for investors and bounty hunters waiting for their project to succeed. And yes, ICO's last forever.