Hi guys, there are so many ICOs, such as those listed in
https://www.coinschedule.com. It's pretty hard to review them one by one.
Which elements I need to consider, the team? the product? the promoting technology? or something else?
Thanks for any suggestions
The website - the person of any project, and ICO - not an exception. Therefore important to begin project assessment with it. Usually are posted on the website: information on the project, a contact information and the offer to buy tokens.
It is very important to study the official description of the project. In it usually potential investors are told about architecture of the project, the market and risks. Special attention is paid to technical details. Here the project purposes have to be designated, the business plan and also accurately is provided and financing stages are it is clear specified. The purposes have to be logical and achievable. If the official description contains examples of a code or the reference to storage of data, is a good sign. The more technical details, the better.
If the idea is formulated vaguely, or authors abuse terminology to disguise a lack of sense of the message, is a bad omen.
The good team is not less than 50% of success of the project. Therefore it is important that on the website there was information on participants of team, with the detailed description of their experience and a contact information. The project will look it more convincing if some of its participants already have behind shoulders other successful projects in the field of technology a blockchain.
Road map
Besides told above, the reliable website of ICO has to contain the road map describing financing stages what money, and time frames of implementation of the project will be spent for. It is necessary to pay attention to whether answer planned in the road map to the purpose to general purposes of the project, and how really to reach them in the specified terms.
If authors promise to make something improbable in very short time, it has to guard.
Having finished carrying out such research, it is necessary to estimate whether application in this project of technology a blockchain is justified. If it is not clear how the final product will benefit from use of this technology and as will be able to be ahead due to it of competitors, it is better not to be got involved in such ICO.
In choosing a good ICO you must gather some informations about this ICO where it is base find out what are the offerings it brought to the ads ,then you could also ask your friend about this ICOs , then try to search the manager of this ICOs if he can be trusted and how he manage the projects , how he bring good profits to his members and his advices.It also important to joint this campaign the persons that can be trusted after all this project is vanishing like dust and no more.